Commemoration of Nelson Mandela

His Excellency Nelson Mandela

Former President of the Republic of South Africa - 1994-1999

July 18, 1918 – December 5, 2013

Nelson Mandela was held in esteem by many Canadians. He was made an honorary Companion of the Order of Canada in 1998 and received honorary Canadian Citizenship in 2001.


Mr. Mandela becomes an Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada Awarded on September 3, 1998; invested on September 24, 1998

Nelson Mandela plants a tree at Rideau Hall on September 24, 1998, the day he was invested into the Order of Canada as an Honorary Companion.

Mr. Mandela becomes an Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada

Nelson Mandela is invested as an Honorary Companion of the Order of Canada by the Late Right Honourable Roméo LeBlanc, 25th Governor General of Canada, on September 24, 1998. Mr. Mandela's citation:

He is a universal symbol of triumph over oppression who has inspired people everywhere to work peacefully to end intolerance and injustice. A towering figure in the transition from apartheid to democracy in South Africa, he has emerged as one of this century's greatest statesmen and humanitarians, recognized the world over for his dignity, moral strength, and integrity. His lifelong struggle for freedom, justice, and equality guarantee his presence in the history books of generations to come.

Message from Nelson Mandela inscribed in Canada's Golden Book

Mr. Nelson Mandela
Deputy President of the
African National Congress

Canada has given the people of South Africa enormous strength and courage to fight and destroy one of the brutal systems of repression the world has seen. That today we feel confident that freedom is at hand is due in no small measure to your support and encouragement.
Winnie Mandela
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela became an honorary citizen of Canada in 2001

Nelson Mandela delivers a speech at a ceremony in 2001 where he became an honorary citizen of Canada.

Nelson Mandela became an honorary citizen of Canada in 2001

Nelson Mandela at the Canadian Museum of Civilization at a ceremony in 2001 where he became an honorary citizen of Canada.

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