2 Billion Trees Program ongoing call for proposals

2 Billion Trees: Planting today for a better tomorrow. Follow us #2BillionTrees

The ongoing call for proposals is open. Learn more about the process and your eligibility here. Apply today!

When can I apply?

The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program has launched an ongoing call for proposals – applications can be submitted anytime. The 2BT program will process and assess proposals based on the submission date and provide decisions at specific intervals.

Tree Planting Stream: for organizations, including for-profit organizations and non-profit organizations interested in tree planting projects.

Indigenous Funding Stream: for Indigenous governments/communities/organizations interested in tree planting and/or capacity building projects.

Upcoming decision dates for the Tree Planting Stream and the Indigenous Funding Stream:

Capacity Building Stream: for non-profit organizations seeking to focus on activities that build and transfer knowledge, expertise and experience related to planting and managing trees and forests. The program will prioritize projects that demonstrate that the funded activities will directly support future 2BT planting activities.

Indigenous governments/organizations/communities interested in applying for capacity building projects can apply through the Indigenous Funding Stream.

Please note that there is a limited pool of funding to support capacity building projects and applications are not guaranteed funding. This stream is currently closed. Please sign up for the 2BT distribution list for when it will re-open.

Apply today

To apply for funding, select the following button to assess your eligibility. After the assessment is completed, an Apply now button may appear.

If you require help, contact the 2BT program.

Assess your eligibility to apply today

After you apply

The 2BT program is a merit-based competitive process. After you apply, you will learn if your project meets the mandatory eligibility criteria within a few weeks.

If your project meets the criteria, the next step is a robust evaluation process to determine if your project will be able to meet the goals and adhere to the principles of the 2BT program. The proposal evaluation process may include:

The program aims to provide most final decisions within 6 months of the application. The time required varies and can depend on the project complexity, the need for additional information, and the types of revisions required.


Contact us for webinar dates and registration details on the general 2 Billion Trees program. The webinars will provide you with information on how to submit your online application and will include a question and answer period with program officials.

For webinar dates and more information on the Indigenous Funding Stream, contact the 2BT Indigenous stream mailbox.

Contact us

For more information about the application or the webinars, contact the 2BT program.

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