Expenditure Initiation and Commitment Control
Financial Administration Manual (FAM) Chapter 1016-2
Should there be any inconsistency or conflict between the Canada.ca and the Defence Team Intranet versions of the document, the Defence Team Intranet version shall prevail.
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1. Effective Date
- 1.1 This policy is effective on 9 March 2020
- 1.2 This policy replaces the previous version of Financial Administration Manual (FAM) Chapter 1016-2 - Expenditure Initiation and Commitment Control - FAA Section 32, issued on 13 September 2013.
- 1.3 The policy was approved by the Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) (ADM(Fin)) on 9 March 2020.
2. Application
- 2.1 The purpose of this FAM chapter is to provide the Department of National Defence (DND) and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) with the Financial Management (FM) policy on expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority. This policy applies to all non-payroll related expenditures made with public funds, including interdepartmental settlements.
3. Context
- 3.1 The spending of public money requires that integrity, accountability and transparency be maintained to a high standard. This requires the establishment of practices and controls to ensure compliance with Section 32 of the Financial Administration Act (FAA) and Treasury Board (TB) policy instruments. Spending authorities consist of three elements: expenditure initiation authority, commitment authority and transaction authority. These authorities are a key internal control mechanism in the expenditure management process to support the sound stewardship of financial resources.
- 3.2 Due to the nature and complexity of its programs, the DND and the CAF are faced with unique situations that may not be addressed or fully articulated under TB policy instruments. This policy is required to outline and explain the DND/CAF expenditure initiation and commitment control direction and practices in these circumstances and is intended to complement the information found in the TB policy instruments.
3.3 Accordingly, this policy must be applied in conjunction with and after reading the following:
- TB Policy on Financial Management;
- TB Directive on Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities;
- TB Guide to Delegating and Applying Spending and Financial Authorities.
- 3.4 All financial documentation supporting the transactions must be retained for six years from the end of the fiscal year in which the transaction takes place. When an Accounts Receivable is created, all documentation is retained until the account is cleared. When a criminal, disciplinary or recovery action is taken, all documentation must be retained and protected for six fiscal years after the process is completed.
- 3.5 See Appendix A for the definitions applicable to this policy and a list of acronyms used.
4. Objectives and Expected Results
4.1 The objectives of this policy are to:
- Identify the DND/CAF key stakeholders involved with expenditure initiation and commitment control processes and outline their roles and responsibilities;
- Provide direction on the DND/CAF FM policies and practices for expenditure initiation and commitment control that are not addressed in the TB Policy on Financial Management, TB Directive on Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities and the TB Guide to Delegating and Applying Spending and Financial Authorities.
4.2 The expected results of implementing this policy are:
- Effective internal controls, governance and oversight over DND/CAF expenditure initiation and commitment control processes;
- Key DND/CAF stakeholders are aware of and understand their roles and responsibilities with respect to expenditure initiation and commitment control.
5. Requirements
Spending Authority
5.1 The delegation of spending authorities constitutes a key internal control within the expenditure management process. Spending authority consists of the following distinct and separate authorities:
- Expenditure initiation authority - the authority to incur an expenditure or to make an obligation to obtain goods or services that will result in the eventual expenditure of funds.
- Commitment authority - the authority, according to FAA Section 32, to ensure that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance available before entering into a contract or other arrangement.
- Transaction authority - the authority to enter into contracts, including point-of-sale purchases, and purchases where a payment card is used or sign off on legal entitlements. Additional information on transaction authority can be found in the Procurement Administration Manual (PAM) (accessible only on the National Defence network).
Note that the decision to spend is typically made in conjunction with ensuring that there are available funds in the appropriation.
Planning and Expenditure Initiation
- 5.2 Expenditure initiation authority is the first element of spending authority and the most critical step in the expenditure management process as it puts in motion a series of activities that ultimately lead to the disbursement of public funds. It is the decision that funds will be spent from a particular budget and confirmation that it is an appropriate use of public funds. Expenditure initiation authority is aligned with managerial, budgetary and operational responsibilities.
5.3 The following steps of the expenditure initiation process must be performed prior to exercising expenditure initiation authority:
Step The authorized individual shall 1 Ensure that the planned transaction is a legitimate operational or business requirement of their organization and an authority exists that allows for the expenditure of public funds for that requirement. 2 Ensure that the planned transaction represents the most efficient and economical means to meet the requirement. 3 Ensure that they have been designated with the appropriate expenditure initiation authority for the planned transaction or if they have not been, obtain the authority.
Recording of Commitments
- 5.4 Although financial policy does not require that a commitment be entered into the Financial Management System (FMS) when expenditure initiation authority is exercised, the Responsibility Centre (RC) Manager must adhere to the relevant procedural guidance issued on this subject (see paragraphs 6.5 and 6.11).
Legitimate Authority Exists
- 5.5 As reflected in their business plan, RC Managers have been tasked to perform specific operations and/or functions in the organization. Each RC Manager has a role to play in the achievement of departmental objectives and RC Managers shall restrict their expenditure initiation decisions to their area of responsibility.
- 5.6 RC Managers who are unclear if a proposed expenditure falls within their procurement authority should consult with their local procurement or contracting officer or comptroller prior to exercising expenditure initiation authority. For example, there are certain goods and/or services that can only be purchased by specified RC Managers for safety, compatibility or life cycle reasons. Examples include items such as military clothing, weapons and ammunition which are all centrally procured. Prior to initiating any purchase, RC Managers shall ensure they have the authority to request the goods and/or services based on their description and that it falls within the organization's mandate and/or approved business plan.
Electronic Authentication and Authorization (EAA)/e-signatures
- 5.7 With the ongoing advancement of EAA/e-signature technologies and the importance of making financial operations as effective and efficient as possible, the DND/CAF is moving towards the implementation of digital transformation and adding e-signature capabilities to departmental forms and within departmental systems. Forms and systems that have been designed or modified to process financial transactions through the use of e-signatures must be reviewed by the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) prior to their implementation.
Auditable Evidence
- 5.8 Although a signature on a signature block is not required when expenditure initiation authority and/or commitment authority are exercised, it is mandatory that auditable evidence be available that demonstrates that the authority was exercised. The auditable evidence may take the form of printed documents (e.g. an e-mail or a departmental form and may be signed electronically or in ink) or be electronic if it is processed through an EAA system. Irrespective of the medium, the name, position and date of the authorization must be included. Note that expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority may be exercised simultaneously i.e. the same document may demonstrate the exercising of both authorities.
Changes to Original Request
- 5.9 Any changes subsequent to the original approval that affect the level of expenditure initiation authority (i.e. amount, or the parameters of the decision made in the initial authorization) shall be reviewed and approved by the individual who initially approved the transaction. Auditable evidence associated with the exercising of expenditure initiation authority on any increased amounts must also be retained.
- 5.10 Subsequent changes may result in the original individual not having the appropriate expenditure initiation authority to approve the revised transaction. In these situations, the original authority shall forward the request to an individual who has been designated to exercise the appropriate level of authority.
- 5.11 If the value of the transaction is increased and a commitment was entered concurrent with or immediately following the exercising of expenditure initiation authority, it should be determined whether sufficient unencumbered balances are still available and whether any commitment authority previously exercised must be amended.
- 5.12 Regardless of whether the value of the transaction increases or decreases, any commitments previously entered must be updated to reflect the value of the contract or other arrangement.
Travel, Hospitality, Conference and Event Transactions
- 5.13 There are additional expenditure initiation authority requirements associated with the approval of travel, hospitality, conference and event related transactions. Readers should refer to the relevant FAM chapters on these subjects for additional information.
Commitment Control
- 5.14 Commitment control is an important financial management practice and is integral to sound budget control, forecasting and allocation, and reallocation of program resources. It is mandated by law as prescribed by the FAA Section 32.
Commitment Control Process
5.15 The exercising of FAA Section 32 requires the completion of the following commitment control process:
Step The authorized individual shall 1 Verify that there is a sufficient free balance available in the budget based on the actual or estimated value of the planned transaction before entering into a contract or other arrangement. 2 Create a soft commitment (Funds Reservation, Funds Pre-commitment or Purchase Requisition) or a hard commitment (Funds Commitment or Purchase Order) or confirm that one has been recorded for the planned transaction. The RC Manager must consult the relevant procedural guidance issued on this topic (see paragraphs 6.5 and 6.11). 5.16 The RC Manager is also accountable for the completion of the following steps of the commitment control process:
Step The authorized individual shall 3 Ensure the commitment information is provided to the person with delegated transaction authority prior to entering into a contract or other arrangement. 4 Ensure that a hard commitment is created in the FMS when a firm contract has been negotiated and the details of the transaction are known. The hard commitment must reference any soft commitment that was previously created for the planned transaction; otherwise funds will be double committed for the same transaction.
Auditable Evidence
- 5.17 As stated in paragraph 5.8, auditable evidence must be available that demonstrates that commitment authority was exercised. The auditable evidence must demonstrate that the commitment control process described above was completed.
Sufficient Free Balance
- 5.18 To ensure compliance with FAA Section 32(1), individuals designated to exercise commitment authority must ensure that sufficient funds are available to proceed with the planned transaction before entering into a contract or other arrangement.
- 5.19 Where a requirement is expected to result in a multi-year contract and the planned transaction amount will be entirely or partially paid in future fiscal years, there must be a reasonable expectation of funding availability in those fiscal years to pay for the planned transaction. The commitments for multi-year contracts must be recorded in the appropriate fiscal year(s) of when the expenditures are expected to occur.
Recording of Commitments
5.20 To ensure compliance with FAA Section 32(2), individuals designated to exercise commitment authority or involved in the commitment process must ensure that a commitment (in accordance with paragraph 5.15) has been entered in the FMS for expenditures related to:
- Acquisition of goods or services;
- Agreements with other government departments, other levels of government or foreign governments;
- Ex Gratia;
- Liability Claims;
- Transfer payments (i.e. grants or contributions); and
- Employee related expenses (e.g. travel and training).
- 5.21 Relevant procedural guidance must be reviewed in order to determine the applicable FMS module (Materiel Management or Financial Management) to be used when exercising spending authority and to determine the applicable commitment documents that must be entered.
Low Value Transactions
- 5.22 Commitments should be recorded at the individual transaction level.
- 5.23 When it is impractical to record commitments individually (e.g. recurring low value transactions, office supplies, etc.) it is permissible to group the transactions together as described below in the section on Blanket Commitment Authority. The commitment must be monitored as described below in the section on “Monitoring and Reporting”.
Blanket Commitment Authority
- 5.24 A blanket commitment authority constitutes auditable evidence in support of the purchase of repetitive low-risk and low value goods or services. It is normally issued at the start of the fiscal year for repetitive transactions that occur during the year such as office supplies, and must be renewed annually.
- 5.25 To be considered auditable evidence of the exercising of expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority, the blanket authority must include key data elements such as the type of payment, the payee (when known), the maximum amount, the start and end dates and the financial coding.
- 5.26 The rationale for the blanket authority should be documented according to the above criteria. Blanket authority documentation should be retained by the department and should be attached manually or electronically to each transaction sent for payment.
Monitoring and Reporting
- 5.27 RC Managers are accountable for ensuring that commitments are maintained and are up-to-date. In order to ensure commitment information is accurately reflected in the FMS, once a commitment is no longer required, it must be closed. To ensure the accuracy of the free balance and unencumbered balance, RC Managers must diligently review and monitor their budgets on a regular basis to ensure their commitments and expenditures are accurately recorded in the FMS. As a part of year-end activities, RC Managers must ensure that there are no remaining outstanding balances in the commitments.
Special Considerations
- 5.28 In cases where there is a specific requirement for an incumbent to exercise expenditure initiation authority or commitment authority on a budget held outside their organization, he/she must ensure that the RC Manager responsible for the budget has issued an authorization for that purpose, by way of a control framework in accordance with the Special Considerations section of FAM Chapter 1014-4-1, Control of Financial Signing Authorities. The control framework extends the incumbent's area of authority to include, for the purpose of this specific requirement only, the financial coding identified in the framework. The RC Manager who has received this authorization to charge a budget other than their own becomes responsible and accountable for the ensuing transactions.
6. Roles and Responsibilities
Minister of National Defence
6.1 The Minister of National Defence (MND) is responsible for:
- Formally delegating expenditure initiation authority in writing to positions as indicated in the Delegation Matrix.
Deputy Minister
6.2 The Deputy Minister (DM) is responsible for:
- Formally delegating commitment authority and/or expenditure initiation authority in writing to positions as indicated in the Delegation Matrix.
Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/Chief Financial Officer
6.3 The Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/Chief Financial Officer (ADM(Fin)/CFO) is responsible for:
- All responsibilities outlined in section 4.1 of the TB Directive on Delegation of Spending and Financial Authorities;
- Providing financial functional direction and guidance across the department on matters related to expenditure initiation and commitment control;
Ensuring management practices and controls are established and maintained to ensure:
- Individuals designated to exercise expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority do not sub-delegate these authorities to others;
- Individuals holding positions with delegated authority for expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority must be designated in writing;
- Ensuring that individuals designated to exercise expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority have the knowledge and skills required to exercise their delegated signing authority;
- Determining training requirements related to the exercising of expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority;
- Restricting or revoking delegated spending and financial authorities of individuals where there is significant non-compliance with this policy or the departmental delegation of authorities' process.
Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
6.4 The Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) (ADM(Mat)) is responsible for:
- Ensuring that materiel procedures are published that standardize how expenditure initiation, commitment and contracting activities are performed in the FMS Materiel Management module.
Director Materiel Policy and Procedures
6.5 The Director Materiel Policy and Procedures (DMPP) is responsible for:
- Establishing and issuing materiel procedures that standardize how expenditure initiation, commitment, and contracting activities are performed in the FMS Materiel Management module;
- Determining what constitutes appropriate auditable evidence in support of the exercising of spending authorities (as applicable to the FMS Materiel Management module).
Level One Advisors
6.6 The Level One (L1) Advisors are responsible for:
- Ensuring compliance with the financial and materiel functional direction provided by the CFO and ADM(Mat) respectively over expenditure initiation and commitment control processes;
- Ensuring compliance with procedures established by the Director Financial Systems Integration (DFSI) and DMPP;
- Ensuring that those designated in their organization to exercise expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority have the knowledge and skills required to exercise their delegated signing authority;
- Ensuring that expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority delegated to a position within their organization are withdrawn or further restricted if it is determined that the delegated authorities are being abused or used improperly by a designated incumbent, or if there is a requirement for greater control owing to changes in risk factors.
Level One Comptrollers
6.7 The Level One (L1) Comptrollers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that individuals designated to exercise expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority have the knowledge and skills required to exercise their delegated signing authority;
- Ensuring that all staff within their organization who are involved in the expenditure initiation and commitment control process fully understand this policy;
- Ensuring that all processes and controls associated with expenditure initiation and commitment control are working effectively;
- Ensuring that the RDAO is informed immediately if expenditure initiation authority or commitment authority delegated to a position within their organization are withdrawn or further restricted.
- Ensuring that the DoA information is correctly reflected in the FMS.
Director General Strategic Financial Governance
6.8 The Director General Strategic Financial Governance (DGSFG) is responsible for:
- Supporting the implementation and monitoring of compliance with this policy;
- Ensuring that the departmental FMS adequately supports the expenditure initiation and commitment control processes;
- Ensuring that business processes and procedures related to expenditure initiation and commitment control are established to ascertain that commitments are controlled, monitored and accounted for in accordance with this policy.
Director General Financial Operations and Services
6.9 The Director General Financial Operations and Services (DGFOS) is responsible for:
- Ensuring that departmental compliance with this policy is monitored;
- Ensuring that the recording of and reporting on commitments are standardized throughout DND.
Director Financial Policy
6.10 The Director Financial Policy (DFP) is responsible for:
- Developing and promulgating policies on expenditure initiation and commitment control processes;
- Reviewing procedures on expenditure initiation and commitment control processes to ensure that they adhere to all financial legislation, TB FM policy instruments (including mandatory guidelines) and DND FM policies;
- Providing policy interpretation and clarification assistance on expenditure initiation and commitment authorities' policy matters.
Director Financial Systems Integration
6.11 The Director Financial Systems Integration (DFSI) is responsible for:
- Creating and maintaining financial business process documentation on expenditure initiation and commitment control processes to support the Business Process Owner, the Corporate Departmental Accounting Office (CDAO);
- Assisting the CDAO with the development and design of business process and with remediation assistance through financial business process re-engineering and transformation activities when requested or required;
- Establishing and issuing procedures that standardize how expenditure initiation and commitments activities are performed in various DND financial business processes;
- Determining what constitutes appropriate auditable evidence in support of the exercising of expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority (as applicable to the FMS Financial Management module).
Director Financial Controls
6.12 The Director Financial Controls (DFC) is responsible for:
- Assessing quality assurance programs and making recommendations based on the results of the assessments;
- Assessing the effectiveness of key controls related to expenditure initiation and commitment control and making recommendations based on the results of the assessments;
- Reporting on the status of the assessments and completing the annual summary for inclusion as an Annex to the departmental financial statements;
- Tracking and reporting on the status of remediation action plans.
Director Financial Operations
6.13 The Director Financial Operations (DFO) is responsible for:
- Ensuring that compulsory functional direction and guidance is provided department wide to support the implementation of this policy;
- Ensuring that procedure guidance in support of expenditure initiation and commitment control processes is provided to RDAOs;
- Ensuring that RDAO compliance with this policy and related procedures is monitored.
Corporate Departmental Accounting Office
6.14 The Corporate Departmental Accounting Office (CDAO) is responsible for:
- Providing compulsory functional direction and guidance to Regional Departmental Accounting Office (RDAO) comptrollers in support of expenditure initiation and commitment control processes;
- Providing procedure guidance in support of expenditure initiation and commitment control processes to RDAOs;
- Monitoring RDAO compliance with this policy and related procedures through the National Post Payment Verification (PPV) Program.
Regional Departmental Accounting Office Comptroller
6.15 The Regional Departmental Accounting Office (RDAO) Comptrollers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that this policy is fully implemented for their region;
- Ensuring that periodic reviews are performed to ascertain that the expenditure initiation and commitment control frameworks of RC Managers are functioning properly;
- Ensuring that all individuals exercising expenditure initiation and/or commitment authority have a valid Delegation of Authority (DoA) form.
Responsibility Centre Managers
6.16 The Responsibility Centre (RC) Managers are responsible for:
- Ensuring that expenditure initiation authority and commitment authority are exercised in accordance with this policy instrument;
- Ensuring that all staff involved in the expenditure initiation and commitment control process understand and apply this policy and related procedures;
- Ensuring that all staff required to exercise expenditure initiation authority and/or commitment authority have the appropriate DoA form duly completed and signed;
- Ensuring that training in respect of expenditure initiation and commitment authority is completed by staff prior to receiving the appropriate DoA;
- Ensuring that the DoA information is correctly reflected in the FMS;
- Ensuring that appropriate commitment documents are created in the FMS;
- Ensuring that individuals with delegated commitment authority maintain appropriate records in accordance with this policy;
- Ensuring that commitments are updated and closed on a timely basis;
- Monitoring their budget on a monthly basis to ensure commitments and expenditures are accurately recorded in the FMS;
- Ensuring compliance with this policy.
7. Consequences of Non-Compliance
- 7.1 Under the TB Policy on Financial Management, the DM is responsible for investigating and acting when significant issues regarding policy compliance arise, and ensuring that appropriate remedial action is taken to address such issues within DND/CAF. The TB Framework for the Management of Compliance provides guidance on the considerations for determining the possible mix of consequences, which include the impact of the non-compliance, whether there has been a history of non-compliance, was there intent and other circumstances.
- 7.2 To support the DM's responsibility under the TB Policy on Financial Management, the ADM(Fin)/CFO or in the case of a member of the CAF, the military chain of command at the ADM(Fin)/CFO's direction, must ensure corrective actions are taken to address instances of non-compliance with this policy. Corrective actions can include a requirement for additional training, changes to procedures or systems, removal or suspension of delegated financial authorities on a temporary or permanent basis, disciplinary action or other measures as appropriate.
8. References
8.1 Legislation
8.2 Treasury Board and Central Agency FM Policy Instruments
8.3 DND/CAF FM Policies
- FAM Chapter 1014-4-1 Control of Financial Signing Authorities (accessible only on the National Defence network)
- FAM Chapter 1016-3 Account Verification - FAA Section 34 (accessible only on the National Defence network)
- FAM Chapter 1017-1 Hospitality Expenditures (accessible only on the National Defence network)
- FAM Chapter 1017-3 Travel Expenditures (accessible only on the National Defence network)
- Delegation of Authorities for Financial Administration for the DND and the CAF [PDF, 735 KB] (accessible only on the National Defence network)
8.4 DND/CAF FM Guides, Forms and Other Tools
9. Enquiries
- 9.1 Questions on policy interpretation and clarification are to be addressed to the appropriate Comptroller.
- 9.2 If the local Comptroller requires assistance, the question will be escalated through the financial chain of command.
- 9.3 If the L1 Comptroller needs guidance on the matter(s) raised, the L1 Comptroller may contact the CDAO.
- 9.4 If the CDAO needs guidance on the matter(s) raised, they may contact DFP.
Appendix A - Definitions and Acronyms
- Commitment
- An obligation to make a payment as a result of an agreement made in good faith with other parties. Unless otherwise specified, the term commitment refers to both a soft commitment and hard commitment.
- Commitment Authority
- The authority delegated by the DM to positions to ensure that there is a sufficient free balance available to discharge a planned transaction before entering into a contract or other arrangement as required by FAA section 32.
- Electronic Authentication
- The process by which an individual (a person, an organization or device) is verified as a unique and legitimate user.
- Electronic authorization
- The process by which an authenticated user is granted the capability to render electronic approvals and discharge those authorities in electronic financial transactions.
- Expenditure Initiation Authority
- The authority delegated by the MND and/or DM to incur an expenditure or to make an obligation to obtain goods or services that will result in the eventual expenditure of public funds. This includes the decision to order goods and services, to authorize travel, relocation, hospitality, or to enter into some other arrangement for program purposes. This authority is aligned with managerial, budgetary and operational responsibilities. The objective of this authority is to give RC Managers the primary responsibility for initiating expenditures charged to their budgets and ensuring that the necessary authority exists for making an expenditure that Parliament has approved through the annual appropriation act.
- Financial Management System
- Any combination of business processes (end-to-end, automated and manual), procedures, controls, data and software applications, all of which are categorized as either a departmental financial and materiel management system or program system or central system that produces financial information and related non-financial information. DND's departmental FMS includes DRMIS and would also include any future replacement of DRMIS.
- Free Balance
- The current year budget allocation less the year-to-date current expenditures and current year hard commitments.
- Hard Commitment
- A type of commitment that is normally created when the decisions to spend public funds have been made and the person with transaction authority has negotiated a contract. Upon the fulfillment of specified conditions, the commitment may become a liability. A Funds Commitment and Purchase Order are types of FMS documents that are created to record a hard commitment and reduce the available free balance.
- Soft Commitment
- A type of commitment that is created based on foreseen or forecasted expenditures in order to reserve funds with no effect on the free balance. Funds Reservation, Funds Pre-commitment and Purchase Requisition are types of FMS documents that are created to record a soft commitment.
- Unencumbered Balance
- The amount that is free of any claim against the appropriation.
- Assistant Deputy Minister
- ADM(Fin)/CFO
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance)/Chief Financial Officer
- ADM(Mat)
- Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel)
- Canadian Armed Forces
- Corporate Departmental Accounting Office
- Chief Financial Officer
- Director Financial Controls
- Director Financial Policy
- Director Financial Systems Integration
- Director General Financial Operations and Services
- Director General Strategic Financial Governance
- DM
- Deputy Minister
- Director Materiel Policy and Procedures
- Department of National Defence
- Defence Resource Management Information System
- Electronic Authentication and Authorization
- Financial Administration Act
- Financial Administration Manual
- FM
- Financial Management
- Financial Management System
- L1
- Level One
- Payables at Year End
- RC
- Responsibility Centre
- Regional Departmental Accounting Office
- TB
- Treasury Board
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