14-37 – ​​​Rucksack Weight

Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)


1. This Cadet Administrative and Training Order (CATO) aims to establish a policy to determine the weight a cadet can carry on his/her back.


2. In the Canadian Cadet Organisation (CCO), the safety of cadets is our top priority. During training, cadets must often carry a load on their backs. The maximum weight a cadet can carry must therefore be established to prevent injuries.

3. Furthermore, the teenage years bring many physical changes; the bone structure is still growing and has not yet reached maturity. Some studies have demonstrated that the weight a teenager carries on his/her back can have an adverse effect on his/her bone structure.

4. This policy is based on research done by universities and agencies in this field. The research was carried out in order to establish safety parameters as to the amount of weight a teenager can carry on his/her back.

Packlight Philosophy

5. The packlight philosophy encourages the transport of necessary equipment only. The lighter the pack, the more the cadet will enjoy his/her experience. For example, the cadet will have sufficient energy to carry out tasks in the setting up of the campsite. Traveling light also reduces fatigue induced injuries (tripping and falling, dehydration, etc.) and injuries related to stress on the back, legs, ankles and feet.

Load That a Cadet Can Carry

6. Cadets between the ages of 12 and 15 can carry a load not exceeding 25% of their body weight.

7. Cadets 16 years of age and over can carry a load not exceeding 30% of their body weight. 

8. As cadet supervisors, we must consider other factors to prevent injuries.  The medical condition and physical fitness of the cadet, the type of backpack, the distance covered and the type of terrain are all factors to consider.  If one of those factors can affect the health/safety of the cadet, we must lighten the load that the cadet will carry. We must not wait until the cadet feels pain in the back, legs, knees, ankles or feet before taking action.

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OPI:  D Cdts 3

Date: Jun 03

Amendment:  Original

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