Hybrid work actions required by public service employees

September 03, 2024 – Defence Stories


Effective September 9, 2024, all public service employees must work on-site a minimum of three days a week. To ensure flexibility for operational requirements and job types where a minimum 3 days per week is not possible, specific categories of employees (such as part-time workers, students) are required to work a minimum of 60% of their regular schedule on-site.

Ensure you understand and comply with the updated Direction:

Create or update your work agreement

Monitoring compliance

In accordance with the Direction, the Government of Canada’s Privacy Act, Guidance on optimizing a hybrid workforce, and the Directive on telework, Department of National Defence (DND) networks are subject to monitoring. This information is collected, including for users connected remotely, and reviewed to enforce acceptable use, policy compliance, and to protect against cyber threats. This monitoring also allows DND to track compliance with these directives and take appropriate measures if necessary.


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