Policy bulletin 681

Policy Bulletin

Number: 681

In Effect: 2022-03-28

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Policy numbers and titles:

Financial Directive (FD) 350-3 – Contracting

Why was the policy changed?

Modifications were made to Financial Directive (FD) 350-3 – Contracting, to ensure consistency with Treasury Board’s contracting policies, clarify existing and new policy requirements, and reflect changes to the Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities Instrument (Column 20).

Additional changes were made to provide updated information and clarification in the Responsibilities section.

What has changed?

A number of changes were made to the directive to streamline content and to ensure it remains in line with current requirements, procedures, and best practices.

The most significant modifications are as follows:

How was it developed?

The changes were developed by the Corporate Services Sector, in consultation with the Strategic Policy Division, as well as internal and external stakeholders.

Who will be affected by the policy?

This directive applies to budget managers, delegated contracting authorities and those accountable for and involved in contracting activities.


Incumbents of the positions identified in the directive are responsible for the implementation.

Other Impacts?

Page details

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