The Modernized Official Languages Act
The Official Languages Act plays a key role in the lives of Canadians.
Its purpose is to:
- Ensure respect for English and French as the official languages of Canada in government and parliamentary institutions by recognizing the right in certain circumstances to:
- Communicate with and receive services from federal institutions in the official languages of one’s choice,
- Work in English and French in federal institutions.
- Support the development and vitality of official language minority communities.
- Set out the powers, duties and functions of federal institutions with respect to the official languages of Canada.
The Official Languages Act was modernized with Bill C-13 which received Royal Assent in June 2023.
Some of the key measures in the modernization are:
- Improving access to justice with:
- The right to express oneselves in the language of one’s choice before the federal courts without having a negative impact on that person.
- The right to simultaneous translation for a greater number of federal court decisions.
- Strengthening Francophone immigration with the adoption of a Francophone immigration policy to contribute to the demographic weight of French linguistic minority communities.
- Strengthening bilingual leadership in the public service by requiring that deputy ministers and associate deputy ministers in departmentsFootnote 1 take language training in order to be able to speak and understand clearly both official languages.
The Official Languages Act supports the development of official language minority communities and the advancement of the two official languages in Canadian society. This includes a commitment to strengthening opportunities for Francophones and Anglophones in minority situations to receive an education in their own language and to encourage the learning of English and French as second languages throughout the country.
With the modernization, the Act now explicitly includes the periodic estimation of the number of rights-holders and additional details for federal institutions when they consult Canadians. The powers of the Commissioner of Official Languages are now expanded.
It has the following positive effects:
- Promoting the expression of Canada’s cultural diversity.
- Increasing opportunities for economic and cultural exchanges at the international level.
- Strengthening Canadian leadership and diplomacy in many international organizations.
The Official Languages Act is an Act that affects all Canadians. It promotes English and French and supports the vitality of official language minority communities across the country, so that every individual can enrich the country through their contribution. From now on, the Act will need to be reviewed every 10 years.
For more information, consult:
Backgrounder – Details on the modernization of the Official Languages Act -
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