Report on annual expenditures for travel, hospitality, and conferences (for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2018)

As required by the Treasury Board Directive on Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures this report provides information on the total annual expenditures for each of travel, hospitality, and conferences for Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018, except for information withheld under the Access to Information Act or the Privacy Act.

Travel, hospitality, and conference expenditures incurred by federal departments and agencies relate to activities that support a departmental or agency mandate and the government's priorities.

CSC's travel, hospitality and conference expenditures support the delivery of the following core programs and services to Canadians:

For more details on CSC mandate and priorities please refer to the CSC's Departmental Plan (DP) and Departmental Results Report (DRR).

To fulfil its responsibilities, CSC has locations throughout Canada that require travel to provide service delivery and to oversee its operations. Other travel is required for CSC staff to attend training sessions to maintain or develop skills or to participate in various sessions to promote productive relationships with increasingly diverse partners, stakeholders, and others involved in public safety.

Annual Expenditures for Travel, Hospitality and Conferences of the Correctional Service of Canada

(in thousands of dollars)
Expenditure category Year Ending March 31, 2018 Previous Year Ending March 31, 2017 Variance
Operational activities $10,146 N/A N/A
Key stakeholders $593 N/A N/A
Internal governance $341 N/A N/A
Training $4,461 N/A N/A
Other $1,577 N/A N/A
Total travel $17,118 $15,481 $1,637
Hospitality $109 $83 $26
Conference fees $2 $7* ($5)
Total $17,229 $15,571 $1,658
*Amount re-stated (previously reported as $21 thousand) upon validation that prior year figures did not meet the definition of conference fees as set out in the Guide to Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Expenditures.

Significant variances compared with the previous fiscal year


As this is the first year of reporting by category, no restatement of prior year figures has been made. Compared to fiscal year 2016-2017, CSC's total travel expenditures increased by $1,637 thousand or 11% partly due to:


Compared to fiscal year 2016-2017, hospitality expenditures increased by $26 thousand or 31% mainly due to an increase in expenditures for regional meetings, employee appreciation events in the Prairie region, and increased costs related to National Public Service Week.


During 2017-2018, CSC employees attended conferences, however compared to fiscal year 2016-2017 there was no significant variance in conference fee expenditures.

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