Evaluation Report: Institutional security, 2015
Evaluation Report
File #394-2-95
Evaluation Report: Institutional Security
Evaluation Division
Policy Sector
February 2015
Evaluation of CSC’s Institutional Security
Don Head
Mark Nafekh
Executive Director, Evaluation Division
Kelly E. Morton Bourgon
Bertha May
Lysiane Paquin-Marseille
Elizabeth Loree
With contributions from:
Bernard Marquis
Irene Roberts
David Hubka
Joel Ndayubaha
Adam Crawford
Sean Horne
Brittany MacDonald
Colleen MacDonald
Terri-Lynne Scott
The evaluation team would like to express its appreciation to the many people who contributed to this evaluation and provided valuable information on institutional security.
First, we would like to thank the many institutional managers, staff members, and offenders who took the time to participate in the interviews held at various institutions. We would also like to thank the institutional management and staff members who participated in a number of questionnaires. In addition, we want to thank the staff at National Headquarters and Regional Headquarters, as well as people from a number of Correctional Service Canada’s (CSC) partner organizations who participated in interviews.
The team greatly appreciates the assistance and input provided by CSC’s Security Branch, including the Preventive Security and Intelligence Division, the Departmental Security Division, as well as the Security Operations Division.
We would also like to thank the many branches and sectors of CSC who helped provide data for this evaluation, including the staff in Financial Management Services in the Comptroller’s Branch who provided financial data, the staff in Performance Management who provided assistance with incident data from Performance Direct, staff from Strategies, Planning, Measurement and Reporting who provided human resource data, and the Labour Relations Branch for internal CSC data. Additionally, we would like to thank Employment and Social Development Canada for providing data on complaints and work refusals under the Canada Labour Code.
The team would also like to thank the Internal Audit Sector and the Research Branch, who provided us with additional information from their audits and research reports.
Other groups within CSC who provided valuable information and advice include the Human Resources Planning, Reporting and Systems Directorate, the Learning and Development Branch, in particular staff in the Implementation of National Learning Programs, Partnership and Infrastructure Division, the Facilities Branch, and the Schedules and SDS Division.
The team would also like to express our thanks to the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers.
We would also like to extend our thanks to all those in the Evaluation Division who contributed to this evaluation, by conducting interviews, coding data or reviewing drafts of the report.
Finally, the evaluation team would like to thank everyone else who contributed to this evaluation, whose names do not appear here.
Executive Summary
Institutional security is relevant and responsive to the daily operations of correctional institutions and to the safety and security of all Canadians. Institutional security activities, as legislated by the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (1992), align with the federal government’s new legislations such as the Safe Streets and Communities Act (2012). Institutional security activities also support the federal government and Correctional Service Canada’s strategic priorities.
The evaluation was conducted in accordance with the Treasury Board’s Policy on Evaluation (TBS, 2009) and the Evaluation Division’s Five-Year Plan. The scope of the evaluation was determined through a number of activities aimed at identifying evaluation priorities. As such, the evaluation focused on three key components: 1) Human Resource Management and Staff Safety; 2) Preventive Security and Intelligence; and 3) Institutional Security Operations. The evaluation incorporated both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods.
Component 1 - Human Resource Management and Staff Safety
Human resource management and staff safety is essential to operating a safe and secure correctional institution. The evaluation examined issues identified by institutional staff as they perform their security related duties. The topics that emerged from the analyses included: recruiting appropriate candidates; staff experience and development; staffing and deployment levels; and staff safety concerns. Recommendations focussed on tracking and monitoring new recruits; on-the-job coaching for new Correctional Officers (CO) and Primary Workers (PW); and enhancing communication and information sharing as part of the Employee Protection Protocol (EPP). Management Action Plans (MAP) addressing the issues were presented and approved. The MAPs will ensure tracking and monitoring of new recruits; the development of a standardized framework for on-the-job coaching for new COs and PWs; and the appropriate and timely provision of information and services throughout the EPP process to persons threatened.
Component 2 - Preventive Security and Intelligence
Intelligence information contributes to institutional safety and security by preventing security incidents, eliminating illegal activities and supporting the offender case management process. The evidence centered on the gathering, development and communication of intelligence information. It was recommended that tools be provided to Security Intelligence Officers to engage and debrief staff, and that there be monitoring and reporting on the production and sharing of intelligence. A MAP addressing the issues was presented and approved. The MAP focused on streamlining and restructuring the Intelligence Program.
Component 3 - Institutional Security Operations
The evaluation investigated daily operational security activities and how they contribute to a safe and secure institutional environment. The finding developed from the examination of evidence was that dynamic security is apparent and it is making a contribution to the safety and security of the institutions.
Financial data were examined along with incident, staff and offender data. The rate of institutional security-related spending remained relatively stable from 2008/2009 to 2013/2014 despite an increase in the number of CX staffFootnote 1 and offenders in CSC institutions. The analyses also showed a decrease in serious security incidents and escapes, an increase in drug-related seizures and an increase in negative urinalysis results.
List of Key Findings
Finding 1: Relevance
CSC’s institutional security activities continue to be relevant. Specifically, these activities align with the federal government roles and responsibilities, support the priorities of the federal government and CSC, and are responsive to the needs of Canadians.
Finding 2: Recruitment
Issues were reported with the CX recruitment processes which were most commonly associated with the selection and identification of CX candidates with appropriate experience and personal suitability. The implications of these issues were noted as barriers to effective institutional security. However, the recent implementation of an enhanced CX recruitment process has demonstrated positive results with regards to addressing the identified gaps.
Finding 3: Experience
Lack of experience among CX staff members was found to be associated with higher levels of security incidents and security related offender grievances. Although recent strategies may help mitigate the associated security risks, research shows that mentoring and coaching initiatives may also help increase knowledge and skills attained through experience.
Finding 4: Staffing and Deployment
Many evaluation respondents reported issues with insufficient staffing and deployment levels. Nevertheless, an examination of staff complaints and refusals to work revealed that one tenth were related to deployment issues, and one percent resulted in a ruling supporting the presence of risks to staff safety.
Finding 5: Employee Protection Protocol
There is a reported need for the Employee Protection Protocol (EPP) to address institutional staff members’ safety concerns and issues impacting security operations. However, issues related to communication and inadequate security measures were reported by EPP client questionnaire respondents.
Finding 6: Preventive Security and Intelligence
Intelligence is important to maintaining the safety and security of institutions; however, various challenges were reported in the areas of gathering and developing intelligence and communicating intelligence information.
Finding 7: Dynamic Security
Dynamic security is being conducted and contributes to the safety and security of correctional institutions.
Finding 8: Financial Impact
While spending on Institutional Security remained relatively stable, rates of escapes and serious security incidents have decreased, suggesting a cost-efficiency for CSC. In addition, several areas of opportunity were identified to further enhance the cost-efficiency of CSC’s institutional security activities, as well as the overall safety and security of staff and offenders in CSC’s institutions.
List of Key Recommendations
Recommendation 1: Recruitment
CSC should track and monitor the performance of new CXs through the recruitment, training and probation phases to ensure the appropriate candidates are hired and retained, and that the process is improving the organization’s ability to successfully meet safety and security requirements. Monitoring should be done on outcomes such as: success during training and while on probation, disciplinary actions, terminations, promotion, retention, and ability of the process to meet required capacity.
Recommendation 2: Experience
CSC should enhance the transition of new Correctional Officers by strengthening the links between new recruits and the sites which they are assigned to. This should be facilitated through the development, implementation and monitoring of a standardized approach for on-the-job coaching for new CXs and ensure there is a sound institutional capacity to deliver these initiatives.
Recommendation 3: Employee Protection Protocol
The Employee Protection Protocol (EPP) should be supported and improved through tools and processes which enhance communication and the sharing of information. Processes and tools should ensure staff members receive appropriate and timely communication of information and services, and there is appropriate monitoring and follow up regarding the employee’s safety.
Recommendation 4: Preventive Security and Intelligence
The Preventive Security and Intelligence Division should ensure the tools provided to SIOs are used to engage and debrief staff and management, and improve the gathering, development and communication of intelligence. This should be achieved through consistent, timely, and standardized monitoring and reporting of the production and sharing of intelligence.
Management Action Plan Overview
Management Action Plan 1: Recruitment
The Management Action Plan (MAP) will ensure that recruits are tracked and monitored for 12 months. There will also be a review and update national selection criteria and tools used to promote CXs to the CM level. Additionally, national standards and guidelines for the recruitment, training and performance management of Correctional Officers (COs) and Primary Workers (PWs) will implemented, monitored and adjusted, as required.
Management Action Plan 2: Experience
The MAP will include the development of a standardized framework for on-the-job coaching for new COs and PWs. Additionally, a Middle Manager Mentoring Program (MMMP) will be implemented and the Management Development Portal will be launched.
Management Action Plan 3: Employee Protection Protocol (EPP)
The MAP contains an action that will ensure the appropriate and timely provision of information and services to persons threatened. Staff safety will also be monitored and followed-up on by supporting and improving the EPP through new tools and processes.
Management Action Plan 4: Preventive Security and Intelligence
The Intelligence Program will be streamlined and restructured. The Intelligence Program will be supported and improved through the use of intelligence systems, tools and assets. Communication and intelligence information sharing with key CSC clients, stakeholders and operational and senior managers will be increased. Additionally, communication will be enhanced to create collaboration and liaison with external partners and stakeholders by re-establishing local, regional and national intelligence committees.
Table of Contents
- Signatures
- Contributions
- Acknowledgments
- Executive Summary
- List of Key Findings
- List of Key Recommendations
- Management Action Plan Overview
- Table of Contents
- List of Tables
- List of Figures
- List of Acronyms
- 1.0 Introduction
- 2.0 Evaluation Method
- 3.0 Key Findings
- Component 1: Human Resource Management & Staff Safety
- Component 2: Preventive Security and Intelligence
- Component 3: Institutional Security Operations
- 4.0 Conclusion
- References
- Appendices
- Appendix A: CSC Program Alignment Architecture
- Appendix B: Logic Model: Prevention and Security Operations
- Appendix C: Logic Model - Resource Management
- Appendix D: Case Study and Correctional Manager Interview Site Visits
- Appendix E: Profile of Staff & Management Questionnaire Respondents
- Appendix F: List of Sister Institutions and Design Model
- Appendix G: Results of Multiple Regression Analyses
List of Tables
List of Figures
- Figure 1: Proportion of Security-Related Institutional Incidents Involving One or More STG Member, 2007/2008 to 2011/2012
- Figure 2: Comparison of the Rates of Security Incidents and Security Related Grievances (2012/2013)
- Figure 3: Comparison of the Proportion of High Risk Offenders (2012/2013)
- Figure 4: Comparison of the Average Level of Experience Among Correctional Officers (2008/2009 to 2012/2013)
- Figure 5: Complaints and Refusals to Work (January 1, 2012 – July 3, 2014)
- Figure 6: Intelligence Cycle and the Role of the SIO
- Figure 7: Frequency of Staff Conducting Dynamic Security Activities
- Figure 8: Breakdown of Institutional Security Spending by Year, Salary vs Operating Costs – Rate Per 1,000 Offenders, 2008/2009 – 2013/2014
- Figure 9: Serious Security Incidents and Escapes, 2008/2009 – 2013/2014
List of Acronyms
- CC
- Cost Centre
- Corrections and Conditional Release Act
- CD
- Commissioner’s Directive
- Critical Incident Stress Management
- Canada Labour Code
- CM
- Correctional Manager
- CO
- Correctional Officer
- Cost of Maintaining an Offender
- Correctional Service Canada
- Correctional Training Program
- CX
- Correctional Services Occupational Group
- Departmental Security Division
- Employee Assistance Program
- Employee Protection Protocol
- Enhanced Suitability Screening
- Employment and Social Development Canada
- Human Resource Management System
- Integrated Financial and Material Management System
- Key Leadership Competencies
- L&D
- Learning and Development
- Management Action Plan
- National Headquarters
- National Training Standards
- On-the-Job Training
- Offender Management System
- Office of Primary Interest
- Program Alignment Architecture
- PO
- Parole Officer
- PW
- Primary Worker
- Regional Headquarters
- Scheduling and Deployment System
- Security Intelligence Analyst
- Strategic Intelligence Analysis and Monitoring Division
- Security Intelligence Officer
- Situation Reports
- Statement Observation Reports
- Standardized Selection Process
- Security Threat Groups
- Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
- Threat and Risk Assessment
- Union of Canadian Correctional Officers
1.0 Introduction
In accordance with the Five-Year Evaluation Plan, the Correctional Service Canada (CSC)Footnote 2 conducted an evaluation of institutional security. The evaluation process followed the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s (TBS) Policy on Evaluation (2009), by examining the continued relevance of the institutional security activities and their alignment with CSC and federal government priorities, roles and responsibilities, as well as CSC’s performance in delivering institutional security activities, including effectiveness, efficiency and economy. Effective institutional security allows CSC to mitigate potential risks, such as the Corporate Risk that "CSC will not be able to maintain required levels of operational safety and security" (CSC, 2013b, p. 11), and strengthens CSC’s ability to handle challenges related to this risk. As such, this evaluation identifies what challenges exist, and provides recommendations on how CSC can continue to meet its priority of the "safety and security of staff and offenders in our institutions and in the community" (CSC, 2013b, p. 7). Additionally, the evaluation results and recommendations contained in this report will assist CSC’s senior management with strategic policy and investment decision-making regarding institutional security.
1.0 Program Profile
1.1 Background
In 2001, the CSC Task Force on Security developed a Security Framework to optimize staff and offender interactions and promote safe reintegration. The framework contained four components: safety, respect, leadership and learning, as well as 80 recommendations that aimed to advance CSC as a "professional, humane and restorative correctional system" (CSC, 2001, p. 1). For example, recommendation #19 advised "that CSC develop a framework and standards for the gathering and analysis of security information" (CSC, 2001, p. 96), and recommendation #33 advised "that CSC standardize and fully communicate the implementation of approved security technologies" (p. 97). Many of the recommendations from the Report of the Task Force on Security have been implemented.
In 2007, a CSC Review Panel produced A Roadmap to Strengthening Public Safety which outlined 109 recommendations, mostly in the area of institutional security. Some of these recommendations were addressed through changes following the Safe Streets and Communities Act (2012; e.g. The Roadmap recommended the inclusion of an "offender accountabilities" section in the Corrections and Conditional Release Act [CCRA, 1992] which was completed with the amendment of CCRA section 4(h), a principle guiding offender behaviour). In addition, five key recommendations from the Panel have been outlined in the Transformation Agenda Report on Safety and Security Initiatives (CSC, 2010b, p. 4):
- More stringent control of entry to institutions, including perimeter controls, searching and offenders visits;
- Expansion of detector dog teams;
- Stronger security intelligence capacity and capability;
- Improved correctional officer training; and
- Better equipment, electronics and associated measures to support safety and security initiatives.
1.2 Policy and Legislation
The CCRA (1992) provides CSC with the legislative mandate to contribute to public safety by administering court imposed sentences through safe custody and supervision of offenders. Institutional security activities are an essential aspect of how CSC provides a safe and secure working and living environment in correctional facilities across Canada for staff members, offenders, and the broader Canadian public. Specifically, these activities contribute to the safety of correctional institutions by supporting the prevention of security incidents. This is accomplished through the management of offender populations, the continuous surveillance and monitoring of institutional environments, and the on-going assessment of threats and risks informed by the collection and analysis of intelligence information. Institutional security activities thereby promote a positive institutional environment which supports offender reintegration.
Recently, sections 3.1 and 4Footnote 3 of the CCRA were updated as per section 54 of the Safe Streets and Communities Act (2012). In addition to the CCRA, CSC’s institutional security is affected by various other federal legislations, such as the Criminal Code and the Canada Labour Code – as well as by internal CSC directives and policies, such as the Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 560 – Dynamic Security and Supervision. CSC operations, including institutional security activities, are also impacted by such legislation as the Truth in Sentencing Act, and Abolition of Early Parole Act, as well as by recent deficit reduction activities.
Institutional security activities are a sub-activity of CSC's Custody Program, as defined by the Departmental Program Alignment Architecture (PAA; see Appendix AFootnote 4). These activities, along with correctional interventions, community supervision, and internal services, allow CSC to contribute to the public safety of all Canadians.
1.3 Program Description
For the purposes of this evaluation, institutional security was separated into three key components: 1) Human Resource Management and Staff Safety; 2) Preventive Security and Intelligence; and 3) Institutional Security Operations. Together, these three components encompass a wide array of activities that pertain to the successful implementation of policies and procedures designed to:
- Ensure the safe and secure supervision and management of offenders in the institutions; and
- Promote the safety and security of staff members as well as the Canadian public.
1.4 Logic Model
A logic model is a schematic representation of the essential components of a program (Posavac & Carey, 1992). It connects the program activities to outputs and outcomes. Specific activities and sub-activities within the logic model were reorganized and integrated to better fit the scope of the evaluation. For further details, see Appendix B and Appendix C for the Institutional Security Logic Model.
1.5 Governance Structure
CSC’s Commissioner has the ultimate responsibility for institutional security. However, daily security operations within CSC institutions are the responsibility of the Security Branch. The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs reports to the Commissioner, and is responsible for the Security Branch.
2.0 Evaluation Method
2.1 Scope of the Evaluation
The scope of the evaluation was determined through a number of activities aimed at identifying evaluation priorities, including:
- Pre-evaluation consultations with approximately 80 CSC key informants from National Headquarters (NHQ), Regional Headquarters (RHQ) and the institutions (front-line staff and management were interviewed at: Westmorland Institution, Regional Mental Health Centre, Special Handling Unit, Regional Reception Centre, Kingston Penitentiary, Edmonton Institution for Women, Pacific Institution, and Kwikwexwelhp Healing Lodge);
- Review of documentation including relevant departmental priorities and risks, research, audit and evaluation reports; and
- Institutional and operational documents.
The scope of the evaluation was further refined through consultation with the Offices of Primary Interest (OPI) and key stakeholders which assisted in identifying the evaluation priorities within the three components.Footnote 5 A description of each component as well as associated expected results is provided below.
2.1.1 Component 1: Human Resource Management and Staff Safety
The evaluation questions related to human resource management and staff safety touched upon the various challenges that may exist when managing and conducting institutional security activities. Specifically, the questions focussed on how the following themes are related to staff safety and security: staffing activities; training and knowledge dissemination; conflict resolution mechanisms; and the Employee Protection Protocol (EPP). These themes contribute to the safety and security of staff, offenders, and the institutions through the hiring of the right people, ensuring that staff develop essential experience, that posts are adequately filled, and protocols are implemented that deal with threats against employees.
Human resource management and staff safety is conducted by staff and management at the following branches:
- Recruitment and National Initiatives, using the new enhanced process, handles applications for CXFootnote 6 positions nationally.
- Learning & Development Branch is responsible for mandatory and optional training programs for all CSC staff and management.
- Schedules and Scheduling and Deployment System Division (SDS) is responsible for the application of deployment standards at all CSC institutions as well as operations and maintenance of the SDS system.
- Security Branch representatives assess threats to staff and management at CSC institutions and assist with an appropriate response to the situation.
2.1.2 Component 2: Preventive Security and Intelligence
The evaluation questions related to preventive security and intelligence centred around how intelligence activities are meeting their planned results by examining how information sharing contributes to the identification of security issues. Intelligence contributes to a safe and secure environment for staff members and offenders in CSC institutions and the community, although in this evaluation the focus is solely on the security within the institutions. Specifically, intelligence information, gathered through investigations, staff observations and reporting, information from outside sources (e.g. police) and also through interactions with offenders, is used in the prevention of security incidents, eradication of illegal activities, and supports the case management process.
The Intelligence Program is conducted primarily through Security Intelligence Officers (SIO) and Security Intelligence Analysts (SIA):
- Security Intelligence Officers are primarily located in the institutions. SIOs are responsible for providing assessments of threat and risk to institutions and individuals by: collecting and disseminating intelligence information, collecting Statement Observation Reports (SOR) and Situation Reports (SITREP), having contact with offenders, and reviewing grievances, individual observations of events, and video feeds.
- Security Intelligence Analysts are located in regional and national offices and focus on operational site issues. Within NHQ, SIAs report directly to the Deputy Director of the Strategic Intelligence Analysis and Monitoring Division (SIAM) and focus on strategic national intelligence collected from the regions. Furthermore, their roles are to provide decision makers with accurate and timely intelligence information and fulfill the function of strategic intelligence, analysis and assessment.
2.1.3 Component 3: Institutional Security Operations
The evaluation questions focussing on institutional security operations examined how daily operational security activities contributed to a safe and secure environment. Daily operational security activities included: control of contraband and unauthorized items within institutions; population management; surveillance activities; dynamic security; infrastructure; and equipment.
Institutional Security Operations are primarily conducted by correctional officers and managers:
- Correctional Officers (CO): COs work with offenders on a continuous basis in institutions and are the primary contact for offenders. They are classified at the CX-01 or CX-02 level.
- Primary Workers (PW): PWs are COs who have been chosen and trained to work in Women’s Institutions. They are classified at the CX-02 level.Footnote 7
- Correctional Managers (CM): CMs supervise the CX-01 and CX-02 ranks and report directly to the Assistant Warden Operations. They are classified at the CX-04 level.
2.2 Approach
The evaluation of CSC’s Institutional Security used a mixed method research design, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The following lines of evidence were used to address the evaluation questions.
Qualitative Data
Literature and documentation review
A review of publications in the area of institutional security was conducted, including:
- Documents from professional publication databases (e.g. Sociological Abstracts, PsychInfo, Criminological Abstracts);
- CSC and other governmental documents and reports (e.g. legislation, policies, reports on plans and priorities, evaluations, research reports, audits and other operational documents); and
- An environmental scan of institutional security in correctional systems in other jurisdictions.
Semi-structured Interviews
Interviews were conducted in-person and by telephone with various respondent groups. The evaluation team developed six complementary interview guides specific to each respondent group. The guides included both open and closed-ended questions. Data from the interview guides were analyzed using various software programs (i.e. SNAP Survey, SPSS, Excel or Word), depending on the interview question and respondent group. Qualitative data obtained through open-ended questions were analyzed using the iterative and inductiveFootnote 8 process by members of the evaluation team to identify relevant themes. The final list of themes was constructed by consensus among team members. Qualitative data obtained through closed-ended questions were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques. Frequencies and percentages were calculated based on the number of valid responses to the questions.
Respondent Groups
Correctional managers: In-person interviews were conducted during the months of February and March 2013 with 95 CMs at 18 institutions (see Appendix D) across all five regions and all security levels.
Institutional staff and management members (excluding correctional managers): In-person interviews were conducted during the months of February and March 2013 with 74 wardens, assistant wardens, and COs at the seven case study sites (see Appendix D).Footnote 9
Security Intelligence Officers: Telephone interviews were conducted with 48 SIOs in April and May 2013. The sample was selected through stratified randomization accounting for all five regions.
NHQ Key Informants: In-person interviews were conducted with 41 key informants within CSC in August and September 2012. Respondents were selected based on their position, duties, and level to target more senior employees directly involved in institutional security activities.
CSC Partners: Telephone interviews were conducted in October and November 2012 with 35 representatives from various external partner organizations. Partner organizations were identified by the Citizen Engagement Directorate, and included those from intelligence and policing fields, volunteers, community groups, and visitors.
Offenders: In-person interviews were conducted by institutional parole officers (PO) with 286 offenders in August and September 2012. The sample was selected from the Offender Management System (OMS) through stratified random sampling across all five regions and security levels while overweighting for women’s institutions and Healing Lodges. As travel for the evaluation team was not possible at the time, the PO for each offender was contacted and asked to administer the interview to each of their offender clients in the sample, and then electronically submit the interview to the evaluation team. The POs who participated were given a set of standardized instructions to support the consistency of the administration of the interviews. The reasons for non-response were recorded by POs as a way to check for selection bias.
Electronic questionnaires
Staff and Management: Invitations to participate in the electronic questionnaire were sent to an initial sample of 1,394 randomly selected institutional staff and management members. A total of 254 employees responded to the questionnaire in November and December 2013 (response rate = 18%). A profile of respondents is provided in Appendix E. The questionnaire was developed using automated software (i.e. SNAP Survey), and was administered through CSC’s Intranet site (InfoNet). The questionnaire solicited respondents’ experiences with overall institutional security activities and included both open and closed-ended questions. Data were analyzed using the same process and procedures as for the interviews.
Employee Protection Protocol (EPP): A questionnaire was sent by the Departmental Security Division (DSD) in February 2014 to 178 institutional employees who had accessed the services offered by the EPP. Respondents were asked to send completed questionnaires back to the DSD to maintain employee privacy. A total of 20 questionnaires were faxed back to the DSD, which represents an 11% response rate. Data were analysed using the same process and procedures as was used for the interviews.
Formal/informal security training: A brief questionnaire was sent to the wardens and directors of all CSC institutions regarding coaching and mentoring programs at their locations, including on-the-job training, in January 2014.Footnote 10
Case studies
The evaluation team visited seven study sites as part of the case study for the institutional security evaluation. The main objective of the case studies was to seek responses to the evaluation question, "To what extent are dynamic and static security integrated in institutional surveillance activities?". Case studies were conducted at seven sites which included three groupsFootnote 11 of "sister institutions"Footnote 12 selected based on their similar infrastructural design. Case study data included semi-structured interviews with institutional staff and management as describe above as well as naturalistic observations of front-line operations. Observations were conducted using a structured observation template to support interview data. The site visits occurred in February and March 2013.
The evaluation team members did not participate in the event or activity being observed. The observers documented the flow of the activity in the Institutional Security Case Study Observation Guide, which included information such as the area observed, the activities observed, and the people present. The notes from the Observation Guide were rolled up into an Observation Summary which linked the observations to the evaluation indicators and allowed observers to quantify activities observed. Based on the summary, the observers completed the Observation Checklist, where a scale was used to assess the indicators observed. Finally, the observers at each case study site combined their observations into the Summary of Findings, which presented key findings from each institution. Data from the Summary of Findings were collected and analyzed. The analyzed data was then used to provide support for the evaluation’s findings and recommendations.
Quantitative Data
Analyses of automated data
Various sources of automated data were used in the evaluation. They are listed below.
Offender data: Data pertaining to institutional incidents, seizures, urinalysis and offender grievances were extracted from OMS and from Performance Direct and then analysed in SAS and Excel.
Human resource data: Data extracted from the Human Resource Management System (HRMS) database were provided by CSC’s Human Resources Management Section. Data on CX hires, exits, disciplinary action, level of experience as well as data specific to the recruiting process were retrieved as of December 2014 and analysed in SAS and Excel.
Financial data: Financial data for Institutional Security expenditures retrieved from the Integrated Financial and Material Management System (IFMMS) for 2008/2009 to 2013/2014 were analyzed by the evaluation team using Excel.
Data on Complaints and Work Refusals: Data on complaints and work refusals under the Canada Labour Code (CLC) was provided by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC; March 19, 2013). Internal CSC data on complaints and work refusals was provided by CSC’s Labour Relations Branch on July 4, 2014 for the period of January 1, 2012 to July 3, 2014. Data were analysed using Excel.
2.3 Limitations
The institutional security evaluation presented a number of limitations. During the time of the evaluation, CSC contributed to Canada’s Economic Action Plan through a series of measures aimed at reducing financial expenditures. These changes may have impacted the way institutional security activities were perceived and thus may have impacted on the results of this evaluation.
The evaluation relied in part on the perspectives and reports of individuals internal and external to CSC. As with any interview or survey data collection method, there is an inherent risk for potential selection and response bias. This is especially true in the case of questionnaires that were conducted with offenders where the methodology required parole officers to administer the questionnaire which may have introduced bias, given the position of authority held by parole officers.
Given the number of institutional security activities that impact security outcomes, in some instances it was not possible to statistically assess the connection between the activities and the outcomes in the logic model because there were variables unaccounted for. However, the evaluation team identified and noted the strongest trends using the combined quantitative and qualitative data available.
4.0 Conclusion
In conclusion, institutional security is essential to ensuring the safety and security of CSC’s institutions. The evaluation found that improvements could be made in areas such as correctional officer recruitment, the EPP, as well as monitoring, reporting and sharing of intelligence information. A positive impact was found regarding dynamic security where activities are contributing to the safety and security of correctional institutions. Currently, CSC staff and management are working together to make inroads into closing gaps identified by the evaluation.
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Appendix D: Case Study and Correctional Manager Interview Site Visits
Institution | Security Level | Travel Period |
Case Study Interviews | ||
Triangular Design Model | ||
Atlantic Institution | Maximum | March 11 – March 15, 2013 |
Donnacona Institution | Maximum | March 19 – March 22, 2013 |
Courtyard Design Model | ||
Edmonton Institution | Maximum | March 10 – March 16, 2013 |
Kent Institution | Maximum | February 24 – March 6, 2013 |
Structured Campus Model | ||
Drumheller Institution | Multi-Level | March 25 – March 28, 2013 |
Springhill Institution | Medium | March 20 – March 28, 2013 |
Warkworth Institution | Medium | February 24 – February 28, 2013 |
Correctional Manager Interviews | ||
Atlantic Region | ||
Springhill Institution | Medium | March 20 – March 28, 2013 |
Nova Institution for Women | Multi-Level | March 20 – March 28, 2013 |
Atlantic Institution | Maximum | March 11 – March 15, 2013 |
Quebec Region | ||
Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines Institution | Minimum | March 11 – March 15, 2013 |
Archambault Institution | Medium | March 11 – March 15, 2013 |
Regional Reception Centre | Multi-Level | March 11 – March 15, 2013 |
Donnacona Institution | Maximum | March 19 – March 22, 2013 |
Ontario Region | ||
Warkworth Institution | Medium | February 24 – February 28, 2013 |
Bath Institution | Medium | March 3 – March 6, 2013 |
Millhaven Institution | Maximum | March 3 – March 6, 2013 |
Prairie Region | ||
Edmonton Institution | Maximum | March 10 – March 16, 2013 |
Pê Sâkâstêw Healing Lodge | Minimum | March 10 – March 16, 2013 |
Stony Mountain Institution | Medium | March 25 – March 28, 2013 |
Rockwood Institution | Minimum | March 25 – March 28, 2013 |
Drumheller Institution | Multi-Level | March 25 – March 28, 2013 |
Pacific Region | ||
Kent Institution | Maximum | February 24 – March 6, 2013 |
Mountain Institution | Medium | February 24 – March 6, 2013 |
Fraser Valley Institution for Women | Multi-Level | February 24 – March 6, 2013 |
Appendix E: Profile of Staff & Management Questionnaire Respondents
All Respondents | Management respondents | CX respondents | ||||
n | % | n | % | n | % | |
Regions | 254 | 139 | 40 | |||
Atlantic | 27 | 11% | 11 | 8% | 4 | 10% |
Quebec | 48 | 19% | 28 | 20% | 7 | 18% |
Ontario | 61 | 24% | 37 | 27% | 11 | 28% |
Prairies | 71 | 28% | 38 | 27% | 11 | 28% |
Pacific | 47 | 19% | 25 | 18% | 7 | 18% |
Security Level | 251 | 136 | 40 | |||
Maximum | 37 | 15% | 12 | 9% | 11 | 28% |
Medium | 102 | 41% | 59 | 43% | 12 | 30% |
Minimum | 36 | 14% | 20 | 15% | 7 | 18% |
Multi-level | 76 | 30% | 45 | 33% | 10 | 25% |
Appendix F: List of Sister Institutions and Design Model
Region | Institution | Sister Institution | Design Model |
ONT | Joyceville Institution | Joyceville, Leclerc | Linear |
QUE | Leclerc Institution | Joyceville, Leclerc | Linear |
PRA | Edmonton Institution | Edmonton, Kent | Courtyard |
PAC | Kent Institution | Edmonton, Kent | Courtyard |
PRA | Drumheller Institution | Cowansville, Drumheller, Springhill, Warkworth | Structured Campus |
QUE | Cowansville Institution | Cowansville, Drumheller, Springhill, Warkworth | Structured Campus |
ATL | Springhill Institution | Cowansville, Drumheller, Springhill, Warkworth | Structured Campus |
ONT | Warkworth Institution | Cowansville, Drumheller, Springhill, Warkworth | Structured Campus |
QUE | Port Cartier Institution | Atlantic, Donnacona, Port Cartier | Triangular |
ATL | Atlantic Institution | Atlantic, Donnacona, Port Cartier | Triangular |
QUE | Donnacona Institution | Atlantic, Donnacona, Port Cartier | Triangular |
ONT | Millhaven Institution | Archambault, Millhaven | Radial |
QUE | Archambault Institution | Archambault, Millhaven | Radial |
Appendix G: Results of Multiple Regression Analyses
Parameter Estimate | Standard Error | t-Value | P value | 95% Confidence Level | ||
2008/2009 | -0.04238 | 0.00887 | -4.78 | <.0001 | -0.06018 | -0.02458 |
2009/2010 | -0.04594 | 0.00994 | -4.62 | <.0001 | -0.06589 | -0.02599 |
2010/2011 | -0.05033 | 0.01019 | -4.94 | <.0001 | -0.07078 | -0.02988 |
2011/2012 | -0.05417 | 0.01006 | -5.38 | <.0001 | -0.07436 | -0.03398 |
2012/2013 | -0.05637 | 0.01208 | -4.67 | <.0001 | -0.08061 | -0.03213 |
Parameter Estimate | Standard Error | t-Value | P value | 95% Confidence Level | ||
2008/2009 | -0.02814 | 0.00769 | -3.66 | 0.0006 | -0.04357 | -0.01270 |
2009/2010 | -0.03825 | 0.00658 | -5.82 | <.0001 | -0.05146 | -0.02504 |
2010/2011 | -0.03033 | 0.00984 | -3.08 | 0.0033 | -0.05008 | -0.01058 |
2011/2012 | -0.04615 | 0.00778 | -5.93 | <.0001 | -0.06176 | -0.03055 |
2012/2013 | -0.04901 | 0.00937 | -5.23 | <.0001 | -0.06780 | -0.03022 |
- Footnote 1
Throughout the evaluation, the acronyms CX and CO will be used to refer to specific groupings of CSC correctional staff. CX refers to the classification group of correctional officers (CO; CX-01 and CX-02), primary workers (PW; CX-02) and correctional managers (CM; CX-04). Some aspects of the evaluation focus on specific groups of CX staff, in which case the appropriate acronyms will be used (i.e. CO, PW, CM).
- Footnote 2
CSC is the federal government agency responsible for administering sentences imposed by the courts that are two years or more. Sentence administration includes the management of correctional institutions of various security levels and the supervision of offenders under conditional release in the community. More information regarding CSC, including policy and legislation, can be found at http://www.csc-scc.gc.ca.
- Footnote 3
Both sections are included under the Purpose and Principles section of the CCRA.
- Footnote 4
CSC’s Program Alignment Architecture (PAA) is an inventory of programs grouped by related sub-programs and linked to its strategic outcome: "The custody, correctional interventions, and supervision of offenders in institutions and in communities, contribute to public safety."
- Footnote 5
Although the scope of the evaluation includes only specific institutional security activities, the full spectrum of activities is detailed in the program Logic Model (see Appendix B and Appendix C)
- Footnote 6
Throughout the evaluation, the acronyms CX and CO will be used to refer to specific groupings of CSC correctional staff. CX refers to the classification group of correctional officers (CO; CX-01 and CX-02), primary workers (PW; CX-02) and correctional managers (CM; CX-04). Some aspects of the evaluation focus on specific groups of CX staff, in which case the appropriate acronyms will be used (i.e. CO, PW, CM).
- Footnote 7
Primary Workers in the Healing Lodge for women offenders are also known as Kimisinaw.
- Footnote 8
An iterative and inductive qualitative analysis process identifies emerging themes and meaning from data through a repetitive reflexive process. (see Srivastava & Hopwood, 2009 and Patton, 1980.)
- Footnote 9
Details about the case studies are found later in this section.
- Footnote 10
If the questionnaire was not returned within 4 weeks, evaluation team members called the warden’s office as a reminder. There was a 100% response rate.
- Footnote 11
The following institutions were visited based on their design model: Edmonton and Kent institutions are based on the Courtyard model; Drumheller, Springhill and Warkworth institutions are based on the Structured Campus model; and Atlantic and Donnacona are based on the Triangular design model.
- Footnote 12
"Sister institution" is a term that refers to institutions that were built with a similar infrastructural design model. Institutional design models refer primarily to the original style of offender accommodations, and the manner in which offenders circulate through the institution. Institutions can be of the same design model without being sister institutions. There are five types of design model: linear, courtyard, structured campus, triangular and radial. CSC currently has 13 sister institutions. A list and description of sister institutions is provided in Appendix F.
- Footnote 13
Commissioner’s Message dated February 26, 2010. Posted on InfoNet.
- Footnote 14
From Overview of Safe Streets and Communities Act, posted on InfoNet, May 2, 2012.
- Footnote 15
In 2001, CSC’s Task Force on Security developed a security framework to optimize staff and offender interactions while promoting safe reintegration. The framework was divided into four components: safety, respect, leadership and learning and contained eighty recommendations to further CSC’s growth as "a professional, humane and restorative correctional system" (CSC 2001, p. 1).
- Footnote 16
Kingston Penitentiary and Leclerc Institution were closed on September 30, 2013. They are included in this evaluation as they were open during the period of time examined. As of April 1, 2014, a number of institutions were clustered, where some institutions that were geographically close were merged to share the same site name and warden, although they would retain their security classification.
- Footnote 17
Source: CRS, Offender Profile Data Cube, retrieved on October 25, 2013. Violent offences include Murder I, Murder II and Schedule I offences.
- Footnote 18
Security incidents were defined in accordance with the definition provided in CSC’s Performance Direct tool and included, for example: disciplinary problems, disruptive behaviors, threats, possession of contraband damage to property, inmate fights, assaults on staff/offenders/visitors, hostage taking, homicides, murders (or attempted), escape (or attempted).
- Footnote 19
Other classification groups were examined where deemed relevant.
- Footnote 20
Occupational groups noted: CR – Clerical and Regulatory; GS – General Services; AS – Administrative Services; WP – Welfare Programmes; FI – Financial Management; PS – Psychology.
- Footnote 21
PWs were not examined because they go through separate competitive processes than CX-01s.
- Footnote 22
Data source: HRMS May 2014.
- Footnote 23
A total of 141 disciplinary actions were found in HRMS for CX-01 staff members having been hired over the last five years.
- Footnote 24
Note that follow up times recruits from the new process varied, ranging from 3 months to 10 months.
- Footnote 25
Source: HRMS, data retrieved May 2014
- Footnote 26
The exact number of respondents associated to this percentage was not available.
- Footnote 27
Dynamic security includes the activities performed by staff to increase their awareness of offender behaviour and activities that may indicate potential problems or incidents. A key component of dynamic security is the interaction between staff and offenders.
- Footnote 28
Security incidents were defined in accordance with the definition provided in CSC’s Performance Direct tool and included, for example: disciplinary problems, disruptive behaviors, threats, possession of contraband damage to property, inmate fights, assaults on staff/offenders/visitors, hostage taking, homicides, murders (or attempted), escape (or attempted).
- Footnote 29
Security related offender grievances included cases of, for example: discrimination, harassment by staff, placement and living conditions in segregation, use of force, searches.
- Footnote 30
Years of service includes all federal government service in any department or position.
- Footnote 31
Multiple regression analyses were performed using institutional averages of years of experience working for CSC and institutional OPY rates of security related incidents (log) and offender grievances (log). Analyses were performed on a yearly basis for a period of 5 years (i.e. yearly analyses were repeated for five years from 2008/2009 to 2012/2013).
- Footnote 32
The years of experience were calculated by subtracting the date of hire into CSC for each employee from the last day of the relevant fiscal year (March 31), and then average years of experience were calculated for members of the CX group. The decision was made to use the date of hire, rather than date of position, as the majority of new recruits to the CX group come from outside CSC (95%; n = 298 in 2012/2013; CSC, 2014c)
- Footnote 33
Institutional adjustment and security risk ratings are obtained through an actuarial tool, the Custody Rating Scale (CRS). These scores are an indication of the level of risk that an offender poses within the institution and to the community in the case of an escape.
- Footnote 34
Risk, need, motivation and reintegration potential are overall offender ratings assessed through a number of actuarial tools (i.e. the Custody Rating Scale; the Revised Statistical Information on Recidivism; the Static Factor Rating, the Dynamic Factor Identification and Analysis, Revised) along with professional judgement.
- Footnote 35
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: staff and management (SM) questionnaire (46%; n = 115); case study (CS) interviews (19%; n = 12); correctional manager (CM) interviews (24%; n = 21).
- Footnote 36
Static security consists primarily of physical equipment and infrastructure (e.g. fences, CCTV, x-ray machines), but also includes the procedures involved in ensuring the security of the institution, staff, and offenders (e.g. responding to alarms, staffing posts, inmate movement).
- Footnote 37
Source: HRMS, April 1st, 2013. Experience data was only available for indeterminate employees within the institutions. In 2012/2013, the institutional average of CX staff experience ranged from 5.07 to 23.06 years. The average years of CX staff experience for each institutional security level group was calculated by first determining the average years of CX staff experience for each institution. The institutional averages were then averaged by security level group. As such, these do not represent an average of individual experience but an average of institutional experience.
- Footnote 38
Data only includes indeterminate employees. Source: HRMS, April 1st, 2013.
- Footnote 39
Mentoring is a long term relationship that is built on trust and focuses on broad issues the mentee wishes to discuss (e.g. both personal and professional), and is defined as "a relationship between an experienced person (mentor) who shares his or her professional skills, knowledge and insights with another individual (mentee) willing and ready to learn, grow and develop skills and confidence in his or her professional development" (Publiservice, 2011). Coaching is a shorter term relationship that focuses on the transfer of professional skills from a more experienced individual (the coach). Coaching is described by the TBS as "a two-way conversation that helps overcome problems, generates creative ideas and solutions, develops knowledge or skills and improves performance" (TBS, 2008b).
- Footnote 40
Note this evaluation was based on CTP as it was delivered prior to being centralized in Regina.
- Footnote 41
While respondents spoke of coaching and mentoring interchangeably, the context within which views were expressed by interviewees was more consistent with the definition of coaching rather than mentoring.
- Footnote 42
Percentages were calculated based on the total number of respondents to each question, and not the total number of respondents to the questionnaire.
- Footnote 43
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (24%; n = 16); CM interviews (43%; n = 40).
- Footnote 44
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (25%; n = 47); CS interviews (24%; n = 16); CM interviews (43%; n = 40).
- Footnote 45
The majority of new CXs are now deployed to maximum or medium security level institutions for their first two years of employment.
- Footnote 46
Action implemented through a MAP from Recommendation 1 of this evaluation.
- Footnote 47
Annex D – Site Deployment Levels (in CSC, 2009)
- Footnote 48
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (68%; n = 171); CS interviews (24%; n = 16); CM interviews (41%; n = 38).
- Footnote 49
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (53%; n = 127); CS interviews (23%; n = 17); CM interviews (18%; n = 17).
- Footnote 50
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (43%; n = 69); CS interviews (26%; n = 23); CM interviews (31%; n = 21).
- Footnote 51
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (19%; n = 14); CM interviews (18%; n = 16).
- Footnote 52
Out of the 639, there were: 404 127.1s; 232 128s; 2 listed as 127.1 to 128; and 1 blank.
- Footnote 53
Out of the total n = 67 complaints or refusals to work related to deployment.
- Footnote 54
Out of the 39: 27 were 127.1s, 11 were 128s, and 1 was a 127.1 to 128.
- Footnote 55
When an employee makes a refusal to work complaint an internal process to resolve the issue and return the employee to work is launched. If no resolution is made through this process and the employee continues to refuse to work then the complaint is referred to ESDC to be investigated and a ruling of danger/no danger is made.
- Footnote 56
Of the 11 cases listed as ongoing, as of July 4, 2014, 2 were being investigated by ESDC.
- Footnote 57
The audit team were unable to confirm whether the unmanned positions were operationally adjustable positions or not.
- Footnote 58
The assessment focuses on four constants: intent, potential consequences, risk, and impact on the target.
- Footnote 59
Threat Risk Assessment: an evaluation of factors that could pose a danger to the management of an offender, the safety of others, or security of an operational unit in particular circumstances. (CSC, 2012e, Annex E)
- Footnote 60
Only the EAP was mentioned on the EPP TRA report instructions, but a new pre-assessment tool will specifically ask and document whether the EAP and CISM were offered. Source: email of September 30, 2014 from Denise Silva, Departmental Security Branch.
- Footnote 61
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (92%; n = 231); CS interviews (40%; n = 27); CM interviews (28%; n = 25)
- Footnote 62
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (13%; n = 9); CM interviews (19%; n = 17).
- Footnote 63
Case study interviews only.
- Footnote 64
Correctional manager interviews only.
- Footnote 65
A file is considered closed when corrective measures have been taken to mitigate the risks and a TRA update does not recommend any further reviews or when a TRA or TRA update indicates the threat is no longer present. A file may be reopened with new information that may warrant increased security measures.
- Footnote 66
The questionnaire was sent to 178 employees who had accessed the EPP. The response rate was 11%.
- Footnote 67
Among employees surveyed, all were personally involved in the event that lead to their EPP case and 35% (n = 7) of cases also involved the respondent’s family. Respondents were not asked the timeframe they accessed or made use of the EPP.
- Footnote 68
One respondent refused security measures, and one did not indicate what measures were put in place.
- Footnote 69
More than one measure may have been put in place for the respondent.
- Footnote 70
In the majority of cases, the EPP evaluation process started within a week (63%; n = 12), and in some cases it took more than a month (32%; n = 6). One of the nineteen respondents indicated that they were never notified that the process took place.
- Footnote 71
The onus is on the victim to register to receive information about the offender.
- Footnote 72
Releases include: temporary absences, work release, parole, and statutory release.
- Footnote 73
Some of the skills included in course section on communication skills are active listening, responsive listening, and breaking bad news over the telephone.
- Footnote 74
Human sources are defined as "any person who provides information to an agency and expects confidentiality. These persons are protected by informant privilege which is intended to protect their identity." (CSC, 2013i, Annex A.)
- Footnote 75
Open sources refer to publicly available information, such as newspapers, academic papers, and on the internet, including social media.
- Footnote 76
See Component #3: Institutional Security Operations – Dynamic Security.
- Footnote 77
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (49%; n = 34); CM interviews (44%; n = 40).
- Footnote 78
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (100%; n = 73); CM interviews (99%; n = 94).
- Footnote 79
Investigations related to incidents that occurred within the institution.
- Footnote 80
Investigations related to incidents that occurred in the community but involve offenders.
- Footnote 81
Resource allocation is also known as strategic intelligence.
- Footnote 82
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (47%; n = 115); CS interviews (48%; n = 33); CM interviews (48%; n = 44); SIO interviews (48%; n = 23).
- Footnote 83
As per CSC’s Commissioner’s Directive 568 - Management of Security Information and Intelligence, all staff are to immediately report any situation that could jeopardize the safety and security of an operational unit, individuals or the protection of society (CSC, 2013e).
- Footnote 84
A Statement/Observation Report (SOR) should be completed by all staff, volunteers and contractors to document incidents or behaviours that have been witnessed or observed where those incidents or behaviours are significant or out of the ordinary, considered to be potentially sensitive in nature, or identify offender associates, affiliates, incompatibles and contacts (CSC, 2013f; 2013g).
- Footnote 85
Key informants were NHQ staff members from the Security Branch and other relevant sectors (Legal Services, CORCAN, Aboriginal Initiatives, etc.)
- Footnote 86
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (51%; n = 126); CS interviews (45%; n = 31); CM interviews (30%; n = 28).
- Footnote 87
Communication between staff and managers was found to be "strained" at the institutional level according to the Change in Command Audit, Kent Institution Pacific Region. To address this, the audit recommended that "senior managers should establish effective strategies to improve communication throughout the institution at all levels." (CSC, 2012d)
- Footnote 88
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (61%; n = 150); CS interviews (6%; n = 4); CM interviews (8%; n = 7).
- Footnote 89
SINet is the Security Intelligence Network: a computer program that allows SIOs to enter, share and link related intelligence data.
- Footnote 90
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (53%; n = 130); CS interviews (12%; n = 8); CM interviews (14%; n = 13); SIO interviews (65%; n = 31).
- Footnote 91
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (39%; n = 97); CS interviews (4%; n = 3); CM interviews (3%; n = 3); SIO interviews (50%; n = 24).
- Footnote 92
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaires (16%; n = 39); CS interviews (1%; n = 1); CM interviews (1%; n = 1).
- Footnote 93
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (30%; n = 37); CS interviews (25%; n = 17); CM interviews (28%; n = 25); SIO interviews (17%; n = 8).
- Footnote 94
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (9%; n = 11); CS interviews (15%; n = 10); CM interviews (10%; n = 9); SIO interviews (46%; n = 22).
- Footnote 95
Correctional Services Canada Form 1445.
- Footnote 96
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (68%; n = 84); CS interviews (75%; n = 51); CM interviews (79%; n = 70); SIO interviews (83%; n = 40).
- Footnote 97
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (4%; n = 5); CS interviews (15%; n = 10); CM interviews (13%; n = 12); SIO interviews (40%; n = 19).
- Footnote 98
A. Martel (Personal communication) December 9, 2014.
- Footnote 99
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (69%; n = 174); CS interviews (85%; n = 63); SIO interviews (94%; n = 45).
- Footnote 100
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (78%; n = 193); CS interviews (68%; n = 50); SIO interviews (73%; n = 35).
- Footnote 101
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (74%; n = 185); CS interviews (74%; n = 54); SIO interviews (77%; n = 37).
- Footnote 102
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (68%; n = 169); CS interviews (79%; n = 58); SIO interviews (90%; n = 43).
- Footnote 103
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (57%; n = 140); CS interviews (71%; n = 52); CM interviews (76%; n = 72).
- Footnote 104
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: CS interviews (74%; n = 55); CM interviews (70%; n = 66).
- Footnote 105
Active monitoring refers to observing offender behaviours, monitoring the changes and keeping track of the fluctuations.
- Footnote 106
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (28%; n = 55); CS interviews (28%; n = 19); CM interviews (27%; n = 25).
- Footnote 107
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (28%; n = 54); CS interviews (31%; n = 21); CM interviews (28%; n = 26).
- Footnote 108
Totals composed of data from the following data collection tools: SM questionnaire (25%; n = 49); CS interviews (15%; n = 10); CM interviews (9%; n = 8).
- Footnote 109
The following sub-activities and sub-sub-activities were included in the analysis: 1.0 Custody, including 1.1 Institutional Management and Support and 1.2 Institutional Security (includes 1.2.1 Intelligence and Supervision and 1.2.2 Drug Interdiction); as well as, Cost Centre (CC) 280 (Electronic Engineering Policy & Services) and CC 283 (Electronic Systems Maintenance), both under sub-sub-program 1.4.2 Accommodation Services as they related to the maintenance of electronic systems in the institutions (e.g. security cameras, PIDS, radios). The total expenditures presented do not include retroactive pay. In addition, costs related to parole offices or community correctional centers were not included.
- Footnote 110
Source: IFMMS, extracted February 27 & 28, 2014 and February 12, 16 & 17, 2015.
- Footnote 111
According to the 2013-14 Departmental Performance Report, the increase in expenditures is largely as a result of the ratification of collective agreements (CSC, 2014b).
- Footnote 112
210-Salaries includes, but not limited to, items such as Salaries Indeterminate Employees, Severance Pay, Overtime, Premium Pay, Shift Premium, and Allowances – Employees.
240-Operating costs include, but are not limited to, items such as Other Operating Equipment and Supplies <$10,000, Employee clothing, and Telecommunications Services.
- Footnote 113
The rate of security related salary costs increased from $39.9 million per 1,000 offenders in 2008/2009 to $43.8 million per 1,000 offenders in 2013/2014.
- Footnote 114
Serious security incidents are defined by CSC’s Performance Direct as "any security-related incident that does not result in actual death but is of a serious nature", and includes, for example: assaults on staff/offenders/visitors, hostage takings, escapes (actual and attempted), and inmate fights.
- Footnote 115
In order to better identify and intervene with "offenders at risk for self-injury or suicide, CSC reinforced actions to prevent deaths in custody by stressing the importance of security patrols, including dynamic security practices" (CSC, 2014b, p. 23).
- Footnote 116
The National Population Management Approach integrates accommodation, resources and interventions to ensure offenders are appropriately placed within CSC’s institutions. (CSC, 2015)
- Footnote 117
Drug-related seizures, as reported by Performance Direct, include incidents where drugs or drug-related paraphernalia were seized.
- Footnote 118
Source: email 2014-09-23 from Debb Matthews, Senior Project Manager, Security Operations.
- Footnote 119
Negative test results are where the concentration of intoxicants in the urine sample are below the cut-off levels listed in Annex B and C of CD 566-10 (CSC, 2012f).
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