Transcript of Canadian Firefighters Memorial (youth version) - Decoding ART - Heritage Monuments
[Canadian Heritage signature]
Narrator: "This capsule is presented by Canadian Heritage."
[Overall view of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial grounds; the firefighter statue and the memorial wall]
Narrator: "It isn’t just by chance that this location was chosen for the Canadian Firefighters Memorial. This site has quite a story associated with it. On the morning of April 26, 1900, a huge fire"
[The firefighter statue]
Narrator: "ravaged through Hull, now called Gatineau, destroying about 1,300 buildings. Then, if you can imagine, the fire crossed the Ottawa River and destroyed over 1,400 more buildings."
[Government buildings]
Narrator: "After many hours fighting the fire, the firefighters finally got it under control right at this very spot."
[Overall view of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial grounds]
Narrator: "Being a firefighter is a very risky job. Besides fighting fires, they also work to save people’s lives when traffic accidents happen and when natural disasters strike. They protect us, our homes and our environment. Whether they work in forests, airports or as part of the military,"
[Close-up of the firefighter statue]
Narrator: "firefighters also play another very important role — in fire prevention. They go and visit schools, where they meet students,"
[Overall view of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial grounds]
Narrator: "and talk to them about fire safety. Sadly, despite all the safety precautions that they take, some firefighters don’t make it back from the job"
[Close-up of firefighter statue zooming out to reveal full Canadian Firefighters Memorial grounds]
Narrator: "This monument, the Canadian Firefighters Memorial, is a tribute to all the men and women who have died in the line of duty."
[The bronze firefighter statue]
Narrator: "The huuuuuge bronze statue of a firefighter and the super tall fire pole represent about 200,000 Canadian firefighters,"
[Men in uniform]
Narrator: "who work every day to protect us."
[Overall view of the Canadian Firefighters Memorial grounds]
Narrator: "The statue is pointing toward the memorial wall, where the names are engraved of over 1,100 heroic firefighters who died in the line of duty."
[Canada Wordmark]