ICCM is here to support you on International Conflict Resolution Day - and everyday

October 15, 2020 – Defence Stories


International Conflict Resolution Day
ICCM, Find the way ahead
ICCM is here to support you.

Harassment, grievance, or a failure to uphold human rights in any form within National Defence is incompatible with our values and culture.

International Conflict Resolution Day is recognized annually on the third Thursday in October. It was initiated in 2005 by the Association for Conflict Resolution and is now an annual global event promoting the concept of peaceful conflict resolution.

The Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management (ICCM) team, established in order to help those experiencing situations of conflict, is available to help Defence Team members assist you to resolve any conflict or complaint you may be facing.

ICCM also gives chains of command better awareness of the workplace climate and potential systemic issues within their fields. 

ICCM services are available to all serving members of the Canadian Armed Forces. In addition, all DND civilians can access Conflict and Complain Management Services (CCMS) centres to raise concerns in conflicts where CAF members are involved, and to obtain specialized training in conflict resolution and related skills and strategies.

Wondering how you can use ICCM’s services?

 Simply reach out to one of the sixteen different CCMS centres located across Canada! Our agents can provide local information, guidance and support in order to help resolve your conflict or complaint. The CCMS centres are designed to assist you to resolve conflicts early, locally and informally, and provide tools necessary to create and sustain healthy and safe workplaces.

Health, wellness and the safety of our Defence Team are a top priority within the CAF and DND.  Bill C-65: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (harassment and violence) introduced changes to the Canada Labour Code that extends protection concerning harassment and violence in the workplace to all members of the Defence Team. The coordinating authority for this effort within DND, the Vice Chief of the Defence Staff, is implementing the changes by leveraging the strengths of the Director General Integrated Conflict and Complaint Management which has created a Prevention of Harassment and Violence in the Workplace Centre of Expertise.

More information regarding the implementation of Bill C-65 is forthcoming and will be reflected on our web site and communicated to members of the Defence Team. 

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