The Supervisor/New Hire Discovery Discussion

Designed for participants to get to know each other

The first day of work can feel like a whirlwind for a new hire. They are given a lot of information, forms and training to complete plus meeting the new team. This can be overwhelming for some. Having a conversation at the end of the first day provides you with the opportunity to receive some feedback and will help you understand who your new employee is and what makes them tick.

Having the discussion in a Q&A format avoids one-way conversations. It gives you the chance to understand how to better cater to your employee’s needs and helps you ensure they are able to contribute fully to the organization. New employees may be nervous and might not share their true feelings so having an informal discussion may ease any trepidations.

Below is a list of suggested questions you can ask during the discussion. Pick and choose the ones that you feel best suit yours and your new employee’s need.

  1. How did your first day go?
  2. How can I make your job easier?
  3. What specifically can I do to make your transition into your new role easier?
  4. What resources (IT, ergonomic, coaching and/or mentoring) do you need to be successful at your job?
  5. What motivates you to come to work?
  6. How frequently do you like to receive feedback?
  7. What aspects of the job excites you/worries you?
  8. What do you enjoy doing when you’re not working?
  9. When is your birthday? Do you celebrate it?
  10. Do you consider yourself more of an introvert or an extrovert?
  11. What time of day do you feel at your most productive self?
  12. What else could we have done?
  13. What questions haven’t we answered?

For additional resources and information about Virtual Onboarding, please visit the Working Remotely page on the Defence Team COVID-19 website.

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