Indigenous Offender Reintegration Contribution Program (IORCP) Guidelines

Table of Contents

Applicant’s guide

Indigenous Offender Contribution Program – Correctional Service Canada

1. Purpose of Guidelines

    This guide is designed to help applicants prepare a project proposal for funding from the Indigenous Offender Reintegration Contribution Program (IORCP) within Correctional Service Canada (CSC). Specific instructions for completing the application form as well as information about the assessment process are provided.

    1.1 Eligible Applicants

    Contributions may be provided to the following classes of recipients in support of the objectives of the Indigenous Offender Reintegration Contribution Program:

    • Indigenous not-for-profit organizations (both on and off-reserve, First Nation, Non-Status,, Métis, and Inuit);
    • Indigenous governments;
    • Indigenous organizations and/or Governing Bodies;
    • A provincial/territorial/municipal government or agency thereof;
    • A non-profit organization;
    • Canadian universities and colleges and,
    • Any combination of the above.

    1.2 Non-eligible Applicants

    Crown Corporations, for-profit groups and individuals are not eligible for funding under the CSC IORCP.

    1.3 Application submission

    For more information on the Contribution Program, and to submit your application, please reach out to CSC National Headquarters: IORCP/PCRDA.GEN-NHQ@CSC-SCC.GC.CA

    1.4 Contributions Program Budget

    We will fund up to $200,000 for one year, for eligible recipients

2. Contribution Program

3. Completing the application

The following information corresponds to each section of the Application form. Applicants should provide answers to all questions and include any required detailed information in an appendix to the application form.

4. The Assessment Process

5. Control Procedures

6. Other Terms and Conditions

Refer to the approved CSC Class Contribution Program Terms and Conditions document for the complete listing of Terms and Conditions associated with this Program.

7. Interpretation of Terms and Conditions

It is understood that the Terms and Conditions of the Contribution Program are broad. As a result, to help clarify eligibility, IID has developed (and will continue to develop) templates for applications and agreements. Regions are strongly encouraged to contact IID when attempting to interpret Terms and Conditions.

8. Other Considerations

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