Coordinating instructions - Defence Plan 2018-2023
Coordinating Instructions
Defence Acquisition and Support to Equipment
Level 1 (L1) organizations and Assistant Deputy Minister (Materiel) (ADM(Mat)), enabled by Vice Chief of the Defence Staff (VCDS) and Assistant Deputy Minister (Finance) / Chief Financial Officer ((ADM(Fin) / (CFO)), must execute Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE) in a focused and deliberate manner in order to ensure equipment delivery and project advancement. Discipline and leadership engagement are two critical components that must be reinforced to deliver the Defence capital equipment program.
Materiel and Inventory Management
In support of existing fleets, ADM(Mat), supported by the ADM(Fin) / CFO, Director of Staff – Strategic Joint Staff (DOS SJS) and Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) is to lead the continued departmental effort to enhance materiel accountability by implementing modern, effective inventory controls, supply chain management and inventory valuation.
The Inventory Management Modernization and Rationalization project plays a key role in addressing many institutional challenges the Department faces in effectively managing its inventory. The project was a key element of National Defence’s 2013 Action Plan to address its challenges in inventory management to the Standing Committee on Public Accounts and remains a keystone project in its updated 2016 Action Plan. The project is a departmental effort requiring engagement from many stakeholders to identify, rationalize and dispose of material no longer required and, in parallel, to modernize the business processes for substantive and enduring materiel management improvements. The project comprises four sub-projects that have been designed in such a manner that each successive sub-project builds off the outcomes of the previous sub-projects.
ADM(Mat) and ADM(Fin) will continue to lead the delivery of National Defence’s 2016 Inventory Management Action Plan and other complementary initiatives designed to improve the effective management of defence materiel and accuracy of materiel data as it relates to quantity, location, condition and price. ADM(Mat) will continue to maintain a robust materiel management oversight and monitoring framework through the use of a nationally contracted stocktaking and stock verification control program with reporting of results to senior management. ADM(Mat) and DOS SJS will jointly complete a supply chain governance study and support the use of analytics to improve performance monitoring.
Procurement and Contracting
Procurement and contracting is a key functional area that requires significant planning to ensure goods and services are acquired and supported in a responsible manner. Adherence to regulations and the FAA, planning for appropriate training, and considerations of “green”, sustainable and aboriginal contracting policies are only some of the considerations that must be included in business activities. As the Department continues to execute the Departmental Procurement Strategy (DPS) initiative, it is paramount to ensure organizations continue to adapt their best practices while embracing a culture of innovation and creativity in procurement and contracting, including the establishment of new governance and management frameworks where necessary. A focus on streamlining historical processes has shown that creative and unique solutions with respect to procurement by both the private sector and Allies can yield positive results and innovative approaches to problem solving.
Defence Resource Management Information System (DRMIS)
DRMIS (SAP) is the Department’s integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system for both materiel and financial management. It effectively integrates financial and materiel information to improve materiel asset visibility and tracking, thereby enhancing inventory accuracy and providing complete, accurate and defendable Department of National Defence (DND) financial statements. L1s shall continue to maximize use of DRMIS for materiel activity/transactions in accordance with MA&S policies and procedures.
Implement the Defence Energy and Environmental Strategy. Assistant Deputy Minister (Infrastructure and Environment) (ADM(IE)) will lead the department in contributing to achieving Canada’s commitments in greenhouse gas reductions, DND’s obligations for protection and stewardship of the environment, and adapting to climate change. In support of this strategic objective, the Defence Energy and Environment Strategy sets targets for L1s to contribute to a sustainable Defence portfolio. An investment of $225 million by 2020 will be made in a wide range of infrastructure projects across Canada to reduce DND’s carbon footprint. All L1’s are to consider GHG emissions in the conduct of their operations, development of operational requirements, purchase of their commercial vehicles, and in the development of their infrastructure requirements to support government-wide targets to reduce GHGs.
Energy Efficiency. ADM(IE) supported by Assistant Deputy Minister (Science and Technology) (ADM(S&T)) will examine alternative energy options and their potential use for operations. Components include reducing electrical energy consumption at deployed camps, using cleaner fuels, designing more efficient soldier equipment, and providing more efficient power solutions for operations.
Sustainable Real Property Portfolio. ADM(IE) will continue to lead the department’s efforts in disposing of underutilized or obsolete buildings in order to improve the efficiency of the infrastructure portfolio. Each L1 organization will be solicited for real property requirements and will be required to support ADM(IE) to validate and prioritize these requirements. As the Department continues to implement this initiative, it is critical that L1 support and leadership is provided and followed through from the onset. L1 participation in the appropriate real property governance processes at the base/wing, regional and national level must occur as these are the fora to raise and resolve priorities, issues and concerns. ADM(IE), as the Functional Authority for real property, has a responsibility to liase directly with L1s to ensure that their requirements and concerns are addressed in Real Property plans.
ADM(IE), in collaboration with Canadian Forces Housing Agency (CFHA), will lead the departmental effort to improve infrastructure on bases and wings, including required off-base/wing office space and housing for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel. In doing so, Defence will implement low-risk housing, office space and offsite investment plans to improve the overall condition and sustainability of the DND housing portfolio with the aim of providing safe and accessible accommodation, based on CAF requirements. Defence will examine the infrastructure requirements in support of the Department’s Youth Program across Canada, including in remote locations. Additionally, Defence will explore ways to partner with the private sector and will consult with public sector unions.
As SSE will see the delivery of number of major systems and growth to the Defence Team, a significant amount of real property investment will be required. As part of a larger group of key initiatives intended to address the capability requirements identified in the Force Capability Plan,
L1s are to inform ADM(IE) of new capabilities being planned, or changes in scope to existing capabilities and ensure that ADM(IE) is invited to attend project senior review boards (SRBs).
The 2018-2020 Public Affairs (PA) Strategy sets the overarching objectives and outcomes for CAF/DND communications efforts and is aligned with Strong, Secure, Engaged – Canada’s Defence Policy. It is the foundation for cooperation, collaboration, and coordination by the public affairs community across Defence in supporting the implementation of the Defence Policy. L1 public affairs teams must be fully involved in the planning and implementation of the policy in their respective chains of command to provide communications advice, guidance, and recommendations to their L1 leadership and to Assistant Deputy Minister (Public Affairs) (ADM(PA)) to effectively support departmental objectives and implement the PA Strategy. Through this involvement, PA practitioners will have a broader context and be able to develop internal and external communications products and activities that are timely, clear, consistent, and coordinated.
Effective media relations are essential as Defence is represented in the news media every day. In 2017, Defence responded to 95 percent of media requests within negotiated deadlines and provided interviews for approximately one-third of those requests. However, affecting public narratives and opinion remains a key challenge. With this in mind, Defence PA is increasingly taking advantage of the opportunities presented by social media and updated media monitoring and analysis tools to expand its reach to diverse audiences, encourage engagement with target audiences, and refine the communication of Defence priorities. Moving forward, Defence PA will continue to leverage new digital platforms and tools as an innovative, creative, and useful means of engaging CAF members, DND employees, the media, and the public. Imagery and multimedia are more powerful than words when engaging audiences who look to television, the Internet, and social media for news; bold visuals must be integrated into external and internal PA activities. Engaging defence stakeholders with influence – on a variety of platforms – is also a vital part of telling the Defence story. Stakeholder engagement efforts are being renewed to ensure they are targeted, coordinated, and aligned to national objectives.
Overall, CAF/DND PA will endeavour to meet its desired outcomes of increasing Canadians’ understanding of how and why the CAF serves Canada; increasing support for CAF members and DND employees; improving perception of Defence as a good manager of public funds and increasing support for increased defence spending; and finally, improving Canadians’ perception of joining the CAF. This approach will allow CAF/DND to engage with Canadians, garner their support, and enhance their connection with and pride in Canada’s military. These activities, which will be undertaken to meet the outcomes in the PA Strategy, will in turn support the implementation of the Defence Policy.
Departmental Programme and Submissions Work Plan (DPSWP)
The DPSWP is a key departmental deliverable that ensures efficient, co-ordinated and focused internal Departmental work efforts. VCDS (C Prog/DDPC) will lead the development of the DPSWP in collaboration with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) team (DGIPFA). The DPSWP will identify Defence Programme objectives with regards to capability requirements and project priorities. The DPSWP will be approved annually by the Programme Management Board (PMB) and updated semi-annually.
Review Services
Program evaluation will systematically and objectively gather and analyze performance data to assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of departmental programs established and will assess how specific program areas are aligned with the implementation of SSE. As required by the Policy on Results, evaluation reports provide neutral, evidence-based findings and recommendations on improvements to better manage programs and optimize results.
Programs scheduled for evaluation are identified in the Assistant Deputy Minister (Review Services) (ADM(RS)) departmental 5-year evaluation plan that is endorsed by the Performance Measurement and Evaluation Committee. The evaluation plan will be developed and annually updated using a comprehensive risk-based approach that includes both a review of priority-based departmental programs as well as consultations with departmental and TBS management and other key stakeholders. Program officials are encouraged to take into account findings and recommendations from previous evaluations when creating their business plans, and they should familiarize themselves with the current Departmental Evaluation Plan, for information on current and future evaluations.
Internal audits and evaluations provide professional, independent and objective advice and guidance, as well as assurance and advisory services designed to add value and improve the effectiveness of risk management strategies and practices; management control frameworks, systems and practices; and governance processes. The Risk-Based Audit Plan (RBAP) is updated annually and identifies the specific audit related engagement work that ADM(RS) plans to complete during the next fiscal year as well as a preliminary indication of the audit work planned for completion in the following two fiscal years. The revised RBAP will be informed by the commitments outlined in SSE.
Security refers to the assurance that personnel, information, assets and services are protected. Failure to adequately analyze, evaluate and treat security risks may result in failure of the departmental objectives as well as the CAF operational mission. The ever evolving threat environment does not permit DND/CAF to protect itself against every conceivable threat in every conceivable circumstance. Defence must identify security risks and vulnerabilities in order to manage, combat and reduce those risks.
Director General Defence Security (DGDS), as the Departmental Security Officer and the functional authority for security, will lead the Defence Security Program in collaboration with L1 partners to identify security risks through the security risk management process enabling DND/CAF to make evidence-based decisions that support the execution of the Defence Services Program. L1s must ensure that their business plans include the resource requirements to meet their obligations under the Departmental Security Plan.
As a key enabler toward achieving better strategic management of security risks, DGDS is working to introduce a number of efficiencies and modern business practices to improve the way DGDS delivers services in support of DND/CAF. With a DND/CAF increase of 6150 personnel, DGDS will be responsible for processing reliability screenings, security clearances, and special access requirements in a streamlined and efficient manner. These clearances will extend to those DND/CAF members participating globally in operations and international engagements. The timely and efficient processing of the Level II and Level III clearances will be a top priority, notably in the areas of Defence Intelligence, Special Operations Forces and Cyber Operators. To achieve this, there is a requirement to modernize policies, procedures and equipment, IM/IT systems and infrastructure as well as augment personnel resource levels.
Move to Carling Campus
Led by Public Services and Procurement Canada and supported by Shared Services Canada, the move to the Carling Campus – the new National Defence headquarters – is progressing well. The construction of Phase 2 as well as the transition to Carling Campus is expected to continue in 2018-19. In keeping with business optimization efforts, Defence will continue to implement aspects of Workplace 2.0 at its new headquarters. Defence will also continue to ensure the effective and efficient use of IM/IT and alignment with Government of Canada IM/IT enterprise priorities and directives.
Access to Information Processing (ATIP)
Defence must align itself with and support the GC objectives of transparency. The NDHQ Corp Sec will lead the departmental efforts to ensure that access to information processing is performed in accordance with the promulgated policies.
Information Management/Information Technology (IM/IT)
The annual Defence IM/IT Functional Planning Guidance (Def IM/IT FPG) contains the Defence IM/IT Programme priorities and guidance for L1 planners to assist them in developing their business and IT plans in each of the eight IM and IT functional areas. Additionally, the Department-wide implementation of GCDOCS is critical for addressing known information sharing/management problems.
L1s must ensure that they identify their IM/IT requirements in support of SSE initiatives through the existing Defence business intake/governance processes. Some of the SSE impacts are already reinforced in the Def IM/IT FPG through Business Relationship Management as follows:
Demand management – ensuring that the SSE aligned capability requirements are submitted through DBRM;
Shared Services Canada (SSC) support requirements for SSE initiatives are raised;
SSE initiatives will be clearly identified in L1 IT Plans; and
The PRICIE analysis framework is used for SSE initiated projects paying particular attention to the impact on integration into the Defence Services Program.