Online survey results for the Global Affairs Canada Commemorative Artwork

From December 2 to 16, 2021, the Government of Canada posted a survey asking families, stakeholders and the Canadian public to share their thoughts on the design concepts proposed by the following four finalist teams.

A total of 1087 valid surveys were analysed (977 English, 110 French). In cases where multiple surveys were submitted from the same IP address and were deemed to be overly similar, only one survey was counted.

Question 1 – Form and Character

The following survey question allowed multiple responses. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

There are several criteria for form and character that the designs for the commemorative artwork should achieve. Which designs do you think best respond to these criteria? You may select more than one design per criteria.

Percentage of respondents who think the design effectively responds to the following criteria for form and character:
Total # respondents per question Team Anholt Team Leinster Team Rapoport Team MacLeod
The commemoration expresses the themes of dedication and sacrifice. 1533 68.1% 20% 27.3% 29.2%
Those who died in their service to Canada are honoured in a meaningful way. 1615 66.6% 19.6% 31.1% 34.4%
The design is contemporary, enduring, and reflective of Canada. 1422 72.4% 15.9% 22.7% 21.9%

Question 2 – Visitor Experience

The following survey question allowed multiple responses. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

The Commemorative Artwork will offer several experiences for visitors. Which designs do you think would most effectively perform these functions? You may select more than one design per criteria.

Percentage of respondents who think the design effectively performs the following visitor experience functions:
Total # respondents per question Team Anholt Team Leinster Team Rapoport Team MacLeod
Creates a tranquil and contemplative space conducive to reflection and remembrance. 1590 66.3% 24% 26.6% 33.2%
Serves as an appropriate setting for informal gatherings and small ceremonies. 1514 68.1% 20.9% 29.5% 25.7%
Harmonizes with the landscape setting to offer a welcoming place of repose. 1419 70.3% 19.4% 22.9% 22.7%

Question 3 – Impressions of Proposed Commemorative Artwork Designs

To be effective, the commemorative artwork should resonate with visitors emotionally and visually.

Enter up to three adjectives that describe your impressions of each design. Only one word can be entered in each box. You may comment on any or all of the proposed designs.

Note: Word count results were combined around the root adjective (e.g., “reflective” also includes reflects, reflecting, reflection) and includes variant spelling and misspelled words (e.g., reflexion, refelctive). In cases where respondents provided the same adjective three times, the adjective was only counted once.

Results with a minimum count of 2 and a weighted percentage of at least .75% of the total words received for each team in each language are included in the tables below in descending order.

English Results
Team Anholt Team Leinster Team MacLeod Team Rapoport
Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count
Canadian 79 busy 28 interesting 24 phallic 31
beauty 77 confusing 26 contemplative 23 cold 27
elegant 42 cluttered 20 thoughtful 20 simple 26
natural 42 heavy 17 confusing 18 thoughtful 18
peaceful 42 like 17 cold 16 elegant 16
uplifting 41 boring 14 peaceful 16 contemplative 15
inspiring 36 cold 13 reflective 14 respectful 15
evocative 30 reflective 13 beautiful 13 reflective 14
dynamic 27 global 12 abstract 12 boring 13
moving 27 peaceful 12 modern 11 stark 13
symbolic 27 rocks 12 solemn 11 beautiful 11
meaningful 26 natural 11 unique 11 calm 10
reflective 26 thoughtful 11 creative 10 confusing 10
thoughtful 26 ugly 11 complicated 9 flowing 10
graceful 22 tranquil 10 calming 8 interesting 10
movement 21 clunky 9 concrete 8 solemn 10
striking 19 complex 9 elegant 8 enduring 9
connection 18 contemplative 9 emotional 8 love 9
hopeful 18 design 9 monumental 8 monumental 9
simple 18 interesting 9 moving 8 natural 9
light 16 disjointed 8 powerful 8 peaceful 9
poetic 16 graveyard 8 tranquil 8 serene 9
tranquil 16 static 8 - - monolithic 8
maple 14 - - - - obelisk 8
French Results
Team Anholt Team Leinster Team MacLeod Team Rapoport
Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count Adjective Count
canadien 9 monde 5 lumineux 4 simple 9
aérien 7 naturel 5 original 4 froid 4
beau 6 confus 4 recueillement 4 phallique 3
nature 6 lourd 4 complexe 3 fluide 2
représentatif 5 famille 3 froid 3 minimalist 2
inspirant 4 paisible 3 imposant 3 solennel 2
léger 4 beau 2 intriguant 3 solitaire 2
mouvement 4 carré 2 massif 3 vide 2
simple 4 chargé 2 abstrait 2 - -
apaisant 3 complexe 2 apaisant 2 - -
canada 3 compliqué 2 calm 2 - -
élegant 3 dur 2 compliqué 2 - -
envol 3 éparpillé 2 confus 2 - -
espoir 3 froid 2 infini 2 - -
esthétique 3 l’étranger 2 moderne 2 - -
évocateur 3 massif 2 paisible 2 - -
naturel 3 mégalithe 2 simple 2 - -
paisible 3 rassembleur 2 symbolique 2 - -
chaleureux 2 reposant 2 triste 2 - -
couleur 2 représentatif 2 - - - -
créatif 2 respect 2 - - - -
émouvant 2 roches 2 - - - -
force 2 tranquille 2 - - - -
harmonieux 2 - - - - - -
l’emphase 2 - - - - - -
liberté 2 - - - - - -
magnifique 2 - - - - - -
majestueux 2 - - - - - -
nostalgie 2 - - - - - -
racine 2 - - - - - -
rotating 2 - - - - - -
samare 2 - - - - - -
symbolique 2 - - - - - -
tourbillon 2 - - - - - -
vie 2 - - - - - -
voyage 2 - - - - - -

Question 4 – Demographic Questions

Do you live in the National Capital Region?
Number of respondents: 993 Responses Percent%
Yes 486 48.9%
No 507 51.1%
If not, in which province or territory do you live?
Number of respondents: 485 Responses Percent%
British Columbia 192 39.6%
Alberta 51 10.5%
Saskatchewan 3 0.6%
Manitoba 3 0.6%
Ontario 168 34.6%
Quebec 43 8.9%
New Brunswick 9 1.9%
Nova Scotia 12 2.5%
Prince Edward Island 2 0.4%
Newfoundland and Labrador 1 0.2%
Yukon 0
Northwest Territories 1 0.2%
Nunavut 0

The following survey question allowed multiple responses. This means that each respondent could select more than one answer. As a result, the percentages may add up to more than 100%.

Please choose the category with which you most identify for the purpose of this consultation? You can choose more than one category.
Number of unique respondents: 993 Responses Percent %
A current employee of the Government of Canada who has worked in a Canadian mission abroad 254 25.6%
A retired employee of the Government of Canada who worked in a Canadian mission abroad 80 8.1%
A family member of an employee of the Government of Canada who worked in a Canadian mission abroad 66 6.7%
A member of the general public 607 61.1%

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