Correctional programs

The Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) prioritizes correctional programs as a means of reducing recidivism rates and increasing the safety of Canadian communities. Correctional programs are structured interventions that target risk factors directly linked to criminal behaviour in order to reduce reoffending.

CSC has implemented evidence-based correctional programs that follow the principles of effective correctional programs. CSC’s programs have been shown to significantly reduce criminal recidivism. They are based on:

Correctional programs are also based on the Risk-Needs- Responsivity model of interventions, which states that:

Offenders have a variety of risks and needs that impact their likelihood of reoffending. CSC recognizes and responds to these varying risks and needs by offering programs to:

This section explains:

Note: The Parole Board of Canada considers program participation and completion when considering release.

Program design

CSC offers correctional programs that research has proven are effective in reducing reoffending. These programs are guided by:

CSC also consults with internal and external stakeholders. The programs undergo regular evaluations, as well.

Correctional programs:

For more information, refer to:

Risk and needs assessment

Risk is a measure of how likely it is that an offender will reoffend.

Needs are factors that may have contributed to an offender's criminal behaviour. These needs can have an impact on the offender's ability to successfully transition back into the community.

CSC assesses all federal offenders to determine their

CSC uses the results of these assessments to determine their:

How programs change offender behaviour

CSC’s correctional programs target dynamic risk factors. These are factors confirmed through research as associated with reoffending. These factors can be changed through intervention.

Research has identified a common set of eight risk factors linked to reoffending for all offenders. They include:

During their involvement in programs, offenders:

These skills include, but are not limited to:

Criteria for participation in programs

Offenders are referred to correctional programs based on their levels of risk and need. Generally CSC refers offenders assessed as:

To participate in a correctional program, the offender must meet the criteria outlined in the referral guidelines. You can find information on these criteria in:

Meeting physical or mental health care needs

CSC considers programming for offenders with special needs on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes an offender may:

For more information visit:

Follow-up programming

In order to support the gains achieved from program involvement, all participants who complete a main program are assessed and considered for maintenance. The main objectives for these programs are to reduce risk to re-offend by:

For more information refer to:

For more information

Corrections is a dynamic environment. Different scenarios can affect an offender’s programming. Offenders should contact their case management team for answers about individual situations.

Policy and legislation

Commissioner’s directives and guidelines

CD 700 Correctional Interventions applies to all staff involved in correctional interventions. It outlines their responsibilities and the procedures associated with the correctional intervention process.

CD 726 Correctional Programs outlines the purpose and procedures for all correctional programs delivered in our institutions. The process includes assessments, planning, interventions, and decision-making.


Corrections and Conditional Release Act, Sections 3, 3.1, 4, 5(b), 15.1, 26, 76, 77, 79 and 80 outline information about programs for offenders.

Corrections and Conditional Release Regulations, Section 102 states that CSC must include program requirements for inmates in their correctional plans.

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