Charter of Mutual Commitments Between the National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee and the Correctional Service of Canada
1. Purpose
The purpose of this Charter of Mutual Commitments is to establish a framework for cooperation and coordination between the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) and the National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC). This Charter is designed to facilitate NEAC members and CSC staff working together for the safe and timely release of ethnocultural offenders into the community.
2. National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC)
The National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC) will:
- Provide advice to the Commissioner and Regional Deputy Commissioners of Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) on services and engagement activities for the successful reintegration of ethnocultural offenders and public safety, in accordance with CSC's mission, mandate, priorities, and Commissioner's Directive (CD) 767 Ethnocultural Offenders: Services and Interventions. The advice will focus on:
- Policy development, program implementation, research, engagement/partnerships, human resource management and strategic planning issues pertaining to the ethnocultural offender population.
- Ethnocultural offenders' specific needs and characteristics identified by the NEAC.
- Approaches to educate CSC staff and offenders on issues related to cross-cultural awareness and competency.
- The development of strategies, services, practices, and resources, including consultation and communication tools that serve victims from ethnocultural communities.
- CSC's efforts to obtain a workforce representative of the diverse ethnocultural population.
- The provision of consultation feedback on amendments to internal CSC policy.
The National Ethnocultural Advisory Committee (NEAC) will:
- Engage offenders to discuss ethnocultural offender population issues and CSC staff and management at the institutional, community, and national level.
- Engage, on behalf of CSC, community partners, stakeholders, ethnocultural communities, and other appropriate organizations with expert knowledge on matters pertaining to the safe and successful community reintegration of Ethnocultural Offenders in accordance with CSC's mission, plans, priorities and CD 767.
- Act as an information sharing link between CSC, ethnocultural communities, organizations, associations, and other stakeholders.
- Act as a liaison between CSC, ethnocultural offenders and community-based ethnocultural groups, organizations, associations, and other stakeholders.
- Work in collaboration with Regional Deputy Commissioners (RDC), Regional Directors of Communication & Executive Services (RDCES) and the Project Officer of Engagement and Ethnocultural Services (POEES) to evaluate national engagement and volunteer recruitment initiatives.
- Provide support to resolve issues pertaining to ethnocultural offender interventions and reintegration.
- Assist CSC in the implementation and evaluation of pilot projects.
- Assist CSC in updating its database of ethnocultural community organizations, groups, leaders, and other contacts with expert knowledge on services and interventions for CSC's increasingly diverse offender population.
- Support, as required, the Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committees (REAC) in accordance with the specific needs and characteristics of their regions.
3. Correctional Service Canada (CSC)
The Correctional Service of Canada will:
- Provide the reasonable means and resources to facilitate the fulfillment of NEAC's mandate.
- Develop and maintain a process to facilitate communication between NEAC and REAC members across the regions, enable them to keep track of the ethnocultural portfolio's evolution, and provide access to archived information.
- Develop and maintain a centralized electronic collaborative workspace where regions and community stakeholders can communicate and create a repository of documentation on ethnocultural services.
- Provide information and complete assigned tasks in a timely manner.
- Provide administrative support for a well functioning advisory committee.
- Ensure NEAC members have access to institutions.
- Oversee the function of engagement and operational activities targeted at ethnocultural offenders through Citizen Engagement Directorate and the Reintegration Services Division.
- Record and document interventions and activities for the management of the ethnocultural offender reintegration process through the Regional Directors of Communication & Executive Services (RDCES) and the Project Officer of Engagement and Ethnocultural Services (POEES).
- Coordinate and support the implementation of each REAC three-year strategic plans and the preparation of annual reports focused on operational and engagement activities.
- Organize orientation and education experiences for NEAC members.
- Attend meetings on a regular basis and support NEAC deliberations as required.
The Correctional Service of Canada will:
- Participate, where necessary, in NEAC community forums, information sessions, meetings, and other events to help communicate CSC's mission and provide information on initiatives, programs, and services required for the safe and timely community reintegration of ethnocultural offenders.
- Provide information the NEAC can use to speak on behalf of CSC during community engagement events with ethnocultural groups across the regions.
- Develop communication products in various formats (such as videos, PowerPoint presentations, infographics, statistics, debunked myths, reports, books, articles, Tweets, and Facebook postings) that can be used to inform and educate ethnocultural groups, organizations, stakeholders, and other audiences about public safety, volunteering or working with CSC, and about the ethnocultural offender reintegration process interventions, needs, services, etc.
- Facilitate NEAC member access to offenders and CSC staff at the national, regional, and site level including participation in Regional Management Committee (RMC) meetings.
- Facilitate NEAC member access to CSC's volunteer and other training relevant to the CSC ethnocultural offender reintegration strategy.
Financial Resources
The Correctional Service of Canada will:
- Allot financial resources to cover costs associated with approved ethnocultural services.
4. Recommendations
- The Committee is to make recommendations and provide advice as appropriate to the Commissioner. The Committee shall employ the consensus method of decision-making; however, a vote may be taken and reported when consensus cannot be achieved.
- All decisions arising from NEAC meetings will be disseminated to REAC members, RDCs, RDCES and the POEES via a communiqué.
- To facilitate in its advisory capacity, the Committee shall be provided with:
- A follow-up on decisions derived from advice and recommendations given to the Commissioner.
- A copy of the end of fiscal year report on the use of regional funding provided for this purpose and CSC's Annual Report on the Operation of the Canadian Multiculturalism Act.
- Researched documentation pertaining to ethnocultural issues.
5. Remuneration
- No remuneration shall be paid to the members of the NEAC for their work on the Committee. This does not restrict members of the Committee from engaging with CSC in any contractual work not related to the function of the Ethnocultural Advisory Committee.
Charter of Mutual Commitments Approved by:
Original document signed on January 25, 2018, by Commissioner Don Head, Theresa Halfkenny (Atlantic Region Chair), Anissa Kherrati (Quebec Region Chair), Patrick Joseph (Ontario Region Chair), Anoush Newman (Prairie Region Chair), and Sherman Chan (Pacific Region Co-Chair).
Annex A
1. Membership
- The Committee shall be comprised of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of the Regional Ethnocultural Advisory Committees (REAC) who make up the ten (10) members of NEAC; the Regional Deputy Commissioners (RDC); the Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs (ACCOP); the Assistant Commissioner, Communications and Engagement (ACCE); the Senior Deputy Commissioner (SDC); and the Commissioner of CSC.
- Committee membership appointment periods shall be managed at the regional level.
2. Meetings, Conference Calls, Quorum and Travel
The Correctional Service of Canada will:
- Facilitate three (3) in-person meetings and three (3) conference calls per year as follows:
- The scheduling of in-person meetings will be arranged depending on the Commissioner's availability. At his discretion, these will be attended by the Chairs and Vice-Chairs of each REAC; the ROCs; the ACCOP; the ACCE; the SDC; and the Commissioner of CSC. The quorum for national meetings shall be either the Chair or Vice-Chair from each region and the CSC Commissioner. Likewise, the quorum of regional meetings shall be either the Chair or Vice-Chair from region and the RDC.
- Conference calls will be managed by the Citizen Engagement Directorate at NHQ. The quorum for conference calls shall be either the Chair or Vice-Chair from each region and a representative from CSC.
- The Commissioner shall be responsible for approving the agenda for in-person meetings based on input from the NEAC. Each meeting will have a theme of discussion.
- The location of national meetings will be decided by the Commissioner.
- Meetings will focus on the progress of the ethnocultural portfolio.
- All travel costs related to national meetings shall be paid by CSC according to the Treasury Board Guidelines.
Annex B
1. Commissioner's Directive (CD) 767 Ethnocultural Offenders: Services and Interventions
- The CD is in place to ensure that the needs and cultural interests of offenders belonging to Ethnocultural minority groups are identified and that programs and services are developed and maintained to meet those needs.
Annex C
1. Ethnocultural Offender Defined
- CSC defines an Ethnocultural Offender as any offender who has specific needs based on race, language or culture and who has a desire to preserve his/her cultural identity and practices.
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