External Review into Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Harassment in the Canadian Armed Forces - Table of contents
Marie Deschamps, C.C. Ad.E.
External Review Authority
March 27, 2015
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1 Terminology
2. Scope and Mandate of the Review
2.1 ERA’s Mandate
4. Culture of the CAF
4.1 Military Ethos
4.2 CAF Culture On the Ground From the Perspective of the ERA’s Mandate
4.2.1 Organizational Culture
4.2.2 Differences Between Naval, Land and Air Forces, Colleges and Reserve Units
4.2.3 Differences Between Ranks
4.2.4 Integration of Women into the CAF
4.3 Risk Factors
4.4 Changing the Culture: An Issue for Leaders
4.4.1 Role of Leaders in Changing the Culture
4.4.2 Proactive Leadership
6. Definitions
6.2 Fraternization and Adverse Personal Relationships
6.3.1 Using Plain Language
6.3.2 Concept of Consent
6.3.3 Consent and the Consumption of Alcohol
6.3.4 Consent and Imbalances of Power
6.4 Single Policy
7. Processes and Procedures
7.1.1 Current Practices
7.1.2 Lowest-level Resolution
7.1.3 “Open-Door Policy”
7.1.4 Challenges with Using ADR
7.1.5 Other Problems
7.1.6 Collection of Data
7.3 Sexual Assault
7.3.1 Current Practices
7.3.2 Treatment of Victims
7.3.3 Data Collection
8. Programs and External Resources
8.1 Chaplains, Nurses, Social Workers and Physicians
8.1.1 Chaplains
8.1.2 Nurses and Social Workers
8.1.3 Physicians
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