Patient Safety

Patient Safety Incident Reporting

Help us improve safety by reporting Patient Safety related incidents you may have experienced or witnessed as the best way to progress is to learn from mistakes, and the surest way to learn from mistakes and mitigate against them is to create an environment where we can acknowledge errors and act to correct what underpins them.

Once a report is received the incident is investigated and analyzed using methods and tools to assist in answering the following questions: what happened; how and why it happened; and what can be done to prevent it from happening again. Information is ultimately used to understand why things go wrong in our healthcare system and how to make care safer.

What is a patient safety incident?

It is an event or circumstance which could have resulted, or did result, in unnecessary harm to a patient. The process focuses on system failures and system-based analysis.

There are three types of patient safety incidents:

How can we report a patient safety incident?

You can report a patient safety incident at any time. Contact the Patient Safety Officer (PSO) or your Quality and Patient Safety (Q&PS) Regional Advisor to receive instructions on how to complete a DND 850 form, available on the Defence Forms Catalogue  Please ensure to encrypt your e-mail when sending the DND 850 form (protected B document).

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