Military Spouse Employment Initiative: Master Corporal (MCpl) Daniel Schnabel

May 12, 2021 – Defence Stories

Sara Schnabel, Master Corporal (MCpl) Daniel Schnabel and family

Sara Schnabel, Master Corporal (MCpl) Daniel Schnabel and family.

My name is MCpl Daniel Schnabel and I’ve been with the Army since 2008. My wife, Sara, recently shared her story about gaining employment through the Military Spouse Employment Initiative (MSEI) and I want to share my perspective on how it has positively impacted our family.

The MSEI gave my wife a foot in the door to gain longer term employment. Having a second income takes away some of the financial stressors and allows us to focus on our jobs and our kids.

Before the MSEI, my wife had a hard time getting employment. Employers would overlook her because they assumed she’d just be moving soon because her husband was in the Army. The MSEI is a great program because it provides opportunities to military spouses that face this issue. My wife now has a job on base and she can be a part of the family on base and support the Canadian Armed Forces.

My wife is in a wheelchair and she no longer feels as if it’s an inconvenience to her employer. She’s no longer looked down upon. The MSEI gave her confidence that her workplace will put in an effort to make adjustments and adapt to meet her needs. The MSEI didn’t see her disability as a disadvantage; she was hired based off her skills and abilities. This gave her the opportunity to be who she really is and shine and excel in her career.

My wife is definitely happier; this opportunity has provided her a career which is a great thing for our family. She has more fulfillment professionally and we have even more to talk about at the end of the day. My wife’s job stability contributes to my ability to deliver for the CAF and remain committed to the CAF mission.

For more information on how to apply for a job or on how to access the inventory, visit the Military Spouse Employment Initiative website or contact the National Staffing Programs team.

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