Sustainable development strategy 2020-2023

Message from the Commissioner

Photo Anne Kelly, Interim Commissioner

Correctional Service of Canada’s (CSC) 2020-2023 Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS), our eight voluntary SDS since 1997, commits to numerous energy conservation measures that demonstrate corporate ownership to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Since 2005, CSC has achieved an 18% reduction in GHG emissions from its facilities by improving the energy efficiency of equipment and buildings with modern technologies. On the path to reduce its ecological footprint, CSC needs to intensify its unwavering organizational efforts to meet or surpass the Government of Canada commitment to reduce GHG emissions from federal buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030, with an aspiration to achieve it by 2025. Consequently, CSC will indisputably continue to work with all its stakeholders and partners towards carbon neutrality.

On December 5, 2019, the Speech from the Throne to open the First Session of the Forty-Third Parliament of Canada stated the following key messages related to fighting climate change:

Furthermore, amendments to the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA) will be promulgated in December 2020. These will precisely define expectations and set specific targets for all federal departments. Hence, CSC will be subject to the FSDA as of 2021, and therefore to the next Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) cycle by 2023. As CSC is currently the third largest GHG emitter amongst all federal departments and agencies (from the real property perspective), our organization has a very important role to assume on this matter. Accordingly, it will be expected that for our next SDS, in addition to the environmental aspect, further commitments will be made in the areas of social and economical sustainability.

Notwithstanding the difficult times and corporate challenges that the reality of the COVID-19 pandemic brought upon us, we need to reinforce our involvements in support of environmental sustainability. Our corporate leadership in the area of greening government operations is nothing less than considerable, essential and imperative to all Canadians.

Anne Kelly

Executive Summary

Technical Services and Facilities Branch has been preparing and publishing a departmental Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) every three years since its first edition in 1997. For this SDS, the Correctional Service of Canada’s eighth edition, we have again placed the priority on energy saving initiatives, energy performance contracts, clean energy technologies, waste reduction and modernizing the vehicle fleet. These initiatives are in an effort to lower greenhouse gas emissions and to reduce consumption costs, which are in line with the three components of sustainable development, i.e. social, economical and environmental aspects. CSC has chosen to voluntarily adopt its next SDS to cover the period of 2020-2023 since there are amendments to include CSC as a department requiring to fully comply with the revised Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA, scheduled for December 2020) and in order to align with the next Federal Sustainable Development Strategy cycle.

Baby Goose, Laval Complex, QUE

Baby Goose
Laval Complex, QUE

The main goal of SDS 2020-2023 is to “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and waste as well as promote conservation of energy and water from CSC operations” and there are two environmental commitments CSC has set out to achieve:

  1. Reduce GHG emissions that are responsible for global warming and climate change; and
  2. Reduce waste and water consumption to help preserve the quality of the physical environment.

With the creation of the Centre for Greening Government in late 2016 at the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), followed by the Greening Government Strategy in December 2017, an ambitious target was set to: “Reduce GHG from federal buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 (with an aspiration goal to reach by 2025)”. CSC is considered from a real property perspective, the third largest GHG emitter of all federal departments, after DND and PSPC. Accordingly, the contribution of CSC to the fight against climate change is not negligible. It is the right thing to do and it fully aligns with the government priority of GHG reduction.

Finally, for the current SDS, CSC has initiated a realignment of the focus from exclusively environmental aspects to sustainable development decision-making that includes social and economical elements for the benefits of present and future generations.


Since CSC’s first corporate Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS) voluntarily developed and published in 1997, a significant effort towards sustainable development and environmental performance has been achieved. Each strategy had its successes and lessons learned which were used and adapted in subsequent editions. Over the years, the strategies adopted various approaches and shifted in priorities, however, the emphasis has continued to remain on the overarching goal of reducing CSC’s adverse impacts on the physical environment.

The first SDS focused primarily on increasing human resources in the regions and developing environmental management tools to help bring forward the environmental agenda. For the next editions, the number of targets became more modest and had better defined scopes and dedicated resources which led to more achievable and successful strategies.

Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Mountain Institution, PAC

Electric Vehicle Charging Station, Mountain Institution, PAC

Now, since the amendments include CSC as a department requiring to comply with the Federal Sustainable Development Act (FSDA) and the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy (FSDS) timelines, CSC has chosen to follow a three-year cycle for its next SDS (2020-2023). As the previous SDS, emphasis will be maintained on energy saving initiatives, i.e. GHG emissions reduction measures.

With the creation of the Centre for Greening Government in late 2016 at the Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS), followed by the Greening Government Strategy in December 2017, an ambitious target was developed for which all departments are subject to: “Reduce GHG from federal buildings and fleets by 40% below 2005 levels by 2030 (with an aspiration goal to reach by 2025)”. According to TBS, CSC is considered a significant GHG emitter from a real property standpoint, i.e. the third amongst all federal departments. It will be expected that CSC will considerably contribute to the overall government goal by implementing specific initiatives to lower emissions such as replacing older assets with more efficient ones, engaging new energy performance contracts, adopting clean energy technologies, modernizing vehicle fleet, improving green procurement policies and so forth.

Risk Analysis

CSC environmental protection and sustainable development programs are fundamentally composed of two main portfolios: environmental compliance and environmental performance. Both environmental mandates fall under the strategic corporate priority “Efficient and effective management practices that reflect values-based leadership in a changing environment”.

Environmental Compliance

The environmental compliance portfolio relates to aspects that are federally legislated and therefore has the most significant risk. The level of risk is evaluated based on the likelihood of non-compliance events and the potential environmental impacts associated with such events. In order to assess the risk level from an environmental compliance perspective, the following environmental acts/regulations that impact CSC’s operations were considered:

Underground petroleum storage tank Archambault Complex, QUE

Underground petroleum storage tank Archambault Complex, QUE

It should be noted that the potential environmental repercussions (and potential violations of the CEPA and/or the Fisheries Act) associated with the presence of contaminated sites, potentially contaminated areas or areas of environmental concerns on CSC’s sites, are risk-managed separately, case by case, as per the 10-steps approach established by the Federal Contaminated Site Action Plan (FCSAP).

Environmental Performance

The Environmental Performance portfolio relates to aspects that are not legislated and consequently, the risk level is typically less significant. In CSC, environmental performance refers to SDS commitments and targets for the most part, as well as the TBS Greening Government Strategy (GGS) engagements, which namely involve initiatives on energy efficiency (greenhouse gases reduction), water conservation and solid waste reduction. Risk level is evaluated based on the likelihood of not meeting commitments and the potential adverse environmental impact associated with such results.

Furthermore, given that CSC is currently still not formally bound by the Federal Sustainable Development Act and the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy, all of its SDS commitments and targets should be considered as “self-imposed” under a “volunteered approach”. Consequently, the risk level for not meeting SDS commitments is evaluated as moderately significant.

Controls to Mitigate Environmental Risks and Impacts

To manage and mitigate the environmental compliance risk aspects of its operations and facilities, CSC has published and enforced Internal Services Directives (ISDs) per regulated aspect under the Commissioner’s Directive (CD) 318 on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development, 2016. The internal policies related to environmental compliance are:

In addition, regular inspections, capital investments (upgrade/replacement projects), monitoring, internal audits followed by a management action plan (MAP) and internal compliance review activities (such as the Compliance and Operational Risk Report, (CORR)) are regularly conducted on site in an effort to constantly control and maintain the risk at an acceptable level. These mitigation measures have been sufficient to alleviate direct negative ecological impacts associated with the environmental compliance aspects of CSC’s operations. However, there are still some challenges, namely relating to administrative compliance issues (such as record keeping and preventive maintenance practices) that require sustained attention towards the environmental compliance aspects.

To manage and mitigate the risks and impacts of the environmental performance and/or semi-regulated Footnote 1 aspects of its operations and facilities, CSC has published Internal Services Directives (ISDs) for its main performance aspects under the CD 318 Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development. The internal policies that are mainly related to environmental performance are:

Finally, in order to mitigate risks associated with the SDS and the GGS commitments, CSC conducts regular internal consultations to identify needs, plans for the required funding and schedules timelines for the implementation of approved environmental initiatives and projects. Over the last two SDS cycles, this process has proven to be efficient to reduce the risk of not meeting SDS commitments while enhancing the possibilities of achieving or surpassing CSC’s environmental performance objectives.

The Correctional Service of Canada’s Profile and Priorities

The Correctional Service Canada is the federal government agency responsible for administering sentences of a term of two years or more, as imposed by the courts. CSC is responsible for managing institutions of various security levels and supervising offenders under conditional release in the community.

CSC manages approximately 2000 buildings, with a total building area of more than 1,400,000 square metres.

43 institutions (including 4 healing lodges)

CSC also manages:

In addition, CSC has partnerships with non-government organizations. These partner agencies operate approximately 200 community residential facilities across the country, providing accommodation, 24-hour supervision, counseling and programming to help offenders who have been released under supervision to successfully reintegrate into the community.

Our Priorities

In response to requirements to manage a changing offender profile and contribute to public safety, CSC focuses on six strategic priorities:

Summary of Results: SDS 2018-2020

CSC’s performance on the 37 institutionally driven targets of the SDS 2018-2020 will be evaluated in this chapter. The timeline to reach achievement for all of the commitments was set at March 31, 2020, although implementation was staggered over the two years. The following table summarizes the results of progress made towards the set of targets. As shown, 19 targets were achieved in the two-year cycle, 15 targets have been partially met and will reach full achievement over the next three years (i.e. targets that were partially met will be reintroduced in SDS 2020-2023), two targets were paced on hold and one target was cancelled.

The main goal of SDS 2018-2020 was to “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and promote conservation of energy and water from CSC operations” and there were two environmental commitments CSC has set out to achieve:

Geese Laval Complex, QUE

Laval Complex, QUE

  1. Reduce GHG emissions that are responsible for global warming and climate change; and
  2. Reduce waste and water consumption to help preserve the quality of physical environment.

Over the next few pages, each target will be presented in summarized tables by Region.

The progress status for each target falls under one of the following categories:

= target was achieved (completed)

= target was partially achieved (in progress)

= target was not achieved by March 31, 2020 (on hold)

= target cancelled (will not be implemented)

Atlantic Region
Target # SDS Commitment Status
1 Retrofit building #27 to improve energy efficiency at Springhill Institution.
2 Upgrade lighting throughout the institution at Springhill Institution.
3 Implement clean energy for domestic hot water in row houses at Nova Institution for Women.
4 Upgrade flood light at various buildings at Nova Institution for Women.
5 Implement clean energy for heating Private Family Visit (PFV) units at Atlantic Institution.
6 Conduct an energy audit at NFLD and Labrador CCC.
33 Install automatic shut-off showers in living unit B-7 at Dorchester Institution-Minimum
34 Plant trees along main and access roads at Dorchester Institution-Minimum
Quebec Region
Target # SDS Commitment Status
7 Improve some lighting hubs at the Regional Reception Centre.
8 Optimize HVAC systems at Drummond Institution.
9 Replace inefficient lighting systems with LED at Port-Cartier Institution.
10 Leave grassy areas as is or reforest certain grassy parcels at all institutions.
Leaving grassy areas as is and reforest certain grassy parcels, Laval Complex, QUE

Leaving grassy areas as is and reforest certain grassy parcels
Laval Complex, QUE

Ontario Region
Target # SDS Commitment Status
11 Replace inefficient furnaces and electric hot water heaters at Collins Bay Institution.
12 Replace lighting with LED in the Central Heating Plant at Joyceville Institution.
13 Initiate replacement of high wattage perimeter lighting with LED at one institution in Ontario Institution.
14 Integrate indoor and outdoor lighting into Energy Management System and install daylight sensors at Regional Headquarters.
Turtle Fencing at Firing Range, Warkworth Institution, ONT

Turtle Fencing at Firing Range, Warkworth Institution, ONT

Community Garden, Collins Bay Institution, ONT

Community Garden, Collins Bay Institution, ONT

Prairie Region
Target # SDS Commitment Status
15 Convert courtyard lighting to LED at Regional Psychiatric Centre.
16 Replace inefficient boiler at Willow Cree Healing Lodge.
17 Upgrade perimeter lighting to LED at Stony Mountain Institution.
18 Design alternative energy source for the greenhouse at Bowden Institution.
19 Implement a solar array to the greenhouse at Drumheller Institution.
20 Upgrade to LED at Okimaw Ochi Healing Lodge.
21 Upgrade interior lighting to LED at Grand Cache Institution.
22 Upgrade lighting to LED at EIFW.
23 Upgrade lighting to LED at Edmonton Institution-Maximum.
24 Replace HVAC system at Grierson Institution.
Pacific Region
Target # SDS Commitment Status
25 Upgrade lighting to LED at Matsqui Institution.
26 Upgrade lighting to LED at Mission Institution-Minimum.
27 Replace hot water tanks with on demand system at Mission Institution-Minimum.
28 Install occupancy sensors in all boardrooms and staff washrooms at Mountain Institution.
29 Purchase an electric vehicle for RHQ staff fleet and install EV charging station at RHQ.
30 Upgrade lighting to LED at William Head Institution.
31 Upgrade lighting to LED at Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Lodge.
35 Convert a grassy area to drought resistant landscaping at Mission Institution-Minimum.
36 Install two self-contained commercial composters at William Head Institution.
37 Install eight low-flush toilets at Kwìkwèxwelhp Healing Lodge.
House for bats, Kent Institution, PAC

House for bats
Kent Institution, PAC

National Headquarters (NHQ)
Target # SDS Commitment Status
32 Initiate Energy Performance Contracts (EPC).
32.1 Dorchester and Springhill Institutions (ATL)
32.2 Federal Training Centre Complex (QUE)
32.3 Archambault Complex (QUE)
32.4 Bath, Millhaven and Joyceville Institutions (ONT)
32.5 Saskatchewan Penitentiary (PRA)
32.6 Drumheller Institution (PRA)
32.7 Matsqui Complex (PAC)

SDS 2020-2023 Commitments

The targets for this SDS focused on the conservation of energy and the reduction of GHGs in line with the GoC commitment to reduce 40% of GHG emissions by 2030. The usual three year SDS cycle was followed in order to align with the next Federal Sustainable Development Strategy to be published for 2023. As this SDS is being written, amendments to the Federal Sustainable Development Act are scheduled to come into force in December 2020. Accordingly, CSC will be added as a mandated department for the next FSDS cycle, as such, CSC will require to develop a departmental SDS that supports the commitments established in FSDS.

The principal goal of SDS 2020-2023 is to “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and waste as well as to promote conservation of energy and water from CSC operations”. There are two commitments CSC has set out to achieve:

Commitment 1

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are responsible for global warming and climate change.

Commitment 2

Reduce waste and water consumption to help preserve the quality of natural ecosystems.

The following tables summarizes all of the actions, activities or projects, referred to as targets that are planned to be implemented within the next three years. These targets are grouped by Region under one of the two commitments. Although Sustainable Development suggests a long term planning process, all of the targets set out in the SDS 2020-2023 have a proposed timeline of March 31, 2023 at the latest.

Geese, Laval Complex, QUE

Laval Complex, QUE

Commitment 1:

Reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that are responsible for global warming and climate change.

Reintroduced targets from SDS 2018-2020 by Region:

Atlantic Region

Target 1

Complete by March 31, 2023, the implementation of clean energy for domestic hot water in row houses at Nova Institution for Women.

Target 2

Complete by March 31, 2021, the implementation of clean energy for heating PFV units at Atlantic Institution.

Target 3

Complete by March 31, 2021, an energy audit at NFLD and Labrador CCC.

Quebec Region

Target 4

Optimize by March 31, 2023, HVAC systems at Drummond Institution.

Ontario Region

Target 5

Continue by attrition, the replacement of inefficient furnaces and electric hot water heaters at Collins Bay Institution.

Target 6

Complete by March 31, 2022, the replacement of lighting with LED in the Central Heating Plant at Joyceville Institution.

Target 7

Complete by March 31, 2022, the replacement of high wattage perimeter lighting with LED at Beaver Creek and Warkworth Institutions.

Target 8

Complete by March 31, 2022, the integration of indoor and outdoor lighting into the Energy Management System and install daylight sensors at Regional Headquarters.

Prairie Region

Target 9

Design by March 31, 2023, an alternative energy source for the greenhouse at Bowden Institution.

Pacific Region

Target 10

Complete by March 31, 2021, the upgrade of lighting to LED at Matsqui Institution.

Target 11

Complete by March 31, 2021, the upgrade of lighting to LED at Mission Institution -Minimum.

Target 12

Purchase by March 31, 2021, an electric vehicle for RHQ staff fleet and complete the installation of an EV charging station at Regional Headquarters.

Target 13

Complete by March 31, 2021, the upgrade of lighting to LED at William Head Institution.


Target 14

By March 31, 2023, initiate new and/or complete ongoing Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) at the following facilities:

  1. Initiate in 2020-2021: Saskatchewan Penitentiary, PRA.
  2. Initiate in 2020-2021: Federal Training Centre Complex, QUE.
  3. Initiate in 2020-2021: Stony Mountain Penitentiary and RPC, PRA.
  4. Initiate in 2021-2022: Archambault Complex, QUE.
  5. Initiate in 2021-2022: Grande Cache/Grierson/EIFW/Edmonton Max Institutions, PRA.
  6. Initiate in 2021-2022: Bowden Institution, PRA.
  7. Initiate in 2022-2023: Dorchester and Springhill Institutions, ATL.
  8. Initiate in 2022-2023: Collins Bay/Warkworth/Beaver Creek Institutions, ONT.
  9. Initiate in 2022-2023: Cowansville/Drummond/Donnacona Institutions, QUE.
  10. Complete by March 31, 2023: Drumheller Institution, PRA.
  11. Complete by March 31, 2023: Matsqui Complex, PAC.
  12. Complete by March 31, 2023: Bath, Millhaven and Joyceville Institutions, ONT.

Commitment 2:

Reduce waste, monitor/conserve water, enhance wastewater treatment and promulgate internal environmental policies to contribute to the preservation of the quality of natural ecosystems.

Solid Waste

Target 15 (Environment)

By March 31, 2021, promulgate and initiate CSC’s Waste Reduction Plan for 2020-2030.

Target 16 (Food Services)

By March 31, 2021, implement the mandatory prohibition of single-use plastics procurement for polystyrene food & drink containers for institutional food utilization and meal distribution processes.

Target 17 (Food Services & Environment)

By September 30, 2021, conduct a food loss & waste analysis at selected sites (3 studies covering the different types of central kitchens) and adjust food processing methods based on results/findings.

Target 18 (Food Services)

By December 31, 2021, implement the mandatory prohibition of single-use plastics procurement for single portion food condiments (namely for butter/peanut butter cups and ketchup/mustard/mayonnaise packets) for institutional food utilization and meal distribution processes.


Target 19 (Environment & Institutions)

By June 30, 2021, monitor and disclose in an annual corporate report, the water consumption of each institution using Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) RETScreen application.

Water Tower, Archambault Complex, QUE

Water Tower, Archambault Complex, QUE


Target 20 (Environment & Facilities)

By March 31, 2023, complete wastewater treatment system upgrade projects at the following institutions:

Target 21 (Environment, Regions & Facilities)

By March 31, 2023, assess deficiencies and implement the necessary repairs and/or improvements to sustain wastewater treatment system operations at the following institutions:

Target 22 (Environment & Facilities)

By March 31, 2023, initiate the installation or the upgrade of ultra-violet (UV) disinfection systems at all CSC continuous discharge wastewater treatment systems discharging to a surface water body treating more than 100 m3/d. The targeted institutions are:


Target 23 (Environment & Strategic Policy)

By March 31, 2022, update the Commissioner’s Directive on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development (CD 318) and all associated Internal Services Directives to align with the Greening Government Strategy commitments.

Target 24 (Contracting and Material Services)

By March 31, 2021, to aid the transition to a low-carbon economy through green procurement, that is by adopting clean technologies and green products & services, Material Management will integrate sustainability and life-cycle assessment principles in procurement policies and practices.

Other Environmental Initiatives

Further to those targets established in this SDS, supplementary and complimentary environmental initiatives will be explored, where feasible, such as the completion of a carbon neutral portfolio plan and a pilot-project on organic waste sorting/reduction. CSC will also assess the possibility to enhance its capacity to monitor energy consumption using new information management technologies (namely, RETScreen developed by NRCan) which should facilitate the preparation of progress reports on various environmental initiatives, such as on the reduction of energy consumption and GHG emissions.

In addition, activities associated with the following environmental aspects will also be further explored and/or implemented.

Contaminated Sites

With the Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan (FSCAP), CSC provides an annual status report on the contaminated sites located on its properties undergoing a remediation project or those being risk managed as per the FSDS contributing action: “Demonstrate leadership on assessing and remediating contaminated sites” under the long term goal “All Canadians live in clean, sustainable communities that contribute to their health and well-being”. Furthermore, NHQ-Environmental Protection Division will continue to assess any potentially contaminated sites by conducting Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) as required.

Wastewater Treatment Plant, Warkworth Institution, ONT

Wastewater Treatment Plant,
Warkworth Institution, ONT

Wastewater Treatment Systems (WWTS)

To further improve the quality of its wastewater effluents and to efficiently address the additional flow requirements, CSC has and will continue to invest capital funding, as available, in the upgrading of its WWTS by:

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations, Mission Institution, PAC

Electric Vehicle Charging Stations,
Mission Institution, PAC

Vehicle Fleet

CSC has implemented a number of electric vehicle pilot-projects namely in Quebec and Ontario Regions. The projects included acquisition of several electric and pluggable hybrid vehicles, replacing conventional cars, as well as the installation of electric charging stations. There are plans for the purchase of additional vehicles and charging stations in various provinces (Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and British-Columbia) based on operational needs and vehicle life-replacement cycles.

Energy Performance Contracts (EPC)

Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) is one proven method to reduce unnecessary energy wastage and cut GHG emissions from buildings. Private-sector energy saving companies (ESCo) provide a comprehensive set of energy efficient recommendations and implement those recommendations that are financed in part, with the savings created from reduced building operating costs. Above and beyond those mentioned in this SDS (refer to target 15), and subject to capital budget and human resources availability, additional CSC facilities may be targeted for EPCs, based upon their energy consumption and GHG emissions.

In Closing

CSC will continue to make strides towards operating in a sustainable manner in order to reduce its impact on the air, land and water. The Technical Services and Facilities Branch will periodically consolidate information from all of the regions/institutions. The progress made on the SDS targets and other environmental initiatives will be evaluated and the results will be reported to senior management. Finally, as the Federal Sustainable Development Act is amended to include all departments, CSC will continue to work closely with the Centre of Greening Government to contribute to the government sustainability agenda and move beyond the set commitments.

List of Acronyms

Correctional Community Centre
Atlantic Region
Correctional Community Centre
Commissioner’s Directive
Canadian Environmental Protection Act
Correctional Service of Canada
Compliance Operational Risk Report
Department of National Defence
Drinking Water Quality Management
Edmonton Institution for Woman
Energy Performance Contract
Environmental Site Assessment
Energy Service Company
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan
Federal Sustainable Development Act
Federal Sustainable Development Strategy
Government of Canada
Internal Services Directive
Ontario Region
Pacific Region
Private Family Visit
Prairie Region
Public Services and Procurement Canada
Quebec Region
Regional Headquarters
Regional Psychiatric Centre
Species at Risk Act
Sustainable Development Strategy
Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat
Wastewater Treatment System

Technical Abbreviations

Electric Vehicles
Greenhouse Gas
Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning
Light-Emitting Diode
Polychlorinated Biphenyl

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