Consultative Framework Between the CAF and Cadet Leagues

A Commitment to Consult

Consultative model
Consultative Model: Text version

A graphic representing the collaboration of the Cadets and Junior Canadian Rangers, with the Navy League, Air, and Army Cadet Leagues of Canada, working together to consult at the local, regional, and national levels. There are three wheels with arrows indicating that the three levels work in tandem, and create a feedback loop.

Consultative Framework Between the CAF and Cadet Leagues


To oversee, guide and enable interactions between the CAF and Cadet Leagues in the provision and performance measurement of shared roles and responsibilities IAW the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between these Participants


  • Strengthen the partnership between the CAF and Cadet Leagues.
  • Establish the forums to facilitate effective two-way consultation between the CAF and Leagues at all levels.
  • Provide the mechanisms for effective information sharing, data management, reporting, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Reinforces commitment to consult and requirement to concur, as applicable.
  • Ensure issues are identified and managed at all levels with clear top-down direction and consistent bottom-up reporting.
  • Operate in a standardized, consistent and resource efficient manner (e.g. SOPs, leverage technology to support administration inclusive of virtual meeting platforms).

Expected Outcome:

Consistent support to Cadets and Cadet Corps and Squadrons.


  1. Annual internal evaluation by consultative forum member
  2. External confirmation as part of the next ADM(RS) Evaluation


Framework: A model of the fundamental elements and components that define or describe a process or situation.

Consult: To seek information or advice; to have discussions or confer with (MoU participant representatives), typically before undertaking a course of action.

Consultation: The exchange of views and the conduct of deliberations amongst the senior representatives at each level of the respective organizations of the MoU Participants, aiming at harmonizing positions and formulating recommendations on issues of common interest.

Concur: To agree, as in view or action or finding.

Disagreement: Lack of concurrence between MoU participant representatives on the action to take to address an issue.

Consultative Forms model
Consultative Forumns: Text version

A graphic representing the Memorandum of Understanding Shared Responsibilities and the consultative forums consisting of the National Cadet Council (NCC), Community Coordinating Committee (CCC), Regional Cadet Advisory Group (RCAG), National Cadet Board (NCB), and National Cadet Steering Committee (NCSC). The groups are displayed within a circle indicating the forums work in tandem, creating a feedback loop. The NCC is at the top, CCC and NCB at the same level on either side, and the RCAG and NCSC at the bottom both at the same level on either side, both with Issues Management Action Teams.

Consultative Framework to oversee, guide and enable interactions between the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Cadet Leagues in the provision and performance measurement of shared roles and responsibilities

Consultative Forums

Objective and Primary Focus


MoU Participant Representative

Meeting Rhythm

National Cadet Council (NCC)

Strategic Level Reporting to the VCDS:

  • Report on the provision and performance measurement of shared roles and responsibilities
  • Report on action items stemming from previous NCC meetings or other sources (e.g., ADM(RS) Evaluations)
  • Confirm VCDS intent, direction and guidance for issues related to executing shared roles and responsibilities or assigned action items


CAF: Comd CJCR Leagues: National Presidents Secretary: COS Coord CJCR


National Cadet Board (NCB)

Strategic Level Oversight and Direction to Subordinate Consultative Forums:

  • Synchronize performance reporting up to NCC
  • Concur on direction and guidance to provide to the NCSC
  • Concur on action to take to address issues raised by the NCSC, inclusive of any unresolved disagreements within subordinate consultative forums
  • Reinforce the commitment to consult by informing respective MoU Participants of:
    • administration, policy, program evolution or initiative that will have an impact to ensure shared awareness and understanding; and
    • other business that could have an impact on the MoU Participants.


CAF: DComd CJCR Leagues: National Presidents Secretary: COS Coord CJCR


National Cadet Steering Committee (NCSC)

Operationalize Strategic Direction from the NCB / Address Issues Identified by the RCAGs:

  • Synchronize performance reporting up to the NCB
  • Concur on direction and guidance to provide to the RCAGs
  • Concur on action to take to address issues raised by the RCAGs, inclusive of any unresolved disagreements within subordinate consultative forums
  • Establish and direct any required adhoc or standing Issues Management Action Teams which could be CAF-led, League-led or co-led, as determined by the NCSC, based on the nature of each issue
  • Facilitate the sharing of best practices or lessons learned identified by the RCAGs
  • Coordinate the evaluation of the effectiveness of the Consultative Framework in achieving its goals and realizing the expected outcome, and recommend adjustments to the NCB
  • Topics that fall outside the shared responsibilities of the MoU may be raised at the NCSC for consideration by the responsible authority / organization.


CAF: DCOS Strat Plans CJCR League: League ED or Designated Rep Secretary: Strat Plans Mgr CJCR

Quarterly (adjusted when required)

Regional Cadet Advisory Group (RCAG)

Execute Direction from the NCSC / Address Issues Identified by the CCC:

  • Synchronize performance reporting up to the NCSC
  • Concur on direction and guidance to provide to the CCC, inclusive of any unresolved disagreements within subordinate consultative forums
  • Concur on action to take to address issues raised by the CCC inclusive of elevating them to the NCSC for action or information when resolved regionally
  • Establish and direct to adhoc or standing Issues Management Action Teams which could be CAF-led, League-led or co-led, as determined by the RCAG, based on the nature of each issue
  • Identify potential best practices and lessons learned to be shared with other RCAGs and the NCSC


CAF: OC Area
Leagues: Provincial Presidents Secretary: TBD

Minimum Twice Annually (~Fall / Spring)

Community Coordinating Committee (CCC)

Execute Direction from the RCAG / Address Issues Identified by the Corps/Squadrons & Local Committees:

  • Synchronize performance reporting up to the RCAG
  • Identify issues to be elevated to the RCAG for consideration, inclusive of any unresolved disagreements within the CCC
  • Identify potential best practices and lessons learned to be shared with other RCAGs and the NCSC

OC Area

CAF: Corps / Squadron COs League: Local Committee Chairs Secretary: Z Trg O

Minimum Twice Annually (~Fall / Spring)

Consultative Framework to oversee, guide and enable interactions between the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and Cadet Leagues in the provision and performance measurement of shared roles and responsibilities.

Roles within the Consultative Forums

Responsibilities – It is incumbent of the Consultative Forum Chairs, Members, Secretaries and Invited SMEs/Observers to represent the full breadth of their areas of responsibility.

Chairs (Established by the CAF)

Chairs are responsible to:

  • seek concurrence of agenda and meeting schedule (e.g., forward planning agenda and meeting rhythm) and invited SMEs and observers,
  • convene the meeting,
  • facilitate the consultative process within the mandate of the meeting,
  • ensure that members’ views are solicited and considered,
  • seek concurrence on action items, including issues to be elevated (or not) to higher level consultative forums, and
  • approve the records of decisions.

Members (MoU Participant Representatives) (Ex-Officio Members TBC)

Members are responsible to:

  • effectively represent the view of their respective organization and consider issues from a pan-organization perspective,
  • provide pertinent information and documentation in a timely manner (e.g., target is 2 weeks in advance) for agenda items they are responsible for (e.g. pre-reading, briefing placemats), to give other members reasonable time to review, analyze, and provide their response and input, and engage in productive discussion
  • seek training or professional development, as required, from their respective organizations to ensure they can effectively contribute to and participate in the consultative forum,
  • ensure that all options and perspectives are brought to the attention of the forum, and
  • support the Chair in the consultative process by contributing their professional and personal expertise.

Secretary (Established by the CAF)

Secretaries are responsible for:

  • forward agenda planning,
  • meetings scheduling,
  • agenda production,
  • timely distribution of pre-reading / briefing material,
  • logistical coordination,
  • records of decisions, and
  • action items management.

Invited Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) & Observers

  • SMEs may be asked to brief a consultative forum on a specific issue as determined and concurred by members of the consultative forum. In those cases, they will be invited to attend either for all or only a portion of the meeting, as required.
  • Observers may be invited to attend by a member of the consultative forum and concurred by the other members. Observers authorized to be in attendance are not permitted to be active participants unless specifically called upon by a member of the consultative forum.

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) - DND DIN 2020-030021 Consultative Arrangement for Executing Shared Responsibilities in Support of Cadets and Cadet Corps and Squadrons

Shared Responsibilities (Section 5)

Consultative Arrangement (Section 6)

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