Folding the National Flag of Canada — practice flag

DISCLAIMER: The lines and text on this flag are present for instructional purposes only, exceptionally by permission of Canadian Heritage. Their purpose is to indicate the proper way to fold the National Flag of Canada. In all other circumstances, one should not write on the National Flag of Canada, add anything to the flag’s surface (by pinning, sewing or gluing/pasting), or cut or otherwise alter the flag. In order to fold the flag properly, the flag must have the proper proportions (2:1). Please cut the flag out of this page in order to obtain a flag of the right proportions.
Description of folding steps


  1. The flag is folded in half along its long axis. The bottom of the flag is folded under.
  2. The flag is again folded in half along its long axis. The lower part of the flag is folded under.
  3. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The right part of the flag is folded over.
  4. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag is folded over.
  5. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag is folded under.
  6. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag is folded over.
  7. This is what the flag looks like when properly folded.

Alternate format

Folding the National Flag of Canada — practice flag [PDF version - 88.5 KB]

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