Folding the National Flag of Canada — quick reference

This figure illustrates the proper sequence of folds required to fold the National Flag of Canada correctly according to federal flag protocol.
Description of sequence follows


  1. The flag is folded in half along its long axis. The bottom of the flag (to the left in this image) is folded under.
  2. The flag is again folded in half along its long axis. The lower part of the flag (to the left in this image) is folded under.
  3. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The right part of the flag (towards the bottom in this image) is folded over.
  4. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag (towards the bottom in this image) is folded over.
  5. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag (towards the bottom in this image) is folded under.
  6. The flag is folded in half along its short axis. The left part of the flag (towards the bottom in this image) is folded over.
  7. This is what the flag looks like when properly folded.

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Folding the National Flag of Canada — quick reference [PDF version - 356 KB]

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