Policy bulletin 322

Policy Bulletin

Policy numbers and titles:

Why was the policy changed?

Amendments were made to the guidelines to provide further clarification regarding the definition of "stakeholder", the establishment of regional and national multi-year community corrections accommodation plans, the definition of site criteria, and the identification of appropriate sites. Reference information and electronic links were also updated.

The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, as the Sector head responsible for community corrections has the authority to issue these Guidelines. Following completion of the policy review currently underway, this direction will be incorporated into Commissioner's Directives in spring 2011.

What has changed?

Paragraph 1 has been amended to include "planning" in the process that needs to occur before the establishment and/or relocation of parole offices.

The Cross-Reference section now includes the CSC's Consultation Toolkit. The electronic links to both documents listed have also been updated in this section and throughout the document.

A Definitions section has been added to provide readers with the definition of "stakeholder" as well as a list of CSC stakeholders for the purpose of the establishment and/or relocation of parole offices.

Paragraph 14 b. (previously par. 12 b.) now includes changes to "security requirements".

A technical amendment was made to paragraph 17 (previously par. 15) to replace the term "investment analysis" by "inventory solution", in line with current terminology.

Paragraph 18 (previously par. 16) has been modified to include the collaboration of the Regional Facilities Planning Officer in the development of five-year Regional Community Corrections Accommodation Plans, as outlined in the Facility Guidelines: Parole Offices.

Paragraph 21 (previously par. 19) has been modified to reflect the changes to the Community Corrections governance structure. The position of Director General, Community Corrections, is now Director General, Community Reintegration Branch. In addition, the process to return the plans to the regions following their approval has been included.

Paragraph 22 (previously par. 20) has been amended to include the timeframes to be considered in the development of the consultation plan and communication strategy for each establishment and/or relocation project.

The list of stakeholders included in paragraph 23 (previously 21) has been removed as this information is now outlined in the Definitions section.

Paragraph 29 (previously par. 32) has been amended to include references to paragraphs 26 and 27 (previously par. 24-25) in the potential site evaluation process.

Paragraph 30 (previously par. 28) has been modified to include the designated Departmental Security Official in the list of staff responsible for ensuring that a Threat Risk Assessment (TRA) on potential sites is conducted. In addition, the timeframe to conduct this TRA has been amended to allow for more flexibility.

Paragraph 33 (previously par. 31) now indicates that the responsibility of District Directors is to inform the identified property owners within the specified radius of the potential establishment and/or relocation of the Parole Office. Reference to the method to be used, i.e. "letters", has been removed to allow District Directors to use their judgement regarding the method of communication.

An amendment was made to paragraph 34 (previously par. 33) to replace the word "will" by "may" regarding holding a public forum to address any potential concerns from the identified property owners.

Paragraph 35 (previously par. 34) now specifies that District Directors will advise the Regional Facilities Planning Officer after acceptable sites have been identified "and approved".

Paragraph 36 (previously par. 35) has been amended to clarify that Regional Facilities Planning Officer will inform PWGSC of acceptable site(s) "in preparation for the PWGSC lease/tender process".

Paragraphs referring to Public Works and Government Services Canada's (PWGSC) processes and timeframes have been removed from CSC's Guidelines, as per PWGSC's request. Specifically, paragraphs detailing PWGSC lease/tender process (previously par. 36-40) and the Expression of Interest and screening process (previously paragraph 27) have been removed.

How was it developed?

The changes to the existing guidelines were developed in consultation with the Facilities Branch, Real Property; the Citizen Engagement Branch, Stakeholder Relations; the Security Branch, Departmental Security; Regional Deputy Commissioners; District Directors; and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC).


Specific accountabilities are reflected within Guidelines 713-1.

Who will be affected by the revised policy?

Expected cost?

None linked to the amendments.

Other impacts?



Original signed by:

Don Head

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

Page details

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