Commissioner's update for correctional employees:
December 18, 2023
This content is a message to Correctional Service Canada (CSC) staff from CSC's Commissioner.
2023 Heads of Corrections Meeting
Last week, the annual Heads of Corrections meeting was held in Ottawa. I was there with our team and Heads of Corrections from across the country to discuss and collaborate on important issues facing the correctional system and shared by all levels of government.
This meeting provides proactive leadership and advice on the impacts of emerging issues within and across jurisdictions. It gives us an opportunity to enhance collaboration between correctional services across Canada.
I was inspired by what was shared and am looking forward to continuing this momentum, working with our partners going into 2024.

Heads of Corrections Meeting in Ottawa
Celebrating Canada’s Penitentiary Museum Volunteers
Every year we celebrate the exceptional contributions of our volunteers at Canada’s Penitentiary Museum. From tour guides to researchers and board members, their dedication and expertise have been vital to its success.
This summer alone, the museum has welcomed over 30,000 visitors. In 2024, the museum will be celebrating its 60th season and we are looking forward to celebrating with them. I want to thank each and every one of our volunteers for their hard work.
To learn more about this historical building: Correctional Service of Canada Museum

Volunteers recognized for their hard work.
Celebrating Larry Motiuk
Last week, we celebrated Larry Motiuk, Assistant Commissioner of Policy who is retiring this month. I was at his retirement celebration with so many of you, along with Larry’s family, to recognize the enormous impact Larry has made on our organization and our people. Larry's career with CSC began in 1988, when he became the Service's first research officer who was hired from outside of the Service. Before that, he began his corrections career as a frontline employee in the psychology department of a maximum-security Ontario provincial institution.
As an employee of federal corrections, Larry has served as Associate Assistant Commissioner Policy, Special Advisor Transformation and Renewal, Director General Offender Programs and Reintegration and Director General Research. In addition, he has served as a scientific/visiting expert internationally.
Over the years, Larry and his teams’ hard work have made research a cornerstone of CSC. He is widely published on the topics of offender assessment and effective correctional programming. In 2019, he was the recipient of the ‘Research Award’ by the International Corrections and Prisons Association.

As you can see, Larry has made a lasting impact and played a big part in establishing CSC as a leader in corrections on the world stage. Thank you Larry, for everything, we will miss you.

Staff members and handmade toys at William Head Institution for Operation Christmas Child.
William Head Inmates Help Fill Shoeboxes with Gifts to Brighten up Christmas
I am pleased to say that William Head Institution’s Community Connections group has once again contributed to Operation Christmas Child. The group gave 275 toy cars, 105 crayon holders with crayons, 256 colouring books, and 50 sets of building blocks.
As a key partner with Operation Christmas Child, the William Head based group continues to showcase their creativity, dedication, and enthusiasm in contributing unique gifts towards the program each year. Inmates and hobbyists built all the items for Operation Christmas Child. They packed 18 shoeboxes of gifts for children in need around the world.
I am sure that this collection of items will brighten up the holiday season for many children.
Best Wishes This Holiday Season
This will be my last weekly message of the year. The weekly message will resume in the new year on January 8.
I encourage you to take time this holiday season to rest, recharge and celebrate. I want to thank you for your amazing work this year.
For those of you working in the upcoming days and weeks to maintain our operations, please know that your dedication, commitment, and passion are truly inspiring and does not go unnoticed. I extend a special thanks to you.
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph your work with excellence.
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