Competition Bureau invites feedback on draft model timing agreement for mergers involving claimed efficiencies
News release
July 16, 2019 - OTTAWA, ON - Competition Bureau
The Competition Bureau is inviting feedback on a draft model timing agreement for merger reviews where merging parties raise efficiencies claims that they would like the Commissioner of Competition to consider before taking enforcement action.
The purpose of the timing agreement is to ensure that the Bureau has the time and information it requires to properly assess the parties’ claimed efficiencies. The model agreement establishes timed stages for the parties’ engagement with the Bureau, including the production of evidence and information, throughout the review process.
Interested parties are invited to provide their views on the model agreement no later than August 30, 2019, by completing the online feedback form, or by mailing them to the following address:
Mergers Directorate
Competition Bureau
50 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0C9
Responses will be posted on the Bureau’s website, unless it is specifically requested that they be kept confidential.
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