Commissioner's directive 706: Classification of institutions
To ensure the appropriate classification of institutions and create an environment at all security levels that fosters constructive interaction, the delivery of programs and activities, and the development and maintenance of responsible behaviour by offenders.
Commissioner's Directive

Applies to all staff in federal institutions
- Responsibilities and Procedures
- Men's Institutions
- Multi-Level Institutions (Excluding Regional Treatment Centres)
- Women Offender Institutions
- Regional Treatment Centres (Multi-Level)
- Community Correctional Centres
- Annex A - Cross-References and Definitions
- Annex B - Security Classification of the Correctional Service of Canada's Institutions
Responsibilities and Procedures
- The Commissioner will:
- assign one of the following classifications to each institution: minimum, medium, maximum, clustered or multi-level security (see Annex B)
- establish behavioural norms and security requirements for each security level
- designate an institution as multi-level or clustered, with distinctions between programming and privileges as extended to the different security levels.
- Offenders are expected to:
- conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect for other persons and property
- obey penitentiary rules and regulations
- participate in programs, activities and/or interventions identified in their Correctional Plan.
Security Requirements
- Dynamic and static measures will reflect the degree of control required to maintain the security and stability of the institution and to protect the public, staff and offenders.
Men's Institutions
Minimum Security Institutions - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of a minimum security institution will be clearly defined but not normally directly controlled. The Institutional Head will communicate this information to all staff and inmates. Firearms will not be utilized for perimeter security, nor retained in the institution. However, the Institutional Head may permit the use of firearms during emergency situations.
Behavioural Norms
- Minimum security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly with minimal monitoring
- demonstrate a high level of motivation towards self-improvement by actively participating in their Correctional Plan.
CSC-Operated Healing Lodges/Healing Villages - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of a CSC-operated Healing Lodge/Healing Village will be defined but not normally directly controlled. This information will be communicated to all staff and inmates by the Institutional Head. Firearms will not be utilized for perimeter security, nor retained in Healing Lodges/Healing Villages. However, the Institutional Head may permit the use of firearms during emergency situations. The Healing Lodge/Healing Village accommodates male inmates classified at a minimum security level.
Behavioural Norms
- In addition to any other provisions regarding behavioural norms for inmates, inmates within Healing Lodges/Healing Villages are expected to demonstrate respect for Indigenous traditional healing concepts and commitment to participating in Indigenous programs and interventions that are consistent with their Correctional Plan/Healing Plan.
Medium Security Institutions - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of a medium security institution will be well defined, secure and controlled. Inmate movement and association will be regulated and normally monitored. Although firearms will be retained in the institution, they will not normally be deployed inside the perimeter.
Behavioural Norms
- Medium security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly while subject to regular direct/indirect monitoring
- demonstrate an interest and actively participate in their Correctional Plan.
- To access a medium security institution offering a responsibility-based, small-group living environment, inmates will be expected to demonstrate:
- a capacity to manage responsibility for their own behaviour with minimal staff intervention
- a high level of motivation to participate in their Correctional Plan.
Maximum Security Institutions - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of a maximum security institution will be well defined, secure and controlled. Inmate movement and association will be strictly regulated and most often monitored. Firearms will be retained in the institution and may be deployed inside the perimeter.
Behavioural Norms
- Maximum security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly, while subject to frequent direct/indirect monitoring
- demonstrate at least a minimum interest in participating in their Correctional Plan.
Clustered Institutions - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of clustered institutions will vary depending upon the security level of the units associated with each institution:
- For clustered institutions with minimum security units, these unit groups will have clearly defined perimeters but not normally directly controlled. The Institutional Head will ensure all staff and inmates are aware of the defined perimeters for the minimum security unit groups. Firearms will not be utilized for perimeter security, nor retained in minimum security units.
- For clustered institutions with medium security units, these unit groups will have clearly defined, secure and controlled perimeters. Inmate movement and association will be regulated and supervised. Although firearms will be retained in the institution, they will not normally be deployed inside the perimeter and they will not be retained in medium security units.
- For clustered institutions with maximum security units, these unit groups will have well defined, secure and controlled perimeters. Inmate movement and association will be strictly regulated and directly supervised. Firearms will be retained in the institution and may be deployed inside the perimeter. Firearms may be retained in maximum security units.
Behavioural Norms
- Inmates in a clustered institution are expected to:
- interact in a manner that respects their security classification and/or classification of the unit in which they are incarcerated (refer to previous paragraphs for corresponding expectations)
- demonstrate an interest in their Correctional Plan (refer to previous paragraphs for corresponding expectations).
Special Handling Unit - Male Inmates
- The perimeter of the Special Handling Unit will be well defined, secure and strictly controlled. Inmate movement and association will be strictly regulated and rigidly controlled with a high degree of monitoring. Firearms will be retained in the institution and may be deployed inside the perimeter.
Behavioural Norms
- Inmates in the Special Handling Unit are expected to:
- interact in a non-violent and non-threatening manner while normally subject to constant direct/indirect monitoring
- participate in correctional planning intended to modify their attitudes and stabilize their behaviours so they can function without serious incident in a maximum security institution.
Multi-Level Institutions (Excluding Regional Treatment Centres)
Behavioural Norms
- Inmates in a multi-level institution are expected to:
- interact in a manner that respects their security classification and/or classification of the unit in which they are incarcerated (refer to previous paragraphs for corresponding expectations)
- demonstrate an interest in their Correctional Plan (refer to previous paragraphs for corresponding expectations).
Women Offender Institutions
- The perimeter of women offender institutions will be well defined, secure and controlled. Where there is a minimum security unit outside the perimeter fence, the perimeter of this unit will be defined but not normally directly controlled. This information will be communicated to all staff and inmates by the Institutional Head. Dynamic security will be emphasized. Firearms will not be utilized for perimeter security, nor retained in women offender institutions. However, the Institutional Head may permit the use of firearms during emergency situations after consultation with the Regional Deputy Commissioner.
Minimum and Medium Security - Women Offenders
- Inmates at the minimum or medium security level will be incarcerated in a living unit.
- Women classified as minimum security may be housed in a living unit located inside the perimeter fence of the institution or in a unit outside the perimeter fence.
Security - Living Units
- Inmate movement and association will be regulated primarily through dynamic security involving regular monitoring and a high degree of interaction between staff and inmates.
Behavioural Norms
- Minimum security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly while subject to minimal monitoring
- demonstrate a high level of motivation towards self-improvement by actively participating in their Correctional Plan.
- Medium security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly while subject to regular direct/indirect monitoring
- demonstrate an interest and actively participate in their Correctional Plan.
CSC-Operated Healing Lodges - Women Offenders
- The perimeter of a CSC-operated Healing Lodge will be defined but not normally directly controlled. This information will be communicated to all staff and inmates by the Institutional Head. Firearms will not be utilized for perimeter security, nor retained in healing lodges. However, the Institutional Head may permit the use of firearms during emergency situations. The Healing Lodge accommodates women offenders classified at the minimum and/or medium security level.
Behavioural Norms
- In addition to any other provisions regarding behavioural norms for inmates, inmates within Healing Lodges are expected to:
- demonstrate respect for Indigenous traditional healing concepts, and commitment to participating in Indigenous programs and interventions that are consistent with their Correctional Plan/Healing Plan
- actively participate in their correctional plan and have a recent history of good behavioral conduct
- as per Annex G of CD 705-6 - Correctional Planning and Criminal Profile, be fully engaged in the "preparation for release" or "reintegration into the community" phase of their long-term offender Correctional Plan, if serving a sentence of 10 years to life.
Maximum Security - Women Offenders
Security - Secure Unit
- There are enhanced static security measures in the Secure Unit, including closed pods, a control post, cell accommodation and a secure yard. Movement and association within the unit are regulated and monitored.
Behavioural Norms
- Maximum security inmates are expected to:
- interact effectively and responsibly, while subject to frequent direct/indirect monitoring
- demonstrate at least a minimum interest in participating in their Correctional Plan.
Regional Treatment Centres (Multi-Level)
- The perimeter of the Regional Treatment Centre will be well defined, secure and controlled. Firearms will be retained in the treatment centre and will be utilized for perimeter security. However, they will only be deployed inside the treatment centre during emergency situations with the authorization of the Institutional Head.
Behavioural Norms
- The behavioural norms for inmates at Regional Treatment Centres will reflect their security level, and inmates are expected to comply with their treatment plan and Correctional Plan.
Community Correctional Centres
- Although Community Correctional Centres (CCC) are classified as minimum security institutions, due to their role in accommodating offenders on conditional release or on a long term supervision order, they are not required to conform to all minimum security standards (see CD 714 - Community Correctional Centre Standards).
Behavioural Norms
- Inmates/offenders in a CCC will:
- act in accordance with the behaviour expected of inmates/offenders residing in a CCC under community supervision
- comply with their Correctional Plan.
- Strategic Policy Division
National Headquarters
Anne Kelly
Annex A - Cross-References and Definitions
- CD 001 - Mission, Values and Ethics Framework of the Correctional Service of Canada
- GL 005-1- Institutional Management Structure: Roles and Responsibilities
- CD 702 - Indigenous Offenders
- CD 705-6 - Correctional Planning and Criminal Profile
- CD 705-7 - Security Classification and Penitentiary Placement
- CD 708 - Special Handling Unit
- CD 710-1 - Progress Against the Correctional Plan
- CD 710-2 - Transfer of Inmates
- CD 710-6 - Review of Inmate Security Classification
- CD 711 – Structured Intervention Units
- CD 712-5 - Pre-Release Case Preparation for Provincial/Territorial Offenders and Federal Offenders Incarcerated in Provincial/Territorial Facilities
- CD 714 - Community Correctional Centre Standards
- CD 800 - Health Services
Behavioural norms: the expected behaviours of inmates at or within each security level. The degree to which individual behaviour compares to expectations indicates the need for intervention strategies.
Clustered institution: a group of separate units of different security levels administered by one Institutional Head. The difference between a clustered institution and a multi-level institution is related to maintaining the distinction and separation of the various security levels, normally in relation to accommodation, structured activities and inmate movement.
Community Correctional Centre (CCC): a federally operated community-based residential facility that provides a structured living environment with 24-hour supervision, programs, and interventions for the purpose of safely reintegrating offenders into the community. These facilities, which may also have an enhanced programming component, accommodate offenders under federal jurisdiction who have been released to the community on unescorted temporary absences, day parole, full parole, work releases, statutory release, as well as those subject to long-term supervision orders.
CSC-operated Healing Lodge/Healing Village: a minimum or multi-level security facility operated by CSC.
Living unit: a house and/or a designated living space within a house located inside or outside the perimeter fence of a woman offender institution that accommodates minimum and/or medium security inmates. Living units do not include cells or pods in the Secure Unit or the Structured Intervention Unit.
Regional Treatment Centre: a multi-level security institution that operates as a provincially recognized hospital and/or psychiatric hospital mandated to accommodate offenders unable to function in parent institutions due to a mental disorder, cognitive impairment, and/or physical disability typically associated with aging, or who require specialized assessments.
Secure Unit: a unit that accommodates women classified as maximum security.
Special Handling Unit (SHU): a facility that incarcerates male inmates who pose an ongoing danger to the public, staff and/or other inmates, and who cannot be safely managed at any other maximum security institution.
Women offender institution: a multi-level institution containing various types of accommodation units designed to meet the needs of women offenders.
Annex B - Security Classification of the Correctional Service of Canada's Institutions
The names and security classifications of the CSC's institutions are listed below by region.
Name/Institutions | Security Classification |
Atlantic Institution | Maximum |
Dorchester Penitentiary
Clustered |
Nova Institution for Women | Multi-level |
Regional Treatment Centre
Multi-level |
Springhill Institution | Medium |
Community Correctional Centres | |
Carlton Annex Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Carlton Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Newfoundland and Labrador Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Parrtown Community Correctional Centre | Maximum |
Name/Institutions | Security Classification |
Archambault Institution
Clustered |
Federal Training Centre
Clustered |
Regional Reception Centre
Multi-level |
Regional Treatment Centre | Multi-level |
Cowansville Institution | Medium |
Donnacona Institution | Maximum |
Drummond Institution | Medium |
Joliette Institution | Multi-level |
La Macaza Institution | Medium |
Port-Cartier Institution | Maximum |
Community Correctional Centres | |
Hochelaga Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Laferrière Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Marcel Caron Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Martineau Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Ogilvy Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Sherbrooke Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Name/Institutions | Security Classification |
Bath Institution | Medium |
Beaver Creek Institution
Clustered |
Collins Bay Institution
Clustered |
Grand Valley Institution for Women | Multi-level |
Joyceville Institution
Clustered |
Millhaven Institution | Maximum |
Regional Treatment Centre | Multi-level |
Warkworth Institution | Medium |
Community Correctional Centres | |
Keele Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Henry Trail Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Name/Institutions | Security Classification |
Bowden Institution
Clustered |
Drumheller Institution
Clustered |
Edmonton Institution | Maximum |
Edmonton Institution for Women | Multi-level |
Grande Cache Institution | Medium |
Grierson Institution | Minimum |
Okimaw Ohci Healing Lodge | Multi-level |
Pê Sâkâstêw Centre | Minimum |
Regional Psychiatric CentreFootnote 1 | Multi-level |
Saskatchewan Penitentiary
Clustered |
Stony Mountain Institution
Clustered |
Willow Cree Healing Lodge | Minimum |
Community Correctional Centres | |
Osborne Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Oskana Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
Name/Institutions | Security Classification |
Fraser Valley Institution | Multi-level |
Kent Institution | Maximum |
Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Village | Minimum |
Matsqui Institution | Medium |
Mission Institution
Clustered |
Mountain Institution | Medium |
Pacific Institution / Regional Treatment Centre | Multi-level |
William Head Institution | Minimum |
Community Correctional Centre | |
Chilliwack Community Correctional Centre | Minimum |
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