Information about COVID-19 at Fraser Valley Institution

News release

December 23, 2020 – Abbotsford, British Columbia – Correctional Service Canada

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) advises that three inmates at Fraser Valley Institution have recently tested positive for COVID-19.

Our initial investigation reveals that the three inmates were part of a small group of inmates transferred from another region. The group has been in medical isolation and closely monitored by staff since arrival. The transmission is believed to have occurred prior to arrival at Fraser Valley Institution. Contact tracing is ongoing and testing for COVID-19 offered. 

Visits to federal institutions in the Fraser Valley continue to be suspended.

We are monitoring this situation closely and we continue to apply infection prevention and control measures to prevent and contain the spread of COVID-19. The health and safety of offenders, our employees, and the public remain our top priority. We continue to work with our public health partners, as well as unions and stakeholders to take any further steps needed to ensure everyone's safety.

Inmate testing numbers are updated daily from Monday to Friday and available on our website.

Quick Facts

·        With visits temporarily suspended in the Pacific Region, other options such as video visitation or telephone are available to inmates to connect with their family and support networks. 

·        CSC has enhanced cleaning protocols that are in line with infection prevention and control measures and Public Health Agency of Canada advice. Immediate action is taken when there are suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19, including thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting common areas and high-contact surfaces.

·        Inmates who are symptomatic or have tested positive for COVID-19 are medically-isolated to prevent spread to others. Employees self-isolate at home and follow public health guidance. They cannot return to work until cleared to do so.

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Lucinda Fraser
Acting Regional Manager Communications

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