Events, celebrations and commemorations

Show your pride for this amazing country by participating in our many events and celebrations and in commemorating important moments and people in Canadian history.

Services and information

Major events and celebrations

Show your pride for Canada by participating in one of these major events and celebrations.

Celebrate being Canadian

Canadians are proud of their citizenship. We value the rights and freedoms and accept the responsibilities, that this status gives us.


Learn more about initiatives of national significance that commemorate important aspects of Canada's history and celebrate their anniversaries.

Experience Canada’s Capital Region

Experience Canada's capital through year-round activities, attractions and events in the region such as Canada Day and Winterlude.

Funding – Events, celebrations and commemorations

Get funding in support of national celebrations, commemorative events and anniversaries.

Protocol for events and ceremonies

Learn the protocol for special events and ceremonies in Canada, including honours and salutes, dress, and styles of address.


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