Summary of the Grouped Arts Evaluation 2013-14 to 2017-18

Evaluation Services Directorate
August 20, 2019

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List of acronyms and abbreviations

Canadian Heritage
Gender-Based Analysis Plus
Canada Arts Presentation Fund
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Canada Cultural Investment Fund
Grants and Contribution
Operations and Maintenance
Canada Arts Training Fund


The Grouped Arts Evaluation examined the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of three Arts Branch programs, as required by the Financial Administration Act and the Treasury Board Policy on Results (2016).

Programs description

Canada Arts Presentation Fund (CAPF) provides grants and contributions (G&C) funding to organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series, as well as their support organizations.Footnote 1

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund (CAPF) provides financial support to eligible organizations for the improvement, renovation and construction of arts and heritage facilities, for the acquisition of specialized equipment and for feasibility studies for cultural infrastructure projects.

Canada Cultural Investment Fund (CCIF) provides funding to eligible organizations to help them build and diversify their revenue streams and encourage private sector investment through endowments, promote partnerships, improve their business practices, and increase their recognition in the community through strategic initiatives.

Total G&C and O&M (Operations and Maintenance) expenditures from 2013-14 to 2017-18


There was a demonstrated need for each of the programs.


Increased access to a variety of professional artistic experiences across Canada.

Percentage of CAPF approved applications: 86%

Percentage of CAPF-surveyed recipients who reported that the program had helped them “to a great or moderate extent”: 83%

On average, the CAPF achieved its annual targets for distribution of funding among disciplines, 2013-14 to 2017-18.
Discipline Target/Baseline (Annual) Achievement (Annual Average)
Music 71% 71%
Theatre 44% 45%
Dance 41% 39%
Literature 11% 11%
Visual Arts 13% 10%
Media Art 9% 9%


Responded to the demand for modern arts and heritage spaces that reflect changing cultural, accessibility, and technical equipment needs.

Funded organizations featured programming that included a variety of disciplines, programming for young audiences, and those located in rural or remote regions.


Encouraged private funding in arts organizations, and helped arts and heritage organizations improve their business practices, capacity and partnerships.

All programs

The three programs aligned with PCH and federal government priorities and responsibilities by:

These programs also complemented other sources of federal, PT, and municipal funding.

Performance and efficiency

The arts programs achieved their expected long-term outcomes while delivering their programs efficiently and within the established service standards. The 2017 results showed increased achievement when compared to 2012.

Grouped Arts Programs’ achievement of long-term results

CAPF: Canadians participated in artistic events (attended at least one arts performance in the last year).

CCSF: Canadians had good or very good access to cultural spaces.

CCIF: Canadians donated to arts or cultural organizations (made a donation of money, goods, or services in the past year).

CAPF/CCSF/CCIF/CATFFootnote 2: Canadians appreciated artistic experiences (arts and cultural events were important in terms of their quality of life and that of their families).

The CAPF, CCIF and CCSF were delivered efficiently, and the costs incurred were consistent with ratios reported in past evaluations.

The programs met service standards for acknowledging receipt of applications.

Though all programs struggled to meet service standards related to the timeliness of funding decisions in the initial years of the evaluation (2013-14 to 2014-15), all three improved their timeliness in the last two years (2016-17 and 2017-18).

Some program design challenges remained such as:

Continued barriers accessing program funding among smaller and underserved organizationsFootnote 3 due to:

Issues with processes for performance data collection, monitoring, reporting, and reliability due to:


The evaluation recommends that the Senior Associate Deputy Minister, Cultural Affairs:

  1. Develop steps to mitigate barriers to all programs for smaller organizations and underserved groups to improve their access to the programs with the aim of removing unintended barriers.
  2. Review and improve the current performance measurement indicators and data collection tools for the arts programs, including methodologies and systems, to ensure that data collected is meaningful, accurate, and useful.

©Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, 2019.
Catalogue No.: CH7-20/2-2019E-PDF
ISBN: 978-0-660-32382-4

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