Interim Policy bulletin 661

Interim Policy Bulletin

Policy number and title:

Commissioner's Directive (CD) 730 - Offender Program Assignments and Inmate Payments

Why was the policy changed?

The Internal Audit Sector's recent Review of Section 81 Agreements identified that clarification is required regarding paragraph 13d of CD 730 - Offender Program Assignments and Inmate Payments.

This section of policy precludes any type of payment or allowance to offenders while "in the care and custody of an Aboriginal community." However, the memoranda of understanding (MOU) between the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) and the Indigenous governing bodies that provide these services permit the compensation of offenders for onsite work, provided that such compensation is consistent with applicable CSC policy and the Section 81 agreement. As such, the parameters for the administration of inmate payments and allowances, as specified in CD 730, do not apply to offenders in the care and custody of an Indigenous governing body or organization.

What has changed?

This Interim Policy Bulletin invalidates paragraph 13d in CD 730 that excludes offenders from receiving compensation for onsite work while in the care and custody of an Indigenous governing body or organization, until such time as it can be formally removed from the CD. This change is to take effect immediately. All associated CSC policies are to remain in effect with the exception of paragraph 13d of CD 730.

How was it developed?

This Interim Policy Bulletin was developed by the Reintegration Services Division in consultation with the Indigenous Initiatives Directorate, Legal Services and the Strategic Policy Division in response to the Internal Audit Sector's findings and associated recommendations.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Staff involved in offender program assignments and inmate payments.

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