Competition Bureau invites feedback on updated Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines
News release
November 1, 2018 – OTTAWA, ON – Competition Bureau
The Competition Bureau has published a draft version of its revised Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines (IPEGs) and invites interested parties to provide their comments.
The IPEGs clarify the Bureau’s approach to conducting investigations of alleged anti-competitive activities that involve intellectual property. By providing access to these guidelines, the Bureau makes it easier for those with a stake in intellectual property matters, such as the legal community and high-tech industries, to operate within the law.
The updates to the IPEGs presented today largely reflect changes to Canada’s regulations governing early generic pharmaceutical entry and recent jurisprudence. The updates are modest and will not substantially change the Bureau’s approach in enforcing the Competition Act with respect to matters involving intellectual property. The Bureau will continue to review the IPEGs as necessary and update them as required in light of experience, changing circumstances and court decisions.
Interested parties are invited to submit their views on the revised guidelines no later than December 31, 2018 by completing the online feedback form, or by sending comments to the coordinates below:
Competition Promotion Branch
Competition Bureau
50 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0C9
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