Reaching out to former members on Canada’s military justice system
Survey now closed: Although this survey is now closed, efforts to reach out to victims and survivors of service offences will continue, including through the Feedback page. Thanks to all the former CAF members who have shared their military justice experience through the Declaration of Victims’ Rights Online Survey. This valuable feedback will inform the implementation of the Declaration of Victims Rights.
August 3, 2021 - Defence Stories
Once fully in force, Bill C-77, An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, will introduce the Declaration of Victims’ Rights (DVR). The DVR will enshrine rights for victims of service offences within the military justice system.
To support the development and upcoming implementation of the DVR, DND/CAF is consulting various groups, including CAF members, DND employees, Veterans and all Canadians.
Recently, in collaboration with Veterans Affairs Canada, we launched a survey for former CAF members. They are invited to provide feedback on the military justice system and the future implementation of the DVR.
Former CAF members can participate in the survey through their My VAC Account, or by creating an account. If you know a former CAF member, please encourage them to participate in the survey.
We would also like to thank all current CAF/DND personnel who took part in the Declaration of Victims’ Rights Online Survey, launched May 14, 2021. These consultations will help shape this important evolution of the military justice system.
If you missed the opportunity to participate in this survey, you can still share your thoughts on the Feedback page, located on the Victims and Survivors of Service Offences web page. This Feedback page will remain available throughout the development process.
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