Interim Policy bulletin 655

Policy numbers and titles:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 225 – Information Management
CD 226 – Use of Electronic Resources
CD 541 – Interjurisdictional and CCRA Section 81 Agreements
Guidelines (GL) 563-1 – CSC Badges
CD 564 – Departmental Security
CD 564-1 – Individual Security Screening
CD 564-2 – Departmental Physical Security
CD 564-6 – Business Continuity Program
CD 568-8 – Authority for Use of Surveillance Equipment

Why were the policies changed?

On July 1, 2019, the Treasury Board updated the Policy on Government Security (PGS) requiring Deputy Heads to designate a Chief Security Officer.

What has changed?

The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, has been designated as the CSO, responsible to provide strategic department-wide leadership, coordination and oversight for departmental security management activities.

The previous roles and responsibilities of the former Departmental Security Officer, are now assigned to the Deputy Chief Security Officer, who is the Director, Departmental Security Division. They are responsible for all departmental security activities to ensure compliance with the Treasury Board Policy on Government Security and the Treasury Board Directive on Security Management.

The affected policies will be amended accordingly upon their next review.

Who will be affected by the policies?

All CSC employees involved in the departmental security management and operations.

Expected cost?



Original signed by:

Anne Kelly

Page details

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