Disclosure of transfer payment program under $5 million 2014-2015

The table below, for each TPP, includes statutory transfer payment programs, where total TPPs do not exceed $5 million during the reporting year. Up-Front Multi-Year Funding provided under a TPP with terms and conditions (section 6.6.3 of the Directive on Transfer Payments) is included.

Disclosure of TPPS under $5 million
1. Name of TPP 2. Program, Sub-Program and Sub-Sub-Program 3. Main Objective 4. End Date of TPP, if applicable 5. Type of TP (G, C) 6. Planned Spending for 2014-15 7. Fiscal Year of Last Completed Evaluation 8. General Targeted Recipient Group
Grant to the University of Saskatchewan for Forensic Research Centre Custody / Institutional Health Services / Clinical Health Services The purpose of this grant is to encourage graduate psychology students to choose the specialty of Forensic Psychiatry and thereby increase the pool of potential employees for CSC G 122,000 2010-2011 University of Saskatchewan, graduate Psychology Students
Grant to the University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine for a psychiatric residency seat Custody / Institutional Health Services / Clinical Health Services The grant creates an incentive for a psychiatric resident to work for the CSC (at the Regional Psychiatric Centre) when he/she is licensed as a psychiatrist. The benefit to the University of Saskatchewan is that it is able to admit an additional resident to its psychiatry program. G 160,000 2010-2011 University of Saskatchewan, Medical Students
Correctional Service of Canada’s National Infrastructure Contribution Program Internal Services The National Infrastructure Contribution Program will enable CSC to enter into contribution agreements with provinces, municipality, and non-profit organizations towards construction done by those bodies, where CSC cannot otherwise do so in a reasonable and cost effective manner. March 31, 2016 C 4,700,000 N/A Provinces, territories, municipalities, and/or non-profit organizations.

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