12-05 – Cadet Flags and Banners
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. This order describes the policy with respect to the use of Cadet flags and banners.
Authorized Flags and Banners
2. QR(Cadets) 5.35 authorizes the following distinctive flags and banners to be flown by cadets organizations:
- the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets Ensign;
- the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Flag;
- the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Banner;
- the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Trumpet Banner;
- the Royal Canadian Army Cadets Pipe Banner;
- the Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets;
- the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Ensign;
- the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Banner;
- the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Pipe Banner; and
- the Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron Banner.
Use of Cadet Flags and Banners
3. The flags specified in paragraph 2 a, b, g and j may be carried by a cadet corps/squadron on parade. The banners specified in paragraph 2. c, d, e, h and i should only be carried on parade on important ceremonial occasions to indicate the formation of a formed cadet body.
4. The Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets is strictly a marker flag and shall not be carried on parade.
5. Commanding officers of cadet corps/squadrons and summer training centres shall ensure that the flags and banners are:
- not referred to as Standards or Colours;
- not emblazoned with honours or consecrated. They may, however, be dedicated;
- not, except as prescribed in paragraph (6), issued at public expense.
6. The flags specified in paragraph 2. a, f and g of this article, shall be included in the appropriate scales of issue for centres established to conduct summer training, and shall be flown from a pole or mast at such centres
7. The banners specified in paragraph 2. c, d, e, h and i are not replaced when worn beyond usable life, but are then deposited, like Colours, as memorials to the service which the banner commemorates.
Paying Compliments
8. Cadet flags and banners shall be paid compliments at all times, less the Camp Flag of the Royal Canadian Army Cadets, by cadet instructors, civilian instructors and cadets.
9. Members of the Canadian Forces, except as prescribed in paragraph 8 are not required by regulation to pay compliments to command, branch, cadet or other training centre flags. Visiting members of the Canadian Forces may be individually asked to pay, out of courtesy, compliments to cadet flags at cadet corps/squadron or other cadet establishment.
OPI: D Cdts 5
Date: Jan 99
Amendment: Original
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