Video - An aerial view of the National Holocaust Monument

This aerial view of the monument clearly shows that it is shaped like a star.

Transcript of An aerial view of the National Holocaust Monument

Video length: 00:00:33

No narration during this video.

Instrumental music plays throughout.

Image on screen: The camera moves toward the name of the monument which is inscribed on a large rectangular slab of concrete: National Holocaust Monument. The sun glints behind the sign. The camera rises over the top of the monument; then we see stairs leading up to a terrace. The camera now pans right and we see a mural of a barbed-wire fence of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest of the Nazi killing centres. The camera then moves to the largest mural, which depicts an abandoned rail bed in Treblinka that was used to transport Jews to the killing centre.

Image on screen: Dedication plaque from a distance, then the camera focuses on part of the writing on the plaque. The camera rises higher and higher over the top of the monument, revealing part of its star shape.  The monument gleams white in the sunshine.  The camera pulls away, revealing the entire monument with its jagged triangles that rise out of the ground and the busy intersection at Booth and Wellington Street in Ottawa in the background.

Text on screen: National Holocaust Monument Monument national de l'Holocauste

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