Frequently asked questions

This page outlines frequently asked questions related to implementing the Common hybrid work model - and Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace at the Department of National Defence (DND).  

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Why does DND require employees to make up statutory holidays when other departments do not? The Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace provides flexibility for departments to adapt the guidance to meet their operational requirements. The default expectation for all Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members is to work from a DND/CAF established workspace five days a week. In the spirit of fairness and to ensure cohesion with the CAF workforce, DND has decided that when an in office day falls on a statutory holiday, an employee is required to make up the previously scheduled in office days missed by choosing another in-office day as soon as practically possible (i.e., in the same or preceding/following week), in order to meet the required number of days per week.
Applying the direction
Is TBS monitoring compliance of this government-wide Direction? How is data being collected on how many public servants work on-site vs off-site?

The Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) does not collect information on the number of individual employees working on or off-site. Deputy heads are accountable for monitoring compliance of the onsite requirement for their organization and establishing oversight mechanisms to monitor data trends and ensure coherence in deeming exceptions. These can include turnstile data, existing attendance reports, and/or Internet Protocol (IP) login data.

The Department of National Defence (DND) networks are subject to monitoring, including users connected remotely. This information is collected and reviewed to enforce acceptable use, policy compliance, and to protect against cyber threats.

Applying the direction
Why, as an employee, can I not choose where I work? Location of work in the federal public service has always been determined by management. The employer has the exclusive management right to designate the location of work and to require employees to report to their designated worksite.
Applying the direction
Does the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace impact the employer’s obligations related to relocation? No, the Direction has not changed the employer’s obligation with respect to relocation as per the National Joint Council Relocation Directive.
Applying the direction
The Direction states: to ensure flexibility for operational reasons and job types, it is also acceptable to require a minimum of 60% of employees’ regular schedule on a weekly or monthly basis. What does this mean exactly? The primary purpose of the direction is to establish a consistent minimum requirement for all public servants to come to their designated worksite 3 days per week. The 60% requirement is an alternative that only applies when certain operational reasons or job types (e.g., part-time workers, students) are such that a 3 days per week minimum is not possible. Managers should plan and manage their operations in accordance with the primary purpose of the Direction, which is establishing a minimum onsite presence of 3 days per week.
Applying the direction
Are there any best practices emerging to help optimize a hybrid work environment? Visit DND’s optimizing hybrid work webpage (accessible only on the DND network) for information. The Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer (OCHRO) will continue to work with organizations to support leaders in facilitating and effectively managing a hybrid workforce.
Applying the direction
Has a Gender-based Analysis Plus (GBA Plus) analysis related to hybrid work and the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace been conducted? In summer 2022, OCHRO hosted a series of workshops facilitated by Women and Gender Equality Canada to analyze and understand the enterprise GBA Plus impacts of hybrid work models on the federal public service. This work was refined following the announcement and implementation of the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace in December 2022 and remains relevant to the updated Direction.
Applying the direction
Some Bargaining Agents signed Letters of Agreement (LOAs) with the Employer regarding telework. Are the LOAs still in effect? Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC), Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), and Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and the employer jointly signed letters of agreement (LOAs) that do not form part of the collective agreements. These letters remain in effect and can be found on the Collective bargaining update webpage.
Applying the direction
Will the update to the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace impact TBS’s commitment to review the Directive on Telework, including the Joint Consultation Committees with the Canadian Association of Professional Employees (CAPE), the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) and Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC)?

No. The Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace and the Directive on Telework are distinct from each other. The review of the Directive on Telework is part of a regular process to review policy instruments to ensure they remain current.

TBS continues to work with several bargaining agents to respect the commitments made in the letters of agreement signed in 2023, outside of collective agreements, to establish joint consultation committees to review the Directive on Telework. Together, TBS and the relevant bargaining agents have agreed to attempt to conclude the consultations one year from the initial meeting.

Applying the direction
What happens when a statutory holiday falls on one or more day(s) of their onsite schedule? Employees are required to make up previously scheduled in-office days missed due to statutory holidays.
Applying the direction
What happens when an employee is on leave on one or more day(s) of their onsite schedule?

Time spent on leave reflected in the Human Resources Management System (HRMS/PeopleSoft) reduces the number of working days in each month. It is not included in the on-site presence requirement. Therefore, employees are not expected to ‘make-up’ days while on leave that is reflected in HRMS.

Leave includes:

Applying the direction
What happens if an employee is sick on one or more day(s) of their onsite schedule? If an employee does not feel well enough to work, they should take sick leave. If they do not feel well enough to work on-site, they should discuss with their manager whether the option of working from home is reasonable.
Applying the direction
What happens if managers need to make short-term, temporary changes to an employee’s work location or scheduled days on site?

Managers may approve an employee's request for a short-term, temporary change in their work agreement (i.e., change in work location or scheduled days on site).

  • These modifications do not require a formal change to their work agreement
  • Such informal arrangements are at the manager’s discretion and must ensure compliance with the common hybrid work model, as well as applicable policies and procedures, particularly those related to privacy and security
  • Such agreements are intended to provide management and employee flexibility but must not replace or supersede the exceptions to telework or the Duty to Accommodate processes
Applying the direction
Why was the reference to the Public Service and Procurement Canada’s (PSPC) co-working sites removed from the Direction?

Co-working sites were initiated on a pilot basis with pilot funding provided by PSPC. Given the popularity of co-working sites, PSPC will work with TBS to explore sustainable funding models for future co-working sites. The reference to co-working sites was removed pending the outcome of these discussions.

Authorized use of locations such as the DND coworking site (accessible only on the DND network) at NDHQ (Pearkes) can contribute to an employee’s minimum on-site requirement. However, the DND coworking site is meant to be used on an ad hoc, as-needed basis to facilitate on-site work, and therefore cannot be used as a work location in a work agreement.

Applying the direction
Are there flexibilities available to employees who have family related responsibilities during their work hours? Telework is not a substitute for taking the appropriate leave for elder care, childcare, or other family related responsibilities. Employees are expected to have arrangements in place to manage family related responsibilities during their work hours.
Helping employees prepare for increased onsite work
Does the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace apply to casual workers, term employees, and students? Yes, the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace applies to all workers in the core public administration, including casual workers, term employees, and students.
Helping employees prepare for increased onsite work
How should managers address situations when an employee refuses to work onsite?

The employer has the exclusive management right to designate the location of work and to require employees to report to their designated worksite. Managers should discuss with the employee to ensure that individual circumstances are considered on a case-by-case basis. Managers should then consult their labour relations advisors (accessible only on the DND network) to discuss possible administrative and disciplinary measures which can be considered.

Helping employees prepare for increased onsite work
Apart from the common hybrid work model, what other flexible work agreements does the federal public service offer?

Flexible work agreements have existed in the public service for some time and can take many forms. In addition to the common hybrid work model, compressed work schedules, work sharing, and various types of leave are available in collective agreements. Flexibilities beyond the hybrid work model are distinct and separate, subject to managerial, operational, and case by-case considerations, and other considerations outlined in the relevant collective agreement.

Helping employees prepare for increased onsite work
Could onsite days include locations other than the designated government worksite? Exceptionally and with their manager’s specific approval, onsite days could include working at other locations where the employee’s presence is required by their department such as client sites, training venues or areas through which they are on official travel status.
Helping employees prepare for increased onsite work
What is the myWorkArrangements application and how can I access it?

The myWorkArrangments app is a system located in TAP where managers and employees work together to complete their hybrid work agreements.The mWA application can be accessed through TAP.

Work agreements
What if a public service employee does not have access to TAP?

If you are new to the public service, it will take approximately 2 months from the start date before you will be able to register their TAP profile. If you transferred from a department that did not use TAP, you will not be able to register for TAP until your pay file has transferred to DND.

Those who do not have access to TAP (new employees, casuals, students, transfers-in, assignment, secondment etc.) must fill out an alternative work agreement form (only accessible on the DND network) as a temporary measure until access issues have been resolved. Once access issues are resolved or after 6 months (whichever comes first), the employee must then submit their work agreements in the mWA application. Once access to TAP is granted, employees will need to re-enter their arrangements in the mWA application.

Work agreements
Do DND public service employee require a work agreement?

All Department of National Defence (DND) public service employees must have a valid work agreement, including:

  • Full-time on-site and hybrid workers
  • Indeterminate employees, students, term, and casual workers
  • Part-time and full-time workers
Work agreements
Do miliary members require a work agreement?

Military members do not require an agreement.

Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members are directed to refer to CF Mil Pers instr 01/22 - Changing a place of duty and the use of postings to enable remote work options (accessible only on the DND network) for current policy on remote work. For clarification and/or interpretation of the policy, CAF members may direct their questions through their Chain of Command, or directly to the Administrative Response Centre (ARC) at

Work agreements
How do managers and employees determine if they are eligible for a hybrid work agreement?

All public service employees with a position that allows for offsite work are eligible for a hybrid work agreements. Managers and employees will need to discuss the employee’s role and responsibilities to determine if their duties can be performed from a site other than their assigned designated worksite and ensure they follow the direction provided by their L1 and DND.

Work agreements
What are the different types of hybrid work models and flexible work options?
  • Fixed days: On-site work is prescribed according to a fixed schedule (the days remain the same each week)
  • Flexible days: On-site work is prescribed on a flexible schedule. Days may be different week to week depending on operational requirements
  • Combination fixed/flexible week: Combination of fixed and flexible work making up the minimum on-site requirement
  • Operational basis: Based on operational requirements (up to 5 days per week). On-site work is prescribed based on the operational requirements of each position, the nature of the work and the equipment needed
Work agreements
When should a work agreement be submitted and how long is a work agreement valid for in the mWA app? work agreements discussions should occur between the manager and employee within the first few days of their onboarding.  A work agreements should be created as soon as possible and are valid until their set end date.
Work agreements
Who is responsible to initiate an mWA agreement in the mWA application? Once a hybrid work agreements has been agreed upon by the manager and employee, the employee must initiate/submit their agreement for their manager to approve. The manager will receive an auto-generated email from TAP informing them there is an agreement for them to approve.
Work agreements
Who is responsible for approving a work agreement in the mWA application? Level 4 and above employees can approve hybrid work agreementss in the mWA application. If the employee’s manager does not have L4 authority, the manager must escalate the request to ensure it is approved.
Work agreements
What steps need to be taken if an employee needs to make changes to their work agreements? work agreementss can be modified if they are saved as a draft or have not been accepted by a manager. Once an mWA agreement has been approved it cannot be modified. To update an mWA, the employee will need to delete the approved work agreements and submit a new mWA agreement to their manager.
Work agreements
Can employees work remotely without having a work agreement?

No, all public service employees must have an approved work agreements including full-time onsite employees and hybrid employees.

Can a manager deny a work agreements request in the mWA application?

Yes, managers can deny a work agreements request. work agreementss are to be discussed between the manager and employee and agreed upon before submitting the request in the mWA application.

Work agreements
Can a manager deny a work agreement request in the mWA application?

Yes, managers can deny a work a request. Work agreements are to be discussed between the manager and employee and agreed upon before submitting the request in the mWA application.

Work agreements
My work location cannot be found in the drop-down menu. How do I proceed?

If your designated work location is not part of the drop-down menu on either the application or the alternative work agreements form, please email the myWorkArrangements Support Team at and include the building name and full address of the location with the subject line; “Address Request”.

Work agreements
Can expired mWA agreements be deleted from the mWA app?

Expired mWAs cannot be deleted from the application. Employees can only delete an mWA when it is marked as active in the mWA application. If the employee has an active and approved mWA in the application, the expired agreement(s) will be omitted from the non-compliant reporting. 

Work agreements
If an employee’s team works in separate buildings or locations, is it possible to report at either location? Employees are required to report to their designated worksite as directed by their manager or supervisor. 
Work agreements
I cannot access the mWA application. Can you please assist?

For information about registering and accessing TAP as a public service employee, public service manager, and military manager, visit the myWorkArrangements application webpage.

Work agreements
What is myEmployees and how can I access the application?

The myEmployees application is a system located in the TAP where managers and employees form the manager and employee relationship in TAP to complete actions such as, mWA, performance assessments etc. The myEmployees application can be accessed through TAP

Work agreements
I am receiving an error message upon registration that says the system doesn’t accept my PRI, name, or date of birth. How can this be resolved?

This error is the result of the information within the employee’s pay file being entered incorrectly. To resolve this issue, employees will need to verify their personal information within Phoenix and the Pension Center. We recommend to also contact the departments Local Registration Authority and have the employee’s PKI information verified. If there are any discrepancies between the pay file information and PKI employees will not be able to register to TAP until that is fixed. 

Work agreements
I am a manager and I have registered in TAP but I cannot find one of my employees in the myEmployees app. What should I do?

For information about claiming and releasing employees in TAP, visit the myWorkArrangements application webpage.

Work agreements
When searching for an employee in the myEmployees app, how do I know which employee to select when two or more people have the same name?

When searching for an employee in the myEmployees app it is recommended to search using the ‘All Departments” function under Employee Search, with the first letter of the employee’s last name and their PRI with the 0 at the beginning and no spaces. The use of the PRI ensures that the correct employee is being searched for and claimed. 

Work agreements
When searching for an employee in the myEmployees app, I can see the employee’s name, but I cannot claim the employee. Why is that?

You are not able to select the “claim employee” button because the employee either has not registered to TAP or the employee is still claimed by their previous manager.  If there is a “no” under registered, have the employee login to TAP and complete the registration; if the previous manager is listed under manager, the employee will need to contact them to be released or the current manager will need to contact the mWA Support Team at to assist with releasing the employee. 

Work agreements
What kind of work agreement does an employee require if they are on full-time work training?

An employee that is on full-time work training must submit a new mWA agreement in the application by selecting the “Full Time Telework” arrangement type. Visit the exemptions from the Common hybrid work model webpage (accessible only on the DND network) for more information.

Work agreements
Is there guidance available to support with using the myWorkArrangements application?

Yes, you can reference the following webpage for support: Guidance for using the myWorkArrangements application (accessible on the DND network).

Work agreements
Is there guidance available to support with submitting an alternative work agreement form?

Yes, you can reference the following webpage for support: Guidance for submitting an alternative work agreement form (accessible on the DND network).

Work agreements
Is there guidance available to support with submitting bulk work agreements?

Yes, you can reference the following webpage for support: Guidance for filling out the Bulk Submissions Form (accessible on the DND network).

Work agreements
Can organizations hire new employees living further than 125 km from their designated worksites and allow them to telework full-time under the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace?

Yes, organizations may hire new employees living more than 125 km from their designated worksites and allow them to telework full-time, subject to operational requirements and approval at the Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) level. Visit the exemptions from the common hybrid work model webpage (accessible only on the DND network) for more information. 

Exceptions to the direction
Does the 125 km refer to the shortest driving distance or the direct measurement between two points? The 125 km refers to the most direct driving distance. 
Exceptions to the direction
Can the list of exceptions under “Deputy Minister (DM) Approval” and “ADM Approval” be sub-delegated?

No. Organizations are expected to comply with the Direction and exceptions will be rare. Therefore, accountability will be maintained by each organization’s senior management. 

Exceptions to the direction
Can full-time telework agreements approved prior to the pandemic be renewed under the updated Direction?

Yes. The Direction includes the exception for employees hired to telework full-time prior to March 16, 2020, with ADM approval. 

Exceptions to the direction
What is an exception request?

Treasury Board and DND has determined a list of exceptions that employees and managers can request to be exempt from the Common hybrid work model. Visit the exemptions from the Common hybrid work model webpage (accessible only on the DND network) for more information. 

Exceptions to the direction
Are there exceptions for working abroad/internationally?

International telework is a voluntary and employee-driven request to telework outside of Canada at a location other than the employee’s normal designated workplace.  International telework requests may be approved in very limited and prescribed circumstances. Visit the international telework webpage (only accessible on the DND network for more information. 

Exceptions to the direction
Do IT employees have an exception to the Common hybrid work model?

IT-01 to IT-04 nonsupervisory positions performing work in one of the following work streams were eligible for exception: 

  1. IT Software Solutions: application configuration and development using modern DevOps or DevSecOps, quality assurance and control, release management, database administration, accessibility testing, and design, legacy systems, and critical business applications work 
  2. IT Security: cyber security and security architecture, where roles can be performed remotely as determined by DND and security requirements 
  3. IT Cloud Solutions: cloud architecture, cloud support, and cloud specialists 

These exceptions were rescinded in May 2024, with transition back to the workplace three days per week to be fully implemented by September 9, 2025. Compliance for these groups of IT professionals will be gradually implemented using the following phased approach: two days per week on January 6, 2025, and the final third day per week no later than September 9, 2025. This transition phase will apply to current IT staff in positions that are excepted as well as new staff that are hired into these positions. Managers/supervisors are required to work with their affected IT personnel to respect the phased implementation approach, where operational requirements allow, by updating work agreements accordingly. This approach will ensure DND remains an employer of choice for digital talents while aligning with the remaining of the public service.

Exceptions to the direction
Where can a manager seek guidance and advice on addressing their employee’s accommodation request related to the Direction?

Managers should seek advice from the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations or their labour relations advisor (accessible only on the DND network) for non-medical accommodations before deciding on accommodation requests. Accommodation requests are to be considered on a case-by-case basis, while maintaining the dignity, respect, and privacy of the individual. Managers can also consult the Directive on the Duty to Accommodate and the Duty to Accommodate: A General Process For Managers for guidance.

Managers can encourage employees with disabilities to document their workplace barriers and solutions in their GC Workplace Accessibility Passport (accessible only on the DND network). The Passport promotes collaboration between an employee and their manager to identify and implement the solutions that will equip the employee to succeed at their job. 

Duty to Accommodate
If an employee’s accommodation measure is full-time telework, does that accommodation measure need to be reviewed following the 2024 update to the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace?

In situations where employees have existing accommodation measures in place, those measures do not need to be reviewed in light of the 2024 update to the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace. 

Managers are responsible for ensuring that accommodation arrangements are reviewed and updated at least annually. However, if circumstances have not changed, there is no need for managers to undertake the same depth of assessment relative to their initial decision. Managers should periodically confirm that any accommodations in place are meeting the needs of their employee, particularly when an employee’s circumstances change.  

Managers should seek advice from the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations labour relations advisor (accessible only on the DND network) and the Office of Disability Management.for non-medical accommodations. 

Duty to Accommodate
Is supporting documentation always required when an employee requests telework as an accommodation measure?

It depends. Each request should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis, however, depending on the situation, supporting documentation such as medical notes may be required. Where possible, informal accommodation measures are encouraged. 

For a manager to determine whether the duty to accommodate applies, they must understand the barrier and how the barrier the employee is facing impacts their ability to work onsite on a hybrid schedule, and whether the impact is permanent or time limited. The GC Workplace Accessibility Passport (accessible only on the DND network) is a tool that can facilitate this discovery process by documenting barriers that an employee encounters and solutions to address these barriers. Once the barrier is understood, the manager and employee can collaborate to identify accommodation solutions, without the requirement for supporting documentation, where possible. 

Managers are responsible for respecting the employee’s right to privacy and confidentiality while fulfilling their obligations related to the duty to accommodate and must assess the need for supporting documentation based on the circumstances of each case. Managers should seek advice from the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations or their labour relations advisor (accessible only on the DND network) for non-medical accommodations. 

Duty to Accommodate
What should managers do when employees feel that their personal circumstances haven't been addressed in implementing the Direction?

Managers and employees should have a discussion to address issues and concerns, explore options and determine next steps, including if a work-related need can be addressed with or without a formal request for accommodation. 

Managers should inform employees that as per the Directive on the Duty to Accommodate, they can request accommodation anytime there is a need. Employees should follow their departmental process for requesting accommodations. Managers are to address accommodation needs on a case-by-case basis and can discuss the request with the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations or their labour relations advisor (accessible only on the DND network) for non-medical accommodations. 

Managers can encourage employees with disabilities to document their workplace barriers and solutions in their GC Workplace Accessibility Passport.(accessible only on the DND network) The Passport promotes collaboration between an employee and their manager to identify and implement the solutions that will equip the employee to succeed at their job. 

Duty to Accommodate
Under the Direction on prescribed presence in the workplace, will employees be able to have accommodation measures in place both at their telework location and the workplace?

Yes. In situations where the Duty to Accommodate has been deemed to apply, the employee is to be accommodated wherever the employee is required to perform their work responsibilities. Employees with disabilities can document their workplace barriers and solutions in the GC Workplace Accessibility Passport. (accessible only on the DND network) The goal of the Passport is to ensure that employees are equipped to succeed on the job, no matter where their duties are performed. Managers should seek advice from the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations or their labour relations advisor for non-medical accommodations. 

Duty to Accommodate
Is a manager required to implement a medical certificate that says the employee should have a work full-time telework agreement?

Not necessarily. The manager is responsible for determining, on a case-by-case basis, the accommodation measure based on the employee’s limitations or barriers in the workplace and the operational requirements of the position. The manager and employee should first discuss the limitations or barriers and operational requirements. 

In cases where an employee has requested an accommodation, the manager can request the information needed to put effective accommodation measures in place. The manager needs to understand the barriers or limitations the employee is facing. When seeking information from medical professionals, the focus should be on clarifying the employee’s limitations and not on the illness or disability. 

Managers should also be aware of their organizational procedures and tools and seek advice from the Office of Disability Management (accessible only on the DND network) for medical accommodations or their labour relations advisor (accessible only on the DND network) for non-medical accommodations., before deciding on accommodation requests. 

Duty to Accommodate

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