Creative Export Navigator Service

Our export advisors provide Canadian creative industry companies and organizations with free support through:

  • Export guidance for new and early-stage exporters
  • Assistance navigating government programs and services focused on export for which they might be eligible
  • Market research on key international trade destinations
  • Answers to questions about the Creative Export Strategy’s programs and services

On this page

Attend a Creative Export Seminar

Are you part of a company or organization in the creative industries that is ready to export, or new to exporting and looking to break into international markets? Find out about government funding programs and services for creative exporters at one of our upcoming seminars.

You’ll learn about the Creative Export Strategy, which offers funding for export-ready and export development projects, as well as international business opportunities, such as trade missions and business programming at trade and cultural events abroad.

You’ll also hear about export funding and services support offered by our government partners, such as:

Upcoming seminars

Sign up for a seminar in your area by email at, indicating the city and the language (if applicable) of the seminar you wish to attend. More information will be sent to those who register.

Tools and resources

Contact us

To connect with an export advisor and to find out more.



Please note that any advice or information provided by advisors of the Navigator Service does not guarantee funding nor eligibility to programs. The Navigator Service is independent and does not recommend submitted projects. All program funding decisions will be made and communicated by the program administrators.

Privacy Notice

The collection of personal information is authorized by section 4(2)j) of the Department of Canadian Heritage and is required to administer the Creative Export Navigator Service, which aims to offer a single point of contact to creative industry stakeholders, in order to answer questions about programs and services, and provide market intelligence and support to new and early-stage exporters. Collection and use of this personal information are in accordance with the Privacy Act. The information collected will be used to provide you with a personalized service and for tracking and reporting purposes. The personal information collected will be retained for at least two years after the last time the personal information was used for an administrative purpose, unless the individual consents to its disposal. If you refuse to provide the requested information, you may not receive the services. Under the Privacy Act you have the right of access to, and correction of, your personal information. To exercise either of these rights, contact Canadian Heritage’s ATIP Coordinator by email at If you are not satisfied with Canadian Heritage’s response to your privacy concern, you may wish to contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada by telephone at 1-800-282-1376.

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