Queen's Regulations and Orders for Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR Cadets) Chapter 1 - Introduction and Definitions
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Table of Contents
- 1.01 Title
- 1.02 Definitions
- 1.03 Appllication of Regulations
- 1.04 Calculation of Time
- 1.05 Communication with Higher Authority
- 1.06 Exercise of Powers
- 1.07 Authority of The Chief Of The Defence Staff to issue Orders and Instructions
- 1.08 Regulations and Orders - General
- 1.09 - 1.99 Not Allocated
1.01 – TITLE
This publication shall be called the Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations and may be cited as QR (Cadets).
(1) In QR (Cadets) and in all orders and instructions respecting cadets, unless the context otherwise requires:
"affiliated unit" means a unit of the Regular Force or of the Primary Reserve with which a cadet corps is affiliated; it may also include a disbanded unit which is perpetuated in a cadet corps; (unité d’affiliation)
"Air Cadet League" means the organization incorporated as the Air Cadet League of Canada; (Ligue des cadets de l’Air)
"Air Cadets" means the Royal Canadian Air Cadets; (cadets de l'Air)
"Army Cadet League" means the organization incorporated as the Army Cadet League of Canada; (Ligue des cadets de l’Armée)
"Army Cadets" means the Royal Canadian Army Cadets; (cadets de l'Armée)
"base" means a unit designated as such by or under the authority of the Minister, the function of which is to provide such accommodation services for assigned units as may be directed by the Chief of the Defence Staff; (base)
"cadet" means a person of not less than 12 years of age but less than 19 years of age who belongs to a cadet organization (Sea Cadets, Army Cadets or Air Cadets) authorized by the Minister pursuant to section 46 of the National Defence Act; (cadet)
"cadet corps" means a Sea Cadet Corps, an Army Cadet Corps or an Air Cadet Squadron; (corps de cadets)
"cadet duty" includes proceeding to and returning from the place where a cadet activity or period of instruction is performed, and participation in or attendance at an authorized cadet activity or period of instruction, including but not limited to the following: (service comme cadet)
(a) a parade;
(b) a demonstration;
(c) an exercise or other activity; or
(d) a period of instruction, conducted at a local headquarters;
"cadet instructor" means an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre and includes a member of another sub-component of the Reserve Force while he or she is instructing cadets; (instructeur de cadets)
"civilian instructor" means a person who is employed as an instructor to cadet corps or at a cadet training centre but who is not a member of the Canadian Forces; (instructeur civil)
"Class "A" Reserve Service" means service as prescribed in QR&O article 9.06; (service de réserve classe «A»)
"Class "B" Reserve Service" means service as prescribed in QR&O article 9.07; (service de réserve classe «B»)
"Class "C" Reserve Service" means service as prescribed in QR&O article 9.08; (service de réserve de classe «C»)
"commanding officer of a cadet corps" means an officer of the Cadet Instructors Cadre designated by the region commander as the commanding officer of a cadet corps; (commandant d'un corps de cadets)
"Department" means the Department of National Defence; (Ministère) *
"Division" means a group of persons in a province elected by The Navy League of Canada who, within the limitations specified by the League, promote and assist the development of the Sea Cadets; (division)
"local sponsor" means, in respect of a cadet corps, the organization accepted by or on behalf of the Chief of the Defence Staff and the supervisory sponsor to undertake, jointly with the Canadian Forces, responsibility for the formation and support of that cadet corps; (répondant local)
"loss" means material which DND has been deprived of the use of because of disappearance, destruction, damage beyond economical repair, theft, fire, neglect, shelf life expiration or unforseen deterioration; (perte)
"Minister" means the Minister of National Defence; (Ministre) *
"Navy League" means the organization incorporated as The Navy League of Canada; (Ligue navale)
"officer" means: (officier) *
(a) a person who holds Her Majesty's commission in the Canadian Forces;
(b) a subordinate officer in the Canadian Forces; and
(c) any person who pursuant to law is attached or seconded as an officer to the Canadian Forces;
"open cadet corps" means a cadet corps formed and sponsored by a responsible organization other than the authorities of a school; (corps de cadets extra-scolaire)
"Provincial Committee" means a group of persons in a province appointed by the Air Cadet League of Canada who, within the limitations spedified by the League, promote and assist the development of the Air Cadets; (comité provincial)
Air Cadets; (comité provincial)
"Provincial/Territorial Branch" means a group of persons in a province/territory appointed by the Army Cadet League of Canada who, subject to objectives of the League contained in the Letters Patent, and QR (Cadets), act as supervisory sponsors to corps in their areas of jurisdiction; (divisions provinciales et territoriales)
"QR&O" means the Queen's Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Forces; (ORFC)
"school cadet corps" means a cadet corps formed in a school and sponsored by the authorities of that school; (corps de cadets scolaire)
"Sea Cadets" means the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets; (cadets de la Marine)
"staff cadet" means a cadet who is: (cadet-cadre)
(a) appointed to such cadet rank as is authorized by the commanding officer of a training centre established to conduct cadet summer training;
(b) employed, on the authority of the commanding officer of the training centre, as a member of the instructional, supervisory or administrative staff within the paid establishment approved by the appropriate region commander for that centre;
(c) not less than 16 years of age as of the first day of employment; and
(d) employed for summer training only and will not be employed for any other purpose without the expressed approval of the Chief of the Defence Staff;
"superior officer" * means any officer or non-commissioned member who, in relation to any
other officer or non-commissioned member, is by the National Defence Act, or by regulations or by
custom of the service, authorized to give a lawful command to that other officer or non-commissioned
member; (supérieur) *
"supervisory sponsor" means, in respect of a cadet corps, the cadet league (The Navy League, the Army Cadet League or the Air Cadet
League) that has agreed, in the absence of a local sponsor, to assume supervisory responsibility for that cadet corps; (répondant-superviseur)
"support unit" means a unit of the Regular Force designated by the Chief of the Defence Staff to provide logistic and administrative support to a
cadet corps; and (unité de soutien)
"volunteer" means any person, including members of the Canadian Forces, who assists cadet instructors and civilian instructors in cadet activities without pay. (bénévole)
* Indicates definition drawn from the National Defence Act
(2) Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions, words, and phrases in QR(Cadets) shall be used in accordance with accepted practice within the respective language, including the definitions contained in QR&O 1.04 to 1.095 inclusive.
QR (Cadets) apply to:
(a) cadets and cadet corps of the Sea, Army and Air Cadets;
(b) cadet instructors;
(c) where the context so requires, other members of the Canadian Forces, civilian and volunteer instructors; and
(d) where applicable, may regulate the manner in which Cadet Leagues deal with cadet organizations.
(1) Except where QR (Cadets) expressly provide otherwise, when any provision of QR (Cadets), or any regulation, order or instruction issued in respect of the cadet organizations authorized by the Minister pursuant to section 46 of the National Defence Act:
(a) is expressed to take effect on a particular day, it is effective at the first moment of that day; or
(b) states that a period of time is to commence on a particular day, that period commences at the first moment of that day.
2) Except as may be provided in orders issued by the Chief of the Defence Staff, the first moment of a day shall be expressed as 0000 hours, and the last moment of a day shall be expressed as 2400 hours.
Unless the context otherwise requires, when in QR (Cadets) or in any order or instruction amplifying or implementing it, a communication of any kind, or a report or return is required or permitted to be made to a higher military authority, it shall be made through such channels of communication as the Chief of the Defence Staff may prescribe.
When by QR (Cadets) any power or jurisdiction is given to, and any act or thing is to be done by, to or before a region commander, that power or jurisdiction may be exercised by, and that act or thing may be done by, to or before any officer designated for that purpose by the Minister, subject to such limitations as the Minister may impose.
The Chief of the Defence Staff may issue orders and instructions not inconsistent with the National Defence Act, or with any regulations made by the Governor in Council, the Treasury Board or the Minister, in explanation or implementation of QR (Cadets)
(1) The effective date of a regulation or order imposing an obligation or duty shall not be retrospective.
(2) In QR (Cadets), there shall be printed:
(a) immediately following every regulation
(i) made by the Governor in Council, the letter "G" in parentheses,
(ii) made by the Treasury Board, the letter "T" in parentheses,
(iii) made by the Minister, the letter "M" in parentheses; and
(b) immediately following every order made by the Chief of the Defence Staff, the letter "C" in parentheses.
(1.09 - 1.99: NOT ALLOCATED)
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