14-20 Annex A - ​​Terms of Accountability RCSU and DET Radiation Safety – OPI

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)

RCSU Radiation Safety OPI

1. General.

Position: RCSU Radiation Safety OPI
UIC/Position Number:
Organization: Cadet Instructor Cadre
MOC: Any
Security Clearance:
Special Skills/Knowledge: BOQ

2. Position Description.  The RCSU Radiation Safety OPI is appointed by and accountable to the RCSU CO. The OPI is to ensure that the cadet program abides by departmental policies regarding exposure to radioluminescent material as per DND policy NSOD-NSI 2-160 and in accordance with policy promulgated by Director General Nuclear Safety (DGNS).  The OPI must keep the RCSU CO advised on all Nuclear Activities and radiation safety issues (internal and external) that affect the organization.

3. Main Responsibilities. The RCSU Radiation Safety OPI is responsible to the RCSU CO for:

  1. Radiation Safety Administration:
    (1) advising the RCSU CO on all aspects of ionizing radiation safety including:

    i. results and number of annual inspections of detachment,
    ii. requests to bases or units for assistance, and
    iii. results and number of any DGNS/DNSC inspections.

    (2) providing advice/assistance to subordinate Detachment Radiation Safety OPI’s.
    (3) providing the point of contact for DCdts, DGNS, Command Rad SO and Detachment Radiation Safety OPIs on matters pertaining to Radiation Safety at the RCSU.
    (4) ensuring the Detachment(s) is following promulgated ionizing radiation safety policy, i.e., CATO 14-20 and NSI 2-160.
    (5) reviewing, at least annually, the ionizing radiation policy, orders and procedures of the organization.
    (6) ensuring that the Detachment/Units have a Radiation Safety OPI appointed.
    (7) maintaining a current list of the Base and unit Rad SO’s within the chain of command.
  2. b. Radiation Safety Protection:
    (1) coordinating with the supporting base Rad SO for the removal of artifacts or ionizing radiation sources from detachments.
    (2) providing assistance and guidance to the detachments in the investigating and reporting of RHO’s (Radiological Hazardous Occurrences).

4. Appointment of RCSU Radiation Safety OPI.  The RCSU CO will appoint an RCSU Radiation Safety OPI iaw CATO 14-20 and NSI 2-160.

Detachment Radiation Safety OPI

1. General.

Position: Detachment Radiation Safety OPI
UIC/Position Number:
Organization: Cadet Instructor Cadre
MOC: Any
Security Clearance:
Special Skills/Knowledge: BOQ

2. Position Description. The Detachment Radiation Safety OPI is appointed by and accountable to the Detachment Commanding Officer. He performs his duties in accordance with CATO 14-20 and NSI 2-160 and his Terms of Reference.

3. Main Responsibilities.  The Detachment Radiation Safety OPI is responsible to the CO for:

  1. Radiation Safety Administration:
    (1) advising the CO on all aspects of ionizing radiation safety,
    (2) performing an annual verification of stock holdings to ensure no ionizing radioactive materials or artifacts exist at the detachment.
    (3) should a suspect item be found the Detachment OPI shall follow the procedures in CATO 14-20 and contact the RCSU OPI.
    (4) review at least annually the ionizing radiation safety policy, orders and procedures of the detachment.
    (5) ensure the detachment is compliant prior to the CO signing the annual letter of attestation.
    (6) submitting an annual report to the RCSU OPI highlighting any unusual incidents, DGNS/DNSC Inspections or RHOs.
  2. Radiation Safety Protection:
    (1) assisting the RCSU OPI and Base Rad SO on the removal of artifacts or ionizing radiation sources from the detachment.
    (2) investigating and reporting RHO’s to the Detachment CO under the direction of the RCSU Radiation Safety OPI.

4. Appointment of Detachment Radiation Safety OPI’s:  The Detachment Commanding Officer must appoint a Detachment Radiation Safety OPI iaw CATO 14-20 and NSI 2-160.

  1. D Cdts and the RCSU Radiation Safety OPI shall be notified of the appointment.
  2. the Detachment Commanding Officer must document the appointment in writing and must inform the RCSU Radiation Safety OPI of changes in appointments.

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