CAVCO Public Notice 2006-01
NOTE: This public notice is for reference only. Please read the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) application guidelines for the most current information on this topic.
Ottawa, 30 May 2006
Change to administrative policy for the Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC) program
The Canadian Audio-Visual Certification Office (CAVCO) announces an administrative policy change regarding the Official Designee Affidavit for the PSTC program.
- With respect to the PSTC program, CAVCO may issue an accreditation certificate to an eligible corporation certifying that the production has met all the program requirements. The copyright owner(s) must apply to CAVCO using a copy of the prescribed application form. However, for administrative convenience, the copyright owner(s) may appoint an agent known as the Official Designee to apply for accreditation on its behalf. Where an Official Designee is appointed, the copyright owner(s) must sign and have notarized the Official Designee Affidavit and provide the requisite documentation confirming copyright ownership to the Official Designee for transmission to CAVCO.
- CAVCO has required that, in the case of multiple copyright owners, each copyright owner must submit a notarized Official Designee Affidavit to CAVCO.
New policy
- After review of CAVCO’s administrative policy, it has been determined that only one affidavit from one of the copyright owners will be sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the PSTC program.
- This public notice (PN CAVCO 2006-01) is for informational purposes only. There is no call for comments related to this policy change.
- Any inquiries regarding this public notice can be made by contacting CAVCO.
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