12-24 – Reporting Procedures – Injuries, Exposure or Suspected Exposure to Toxic Substances or Material – Cadets and Civilian Instructors (CI)

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

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1. This order describes the policy for the procedures in reporting injuries, serious illness, exposure or suspected exposure to toxic substances or material to Cadets and Civilian Instructors (CIs).  It should be read in conjunction with Queen’s Regulations and Orders for the Canadian Cadet Organizations (QR (Cdts)) 8.21 and 8.22, Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATO) 12-23 and with Cadet League Insurance Programmes.

2. Reporting procedures for members of the Regular Force, Reserve Force and officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) shall be in accordance with Defence Administrative Order and Directive (DAOD) 5018-2.


2. The aim of reporting all injuries, exposure or suspected exposure to toxic substances or material is to ensure that injuries or exposures are adequately documented for future use by the Canadian Forces (CF) or the cadet/CI.

4. Commanding Officers (CO) must report all injuries, exposure or suspected exposure to toxic substances or material in accordance with the procedures established in this CATO.  Copies of form DND 2299 (available in the electronic format through the Defence Forms catalogue) must be available at cadet activities in order to initiate report procedures as early as possible after an accident has happened.  Next of kin is to be notified of the accident as soon as possible.


5. The CO shall initiate the completion of form DND 2299 for:

  1. an injury, exposure or suspected exposure to toxic substances or material that may result in permanent disability; and
  2. any other injury, exposure or suspected exposure to toxic substances or material except a minor injury such as a superficial cut or bruise.

6. Completion of form DND 2299 long after the event is not sufficient to meet legal requirements (prescription periods for claims purposes will vary, having regard to the nature of the circumstances surrounding the injury) and may be of questionable value since the information recorded is more likely to be inaccurate or unreliable due to the passage of time and faded memories.  The responsibility for ensuring that form DND 2299 is originated and properly completed for each injured person rests with the CO who shall:

  1. ensure that the report is completed and forwarded to higher authority no later than fourteen (14) days after the event;
  2. ensure that paragraph 2 of form DND 2299 is completed by the injured person.  The fact that the injured person is unable to make a statement is not a reason to postpone the submission of the report.  The report shall be submitted and a statement obtained and forwarded as soon as possible.  The report shall be submitted even if the time limit is exceeded;
  3. ensure that statements made by the injured person and witnesses are:
    (1) in the first person,
    (2) in their own words,
    (3) brief, but contain details of the circumstances under which the injury was sustained, and
    (4) signed and dated by the person making the statement; and
  4. where it is necessary to submit a statement of a witness, detail another officer to obtain the statement.

7. Additional copies of the report should be certified as true copies.


8. Regional Cadet Support Units (RCSU) are responsible to complete form DND 2299 which should be read in conjunction with DAOD 7000-2, Canadian Forces Administrative Orders (CFAO) 24-6 Investigation of Injuries or Death and CFAO 59-3 Claims By or Against the Crown. The RCSU CO is responsible to ensure that instructions stipulated in orders are followed.


9. The report shall be typed or handwritten and distributed as follows: Regional Cadet Support Unit (RCSU) - original copy with signatures; injured person - one (1) copy; Cadet Corps file - one (1) copy; National Office of the concerned League - one (1) copy.

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OPI: D Cdts 2

Date: Dec 08

Amendment:  Ch 14/08

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