Policy bulletin 424

Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin

  • Number: 424
  • In Effect: 2013-11-12

Policy numbers and titles:

Why was the policy changed?

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 702 was revised as a result of the CD Standardization Project. Minor revisions were made to the content to bring it in line with other policies. The main modification is the removal of the information on Pathways Initiatives from the CD, to transfer it in new stand-alone Guidelines numbered 702-1.

What has changed?

CD 702 - Aboriginal Offenders

GL 702-1 - Establishment and Operation of Pathways Initiatives

New Guidelines 702-1 have been published. They contain the information which was formerly presented in Annex G of CD 702. The information on Pathways Initiatives has been reorganized in accordance with the usual policy structure, including sections on Authorities, Purpose, Application, Responsibilities and Procedures.

How was it developed?

These policies were revised by the Aboriginal Initiatives Directorate in cooperation with the Strategic Policy Division and approved by the Senior Deputy Commissioner. The new Guidelines were the subject of a national consultation.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy documents.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All staff working with Aboriginal offenders are affected by these policies.

Expected cost?


Other impacts?



For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.

Page details

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