16-04 Annex B - Medication Administration
Cadet Administrative and Training Orders (CATOs)
1. Identification of cadet:
[Insert full name and initials, unit and date of birth]
2. I, [Insert name]
have been interviewed by health care professionals regarding the administration, care and custody of my medications while at the CSTC/Course/Exchange. I have parental/ guardian consent (Annex C).
3. Specifically I have been made aware that it is my responsibility to take my medication in the prescribed dosages and at the required times. I alone am responsible for missing doses.
4. I am aware that medical staff are available should I have questions or concerns regarding my medication.
5. I will maintain custody and security of my medications at all times. I will not share or otherwise give any of my medication to another person.
6. Failure to meet these conditions may result in my RTU and disciplinary action may be taken. I will also be accountable for any medication(s) given to others or not taken by myself.
[Cadet - signature]
7. Identification of cadet:
[full name and initials, unit and date of birth]
Medication and quantity kept by cadet:
[Insert medication]
[Insert quantity]
[Insert medication]
[Insert quantity]
[Insert medication]
[Insert quantity]
[Insert medication]
[Insert quantity]
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