Annex E - Logic model
- What we invest
- What we do
- What we produce
- The why and intended effect
Lines of Effort (LoE)
Education and Awareness
- Develop and deliver training (courses, workshops, modules) directly and indirectly
- Deliver communications
- Update and design website
- Respond to ad hoc requests and inquiries
Organizational Ethics Assessment
- Conduct environ scan
- Conduct program assessments (L1 to unit)
- Conduct surveys
- Report to DAC
Policy Development
- Develop and update DAODs, policies
- Consult and integrate advice, feedback into policies
- Brief DMC
Ethics and COI Advice
- Provide ethics and COIs advice
- Assess COIs
- Responses to ethics and COI inquiries
Collaboration and Stakeholder engagement
- Engage and communicate with:
- Internal – CSRT, MPC – Chaplains, HR Civ, Mil Pers Gen, SJS, Ethics Advisory Board
- External – NPG, OGDs, horizontal initiatives (TBS), other countries / Mils
- Participate in Ethics conferences
- Present and participate in EAB
Training courses / modules
Online course
Online scenarios / Maple Leaf
Course surveys
Survey results
DM/CDS report
DAC report
Policy database
Comms (emails, letters, directives)
DND / CAF Code of Values and Ethics
DMC briefings
COI assessments
Responses (emails, letters, phone, in person)
EAB report, direction
Advice to related stakeholders
DND / CAF polices, directives, strategies
Awareness and promotion of Defence Ethics across DND / CAF
Accountability for ethical deviations and conflicts of interest (not to be confused with other kinds of conflicts)
Coherent and aligned ethics and values within and external to DND / CAF
Public trust in DND / CAF Defence ethical culture is supported
Internal understanding and acceptance of ethical culture
change in DND / CAF
Achievement of DND/CAF mandate through independent, objective, evidence-based advice, ethics and assurance services
Performance Indicators:
80% of DND / CAF attended awareness / learning activities.
80% of feedback/survey respondents who found DEP-run direct training/education sessions satisfactory in meeting their ethics needs.
100% of COI client requests are addressed and recommendations provided within 30 business days from receipt of initial request.
90% of Ethics client requests are addressed and recommendations provided within 7 business days from receipt of initial request.
Perceptions of DND CAF personnel about ethics in the organization.
20,000 total page views and visits to the DEP intranet site by DND/CAF personnel per fiscal year.
Page details
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