Commissioner's update for offenders and their families:
January 15, 2024

This content is a message to federal offenders and their families from Correctional Service Canada's (CSC's) Commissioner.

On Sunday, January 21, we celebrate Lincoln Alexander Day. Lincoln Alexander was a lifelong advocate for equality and a trailblazer, becoming the first Black Canadian Member of Parliament in 1968. He went on to serve as the federal Minister of Labour, the Chancellor of Guelph University and the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Lincoln Alexander worked to break down racial barriers and build a more equal country. This Sunday and every day, I encourage everyone to reflect on Lincoln Alexander’s legacy and the history of racial equality in Canada.

Before the end of last year, you may remember I reiterated that respect and inclusion are a priority for me and essential for improving our organization. Which is why we held in-person consultations with ethnocultural and Indigenous offenders, staff, and with community supports working in institutions and in the communities across the country.

The goal of these consultations was to share information about CSC’s Anti-Racism, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Framework. We presented some of the key actions being undertaken by the organization to get feedback on them. While we could not get to all institutions, we valued the opportunities we had to get feedback and potential solutions.We are going through that feedback now and what we learn from these sessions will be used to improve our anti-racism framework.

Would you like to participate in CSC’s Volunteer Appreciation Gallery? I encourage you to do so soon! The gallery will be featured on CSC’s internet site in April 2024 during National Volunteer Week. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2024.

This initiative allows you to show your creativity through art and poetry and is a wonderful way to share the importance of what community supports mean to you. For assistance or more information, please speak to your Social Program Officer or other staff you may be working with.


Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. — Gandhi

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