Policy bulletin 685

Policy Bulletin

Number: 685

In Effect: 2022-05-09

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Policy numbers and titles:

Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 100 – Gender Diverse Offenders

Why was the policy created?

Further to issuing Interim Policy Bulletin (IPB) 584 – Bill C-16 (Gender Identity or Expression) in December 2017, CSC is implementing this new CD in order to provide overarching policy direction in accordance with amendments to:

The new CD 100 – Gender Diverse Offenders replaces IPB 584, which is now revoked, and overrides any direction found in other CDs, Guidelines (GLs) or associated tools, pending their update.

This policy assists staff in meeting the needs of gender diverse offenders, and reiterates CSC’s duty to accommodate their needs, regardless of their anatomy (i.e., sex) or the gender marker on their identification documents, unless there are overriding health or safety concerns that cannot be resolved.

Requests for accommodation are offender driven. Offenders will be involved in the assessment process for penitentiary placements and voluntary transfer requests, as well as in the development and review of their accommodation measures (i.e., individualized protocols).

What’s new in this policy?

While the overarching direction in IPB 584 is retained in this new policy, CD 100 elaborates on several key elements, namely:

How was it developed?

The CD was developed by the Gender Considerations Secretariat in collaboration with the Strategic Policy Division and in consultation with internal and external stakeholders.

Consultations included formal and ongoing engagement with external stakeholders and experts with specific areas of expertise in gender identity, human rights, criminology and health care, as well members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy document.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All staff working directly or indirectly with gender diverse offenders. Accordingly, the implementation of this policy is accompanied by information and awareness sessions across the organisation.

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