Building trust: Draft Annual Plan outlines the Bureau’s strategy to advance competition in the marketplace
News release
May 3, 2018 – OTTAWA, ON – Competition Bureau
The Competition Bureau released its draft 2018-19 Annual Plan: Building trust to advance competition in the marketplace for public comment today.
The draft Plan provides details on the Bureau’s priorities and objectives for the coming year. It outlines how the Bureau will pursue its work to foster more competition and innovation in Canada, and shows how building trust with consumers and businesses will continue to be at the heart of its efforts in 2018-19. This includes tackling high-impact cases that have a direct impact on the lives of Canadians, such as the ongoing investigation into bread price-fixing in Canada's grocery sector and allegations of anti-competitive and deceptive conduct in the health and biosciences sector.
In addition to enforcing Canada’s competition laws, in 2018-19, the Bureau plans to advance competition in the marketplace by:
- Empowering consumers and businesses with timely and accurate information to make informed decisions.
- Launching a study to help Canadians understand digital pricing practices and how they affect competition.
- Publishing revised Abuse of Dominance Guidelines to provide greater clarity on our approach to abuse of dominance cases.
- Increasing transparency on our approach to market studies by publishing a Market Studies Information Bulletin.
- Employing a wide range of advocacy tools, including a market study, to advocate in favour of competition and innovation.
- Conducting a study focused on efficiencies to stimulate discussions and support merger enforcement.
- Continuing to provide thought leadership and share our competition expertise, knowledge and insight with various levels of government, sector regulators, businesses and consumers.
Interested parties are invited to submit comments on the draft Plan through the online form, or by e-mail or regular mail by May 17, 2018 to:
Kristen McLean
Competition Bureau
50 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0C9
“This plan marks a year of transition as I conclude my term as Commissioner of Competition. It has been a privilege to serve Canadians in this capacity. Our work has positioned the Bureau to continue to ensure that consumers and businesses prosper in a competitive and innovative marketplace.”
John Pecman
Commissioner of Competition
Associated links
- 2018-2019 Annual Plan: Building trust to advance competition in the marketplace
- 2017-2018 Annual Plan: Competition is Key
- 2016–2017 Annual Plan: Strengthening Competition to Drive Innovation
- 2015–2018 Strategic Vision
- Action Plan on Transparency
- Feedback Form — 2018-2019 Annual Plan: Building trust to advance competition in the marketplace
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Telephone: 819-994-5945
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Competition Bureau
Telephone: 819-997-4282
Toll free: 1-800-348-5358
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The Competition Bureau, as an independent law enforcement agency, ensures that Canadian businesses and consumers prosper in a competitive and innovative marketplace.
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